gaboduarte's Forum Posts

  • BUMP!

    Sorry for bothering, but I'm excited to see this plugin working 100%! :P

    If you guys think relative targeting is a big improvement, why not have a Dropdown Menu with the option between Absolute and Relative? (similar to the "Set Group Active" box)?

  • May be it's because the input for target and origin is a string and variable values are not properly interpreted.

    Or it accepts only numbers.

    You can make this work by "stringing" your properties, using the "str()".

    example: str(Sprite.X) & "," & str(Sprite.Y)

    However, this is very counter-productive as the events begin to look messy. Also, I find it weird that the Target is RELATIVE, and not absolute to the layout.

    lunarray if you could change both "initial" and "target" to allow us to use any object properties (or, say, global variable), then the target wouldn't have to be relative to the tweened object. If you wanted that, you could simply use "Sprite.X + 100, Sprite.Y + 100"

    Maybe Ashley can help us? :D

    This is the nicest tween plugin we have here - it has all the powerful tweening features from Flash! The only thing holding me from using it is the ability to use an object property as coordinate or value easily!

  • oops, guess I didn't make myself clear.

    I didn't upload it to test it, I simply double-clicked the file in the folder on my desktop.

    Ashley After I read your comment I went back to the release notes and read about the file preview being removed. I'll change change my default folder to the dropbox and it'll be fine. Sorry!

  • Hi folks.

    I just installed v99 and made a simple project because I wanted to try letterbox mode in a iFrame.

    So I just:

    • Created a .capx project
    • Set layout size (and project) to 1024x768
    • Created a sprite
    • Drew some doodles (AWESOME IMAGE EDITORZZZ!!1!)
    • Placed 5 of them in the layout
    • Hit the export, HTML WEB, without minify.

    Pretty basic, can't get more simple than that.

    BUT, when I went to the folder and accessed the index.html, I get a black screen, and the alert:

    Title: "Javascript Alert"

    Message: "Exported games won't work until you upload them"

    What could be happening?

    I can upload the .capx, but I just started a new one, did the same procedures, and got the same message!

    Thanks in advance Ash!

  • This is very relevant to my interests!! Nice work!

  • Hmmm I'm not sure if Ashley had a deeper look into this.

    Adding a transparent pixel only works if you are using tiled backgrounds that repeat on one axis. Just go to the image editor and resize it by one pixel (without stretching).

  • Time to grab a cheap android phone...

    Any ideas on which model should I get?!

  • Great stuff!

    May I ask how you did the towers' attack animation?

  • Wow! Can't wait to check out the games! We don't see many middleeast games around!

  • Wow! Gonna try it today!

    Awesome news folks!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Nice! I played it until the scenery scrolled to the end :P

    Nice work!

    How did you make the ship's stroke become red when they receive damage? Is it a different frame or some kind of tinting?

  • I managed to create a nice way to spawn sprites with lifebars, using the Fors and Picks. You can download the game and .capx in here:

    ...but I guess you can also achieve it with the new "PinnedUID" expression. I haven't tried it yet, but I imagine it can be done.


  • I remember this game!

    It was published a while ago, and it's a nice concept!

    I love the soothing music :)

    Will you share your plugins for highscore and ads?

  • yay! ive been asking for something like this for a while!

    cant wait to test it!!!