Frostein's Forum Posts

  • on falling you have set the vector position to -700Y, not really sure what that's for.

    Also, i dont think you need the Player box object. You can set the collisions of the raptor to bounding box and give the raptor sprite platform bahaviour.

  • Sorted! Thanks for the input, it helped me out a lot. If you ever want some graphics doing gimme a message.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks dude. Ill give it a go!

  • Give it a variable 'Punch'

    When 'punch animation' is finished > add 1 to 'punch' variable

    When 'punch animation2' is finished > add 1 to 'punch' variable

    When 'punch animation3' is finished > add 1 to 'punch' variable

    if 'punch' variable is 0 > Play 'punch animation 1'

    if 'punch' variable is 1 > Play 'punch animation 2'

    if 'punch' variable is 2 > Play 'punch animation 3'

    if 'punch' variable is 3 > subtract 3 from 'punch' variable


  • System every X seconds > 'Your Sprite Object' Find path to 'Your Sprite Object 2'

    is the basic way to get things moving to a target. Set the Variable 'Moving' to 'Your Sprite Object'

    On path found if 'Moving is 'False' > Move along path

    Is moving along path > set 'Moving' to 'True'

    Use the compare distance tool to select how far you want to stop from an object

    if 'Your Sprite Object 2.X' is less than 'Your Sprite Object.X' > 'Your Sprite Object' Stop

    'Your Sprite Object' set 'Moving' to 'False'

    if 'Your Sprite Object 2.Y' is less than 'Your Sprite Object.Y' > 'Your Sprite Object' Stop

    'Your Sprite Object' set 'Moving' to 'False'

    You can use 'is moving along path' to trigger other events when the sprite is moving along its path

    Hope it helps.

  • go to 11:40


  • Debugger, its next to the run layout play button. Tells you some stuff

  • Sound pretty small, maybe you have lots of sprites spawn? or lots of physics / objects / collisions at the same time?

    run debugger and see where the memory goes

  • System Every tick, as the event

  • assuming you have a 'health' variable on your character sprite, you can do it like this

    Every tick > Set Textbox to 'charactersprite'.health

    of course replace the 'charactersprite' with the name of your actual sprite

  • Oh yeah and i forgot,

    When 'Health' is equal or less than 0 > Destroy 'Character Sprite'

  • Give your Character Sprite a variable 'Health' and set its initial value to 100, or whatever you like

    On 'Projectile' collision with 'Character Sprite' > Subtract X amount from 'Health' Variable

    You can also Destroy the projectile in this event.

    Hope it helps!

  • Right click on the event sheet, 'Create Global Variable'

  • Create a variable for your sprite 'Is Pressed'

    On key pressed 'L' > Set 'Is Pressed' to 1 > Set sprite animation 'punch animation'

    On animation finished 'punch animation' > Set 'Is Pressed' to 0 > set sprite animation 'Idle'

    Make sure your animation is set to not looped.

    Hope it helps

  • It sounds like it could be the images you're using. Try converting to .png, compressing and reducing size as much as possible.