Frostein's Forum Posts

  • Some wacky stuff is happening, hard to explain lol

  • Nah i dont at the moment man sorry.

    What ive been trying is this and similar...

    - Gave sprite Variable 'Class'

    • Sync the variable 8 bit
    • For the peer.

    If Global Variable 'Class' = 1 > Setbit(Self.Class, 1, 1)

    If Global Variable 'Class' = 2 > Setbit(Self.Class, 2, 1)

    Set client input state "Class" to Sprite.Class

    • For the Host.

    If Variable 'Player_Name' = Multiplayer.MyID > Set Sprite Variable 'Class' to Global 'Class'

    If Variable 'Player_Name' Is Not = Multiplayer.MyID > Getbit(Sprite.Class, 1) = 1 > Set 'Class' to 1

    If Variable 'Player_Name' Is Not = Multiplayer.MyID > Getbit(Sprite.Class, 2) = 1 > Set 'Class' to 2

    • Common.

    If 'Class' = 1 > Set Animation to 'Class1'

    If 'Class' = 2 > Set Animation to 'Class2'

    Please Forgive me for my abomination of an explanation, i know... its laughable ^^. I have 0 coding experience and just a few weeks with this program.

    If you have an email address and a little spare time, i can send you my project so you can see for yourself. Id be happy to help with any graphic work in exchange

  • Spent so much time on this, I cant even think anymore so it might be a simple solution.

    I have a multiplayer 1v1 fighter game.

    Before going from 'Login' Layout to 'Game' layout, the player chooses class1 or class2, it is then set to a global variable 'Class'. 1 or 2.

    How can i use the variable to change the animation for the character sprite? With the correct animations displayed on the Host and Peer's screen for each character.

    Ive tried loads of stuff and my mind is boggled. Any help or alternative suggestions would be Amazing. Thanks. (Not able to post Capx yet sorry)

  • Duplicate this 'Keyboard > Space is down > [PLAYER] Set position to (self.x+15; self.y)'

    Add another condition to each 'A is down' and 'D is down'. Presuming you are using those for your direction buttons.

    change the x+15 to x-15 for the one moving left.

    Hope it helps

  • Thanks! This is pretty much what i need, you're a wizard Harry.

  • Pls team! Show me the light.

  • if the host disconnects, How do i pick a new host from peers already in a room? Cant seem to find any options in the Multiplayer object.

    thanks in advance.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • nvm im dumb lol

  • Hi, i have two check boxes that set the global variable 'Class' to 1 or 2. How can i reset the global variable 'Class' back to 0 when no check boxes are checked? Cheers

  • You could add physics behavior to the character. Disable it on start of layout. Then when the projectile hits, enable and apply force towards position

  • Maybe this might work.

    On animation finished 'Attack' > Set animation to 'Idle'

    You could also look at what is triggering the attack animation and try to do a work around.

  • Hi, I've been trying to recreate a simple version of the real-time multiplayer game example. Here's my capx There's something weird going on when the peer object is created, I've been staring at it and comparing it for a while and cant find the problem. You will see what i mean if you load up the project, it seems to create two instances of itself.

    I'm very new to this program, and creating games in general. If someone could explain in newbie terms what is happening, that would be awesome.

    Im also planning on adding projectiles (rather than the laser in the tutorial project). Would i approach this the same way as the direction inputs, by sending the position?

    Thanks in advance for your guidance.

  • Hi, id like to make a simple fighter game. At the moment i have 'wasd' movement, with two abilities assigned to left and right click.

    Id like to make it multiplayer. Where do i start? Any help or tutorial links would be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind i am a beginner.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Sorry to resurrect this, but i'm still faced with this problem.

    I'm using the free version so i'm unable to try it with families. However, i have tried lots of different ways of doing this, but still cant get them to overlap correctly.

    Just to make it super clear, what im trying to do is set my sprites so that they are displayed above an instance of the same sprite (and others), when they are closer to the bottom of the screen (Higher Y value). Also, when they move back above the sprite, to then be displayed behind.

    I would list everything i have tried, but aint nobody got time for that, and to be honest i cant even remember.

    If someone could give this a crack it would make my day. been at it for ages.


  • Give your enemies Path finding Behavior if you haven't already. Then,

    System Every Tick - Enemy Find path to Player.x Player.Y

    On Path Found - Move Along Path

    Hope it helps!