Frostein's Forum Posts

  • Heres a tutorial

    Pretty simple, i was able to follow it an recreate in 20 mins or so.

  • Hi, im trying to make cooldowns for abilities. When 'player sprite' spawns 'bullet object' id like to wait until the bullet is destroyed to spawn another.

    Ive tried doing it with a 'cooldown' variable but it seems to have no effect. This is what i have,

    On right click / if 'cooldown' = 0 > create 'bullet object'

    On 'bullet object' Created > set 'cooldown' to 1

    On 'bullet object' Destroyed > set 'cooldown' to 0

    On bullet distance traveled >600 > Destroy 'bullet object'

    Ive tried a few variations of this. Sometimes it has no effect, other times you can just spawn 1 then no more after that. Any ideas would be appreciated ty.

  • Haha nice one! its always something mega simple that you would never think of. Looking forward to seeing your game.

  • Thanks for the reply. I guess it is mainly to do with the collisions, some weird things can happen, falling through the floor etc.

    Anyone else know if there are other benefits or reasons?

    If i use the same shape / size collision box for all animations, will this make a difference?

  • Thanks for the reply. I guess it is mainly to do with the collisions, some weird things can happen, falling through the floor etc.

    Anyone else know if there are other benefits or reasons?

    If i use the same shape / size collision box for all animations, will this make a difference?

  • Maybe try giving it the destroy outside layout behaviour, and set the position/ layer on start of layout. Make sure its initial state is set to visible. Hard to say without seeing project contents.

  • I have a simple multiplayer 1 v 1 fighter game set up. At the moment i have the actual Player controlled object playing the animations.

    I've tried creating another object to set the animations, and set its position to the player object every tick. It seems to create a slight de-sync in position, causing unnecessary movement delay.

    what are the benefits of doing it this way? i don't really understand.


  • Ok i've sorted it lol, the original sprite image must have been too big.

    re-sizing it in Photoshop rather than in the layout worked. Thanks for the assistance!

  • I think the layers are just the visual aspect, for having objects displayed above others. Objects can still interact with each other on other layers to my understanding.

  • Just tried it in explorer too, to no avail. Ive not set the cursor style.

    What i have is this,

    On start of layout > Set cursor from sprite 'Sprite3'

    I also tried just setting the cursor style on its own

    On start of layout > Set cursor style to Crosshair (This works fine)

    Kinda stumped lol.

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  • Thanks! i tried the 'set cursor from sprite' but cant seem to find a trigger that works. 'On start if layout' makes most sense to me, however it doesn't seem to do anything.

  • When you crouch, disable the input from the Platform behaviour.

    When the crouch button is realeased, enable the input again.

  • What is the best way to change the image for the cursor? without setting a sprite to the mouse position every tick.


    Edit, another quick question, how can i set a sprite bound to layout only on the X axis?

  • Are there any tutorials or recommended ways to more accurately display the position of the peers character object?

    its fine on the hosts end, but when i move around and jump as the peer, it sometimes lags behind, or doesent jump at all.

  • instead of using 'move forward', Give your Sprite directional movement behavior.

    Then use 'on key A is down' > Simulate Moving Left

    Then use 'on key D is down' > Simulate Moving Right

    You can set the max speed of the object as you like.

    Use the physics behavior to enable and disable gravity as you need. Use the 'on key is down' 'on key is released'

    to trigger