fanusgames's Forum Posts

  • I want to add multiple language options to my game in the simplest way

    I actually think the simplest method is to edit the excel file and transfer it to the construct

  • Can You Send ScreensShot Of Your Events, For Understand Whats is Going.

  • the ads in the game do not appear when I install the game and open it for the first time, but if I close and open it 1 time, they start to appear, what could be the problem?

  • even though I cleaned all the edges, this happens. I want no black lines

  • If you want to delete 5 sprites in the order from nearest to furthest with a small delay between them, try changing the code like this:

    In fact, this is not what I want, it works smoothly in the code I send before message, what I want is to delete these 5 objects in order when I press the button, but when I make it work when I press the button, only 1 object is deleted.

  • Is this loop nested under some parent event? You need to explain the task.

    The code you posted will destroy only one SpritesA instance at a time. Even if there are 100 sprite instances on the layout, the loop will repeat 101 times, but every time it will be picking the same single instance - closest to (0,0).

    Then after 0.07s delay it will destroy this one instance 101 times :)

    all the code is like this, when I want to make the code to work when a button is pressed, it doesn't happen, but it happens whenever I take the code out.

    so it works smoothly as it is, what I want is to delete the top 5 objects when the button is pressed.

  • "lvl"&4 is the character string "lvl4". You are doing a size <= type comparison with a character string. While this might work for some character strings it isn't standard practice.

    Since I don't understand this part of your code, I don't feel qualified to answer, but I simply point it out as questionable.



    actually what I am asking is that when I press a button, the for loop does not work, it works 1 time, I just want it to work until the for ends when I press the button.

  • I have a for loop that works this way, I want to make it so that when I press the button, it deletes the first 5 objects, but when I press the button, it deletes only 1 object and the others remain.

  • I have an object in multiple layers. but only 1 of these layers randomly appears on the screen

    what I want is to remove the physics property of my objects in the layer that is not visible on the screen and only activate the physics property of the objects that appear on the screen.

    objects duplicated version of the same object


    i want make like this game

    when I pick it up and let go, it goes to the point I want, but what I want is to do something like in this game. when I let go, it goes in the direction I want and a new object appears and we shouldn't be able to drag the old one and let it go. I've gotten this far but I can't do the rest.

  • Perhaps you need to use other values instead of ViewportLeft and ViewportRight

    Yeah, but I couldn't figure out what to use either :(

  • I couldn't do what you said, actually I found a method like this, but here if you play from the desktop etc. then it goes out of the limits I have drawn.

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  • I have an object that I drag with drag drop and I create a new object in the middle of this object, but I want to set certain limits in the drag drop event.

    Object number 1 must fall into the walls I indicated in number 3 and I drop object number 1 by moving the blackness number 2 left and right

  • oh thanks this is what I wanted to do for a few days

    the only problem is that when creating the first object, it will be randomly selected from the first 3 level objects and thrown, I did it this way, but sometimes there is a bug.

  • actually what I want to do is the same game here, if we think according to this, will it be what you said, how should I follow a way?