Gearworkdragon's Forum Posts

  • oosyrag Ok yeah ummm i feel dumb i just added another array contain value not equal to "blank" and you cant use Or block for it either has to be include as a whole condition.

    Btw is there a way to delete off the first value element so that its one width shorter, since it's just a location name and number Im guessing it would be delete an element to the front and how and where would i put it so that after its done with populating the array i can just delete off the extra element.

  • oosyrag when you say " array compare current Value != 0 ) How do i do this to include the "!" or did you mean "not equal to "

    Ok um it works but it still giving me the blank spaces in the randomizer array. ? Will i have to recheck the array and delete the last X axis. Or can i get it to stop just right before the blank spot.

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  • oosyrag Your example is sorta almost to what i have in mind but What i have set up is one array to have all the location and their spawn pool monster.

    Such as this Route 1 | Slime | Bat | Cat |

    Route 2 | Slime | Cat | Wolf | Giant Turtle | Lion

    And those are in the same array just the X value of Route 1 is at 0 and Route 2 is at 1. I want to do a call back system where if i am on the section of the Map Route one. I have a global variable to include the area name Route 1

    and so id like the contruct two to quickly find in the array of the route 1 and use a random modifier to choose between Slime bat cat for route one but if i am on route two use the slime,cat, wolf, Giant turtle, lion.

    And my idea was to use something like to check the array on the X axis of the area name such as route 2 to add one variable count to the local variable pool to use so that If you are on route one the pool would be Four and id would just minus one at the end so that it would be three. So then Id would have contruct two to use the local variable Pool for the max number of monster to choose from and then it could just be ( choose (1- pool) ) and then next it would use that new chosen value to find the array monster in the function of []

    And then use that found and chosen array value to be use as the enemy in a 1v1 setting.

    And this would just be all in one function so that for every new route id create it would just be in the array so that it would just be me creating art and maps lol.

    But I do like your example btw can you explain the event conditions they are a tad confusing to know where you got your result to be like that.

    My main problem is getting construct two to find the right loop to check for the data and then set it to the local variable called pool.

    I hope this makes sense

  • or if you like you can use group for disabling certain event block from firing if you plan on returning to the specific event.

  • Function is still the way to go. You forgot to make a change happen before the function. Try this Mouse click , overlapping the Ligne then flip it's varable and then call the function.

    Because you just simply ask it to start chain reaction when the action hasnt started.

    Its like asking the water to jump but you haven't bump the table yet. Function is rather a weird cookie it behave smart but it need a push for it to call just right. especially the for each

  • If i may are you looping infinite or do you have a previous condition that would make them only move when the condition comes true.

    like a trigger event first or if you want you can slap it onto a function and only call it to be use when needed.

  • Hey this is exactly im working on but I have a question here as well

    Is there a way to do something like I have a global variable called location. and i have an array that has the row for each location and id like to do something like this

    " For each, data of [location] does not equal to zero then + 1 to the [pool]"

    And next id have something like Choose random(1-[pool])

    And then have it to where what ever number it choose it has the name of the monster and i can use that to pull the data for that monster alone.

    This is what Ive thought of but how do I write that as an expression for construct to use ? Because let say on route one there is only three monster but on "Route 5" there's ten monster. So in other word the [pool] can be 3 or ten

    I believe this can apply to levels as well ?

  • another thing to consider is that if you dont want a million set to array you use rexs cvs to array. Its basically an excel format with commas delimiter that the plugin can quickly build the array for you and you can just simply update the excel its great.

  • try Arrays its exactly what you want. Keep in mind there is 1d,2d,3d, style array.

    Read up the manual for the array. Just curious how large is this database going to get ?

  • why do you nee opacity 50% and know this on default contruct two treat all sprite and stuff at 100% opacity otherwise stated.

    you can't you just erase the white outlind and just import it at 100% and then change it to 50% contruct two is just an engine not a brain it doesnt know what you want until it receive logic orders.

  • this is pretty simple and i can see why you didn't find you have on start of layout to set the coin for start and you have when bought restart the layout will actively re-trigger the on start of layout to set the coin back to ten. So in other word the Event that is causing the problem is the restart layout.

    And you are telling construct two to buy an item reduce total money coin and then restart on layout and then on the beginning of loading the layout (on start of layout) to set coin to ten and then the text back to the ten. If you disable the on-start it will function correctly.

  • what i mean to make sure that the event will only run once while true so that you dont get weird *** glitches.

  • Well im working on a pokemon clone template which is a bit different but they all function about the same way just no character movement and income is based on timers and generally is usually isometric map but other then that yes,

  • Is this Skill like class point to invest into passive and active skill/spells.

    Your example one is really rather confusing. Can you re-write it a little better. I know us game developer have poor ability in grammar and such. But its important to do spell check and stuff so that we can communicate a little better. I mean I am native in the English language and i still struggle but just try to re check your wording so that we are both on the same page.

    and about the shop thingy its pretty simple you could make out another array and define it as such and use it to populate the shop based on levels of your class so that it doesnt spoil the end game spells but rather make us wonder what is the next level of spell to choose from.

    But im not there yet im still working on the function so far I can load the array into another array using param and value. im still learning as much as you are just give me a heads up if you get stuck somewhere and I can try to think up a logic and code.

  • Layers ?

    such as put the map on the lowest layer and then put game on the layer above?