Frostein's Forum Posts

  • Ok here's my capx. If anyone could take a look and let me know if there's anything i can do, that would be awesome. You can toggle on the simulate latency in the signalling group, so u can see the lagfest.

    This is my first attempt at multiplayer, so if there's something obvious i'm doing wrong please point it out.

    Edit. Toggle on the Archer icon and press Versus to go into the game.

  • Im not too familiar with sprite sheets, but i think the three objects is the way to go.

    you can set the animation frames to change the appearance for each. Using the message broadcasts to change a variable, instead of syncing constantly.

  • Anyone have any tips or can tell me what i need to look into? Ive read everything i can find, not that i completely understand it all...

    Ive used the same methods as the real time multiplayer game tutorial, theres also only 1 peer and 1 host in a game. Surely this cant be eating enough bandwidth to make the game unplayable.

    There must be a way!

  • Tried setting it to internet. Nothing changed, must have been on it default. Ive also played around with the send modes and interpolation to no success.

    How can i make sure the peer doesn't move until it receives the message back from the host?

    Is there a way for the host to know if the peer desync's, and set the object position back to where it should be? or stop the inputs from peer until the object catches up?

    Starting to think this is impossible. Ive set my game up the same way as in the real time game tutorial, and its not playable.

  • Cant upload capx atm, will do later.

    What do you mean by bandwidth profile?

  • So i exported my game today to test with a friend. Usually when i run it locally there's very minimal peer lag. However, when i tested it, its absolutely unplayable. As the peer, movement is very stuttered, lots of teleporting and results in both characters dissapearing. As the host watching the peer, its just the same, peer is very laggy and dissapears.

    If anyone could give me any tips on how to fix this, or explain what is happening, id be very grateful. Here's some screenshots from my events.


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  • The circle halves need to be an even number in size, 128,256,512 etc. I used the sprite images in the samples the tutorial provides

  • Im looking to try and export my multiplayer game and test it with a friend.

    Where do i start?

  • Thanks for the help yet again! However i decided to go with the lazy route, and just use the objects i already have synced. all animations have the same collision size/shape so it shouldnt be too much of a problem!

  • Basically need a way to give the 'sprite anims' object the same 'player_name' variable as the 'Sprite'. so that when 'Sprite' changes variables, it changes the associated 'sprite_anims' variables too. Which in turn play the animations. stumped.

  • You need a separate event for when both keys are pressed.

    if 'player object' is jumping + direction button is pressed > Set animation 'Jump'

  • You can use On animation finished, set animation to idle.

    Or On key released (Shoot button), set animation state to idle

    Maybe check to see if you have the 'spit' animation set to loop, in animation properties.

  • Ok, so i'm having actual nightmares about this.

    I've got a 1 v 1 multiplayer game. I'm trying to add another object 'Sprite_Anims' to play animations for the main player object 'Sprite'.

    To change the animations, i am using the player inputs to send messages. The messages change variables on the Player object 'Sprite'. so if 'Sprite' variable 'Attack' = 1, the object 'Sprite_Anims' should play 'Attack' animation.

    I've tried approaching this the same way as i did with the player object, by assigning the Multiplayer ID's to a variable 'Player_Name'.

    This works fine with the player object 'Sprite', each instance gets assigned the correct ID, and the variables are set accordingly to the input messages.

    However, the animation object 'Sprite_Anims' is haunting me. It appears that the variable 'Player_Name' isnt being properly set to the Multiplayer ID's, and im not sure why. It looks like both instances are assigned the same ID.

    If anyone could take a look and point me in the right direction, then maybe i could be sane once again.


  • Thanks for the tip, ill give it a go.

  • Create the group and drag all your sprite objects into it. Then you can use the System set group active event.