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Another small animation problem
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I'm sure there's a very simple solution to this, but I'm probably still too much of a noob to figure it out. If the user gets a highscore of over 80 in my game,...

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Title says it all, really! How do I make it so when the player commits to a jump, he jumps in that direction until he lands? Many thanks. Noob.

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How do I check if a value has been changed?
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I have spent the last two hours banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out on my 2D platforming game. I want to be able to tell when my characte...

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how do i change the language of Construct editor?
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Hey, I want to give the first shot with Construct 3. And suddenly, the whole editor is in the Russian language? I don't know if this is common. But I can't read...

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How can I change the color of a certain part of the text?
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Please help!

posted 1 years ago
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How do I keep layout in memory?
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For example I have 2 layouts - "city" and "world". In each there's plenty to do and I need to switch between them often. But when I switch layout - all my chang...

posted 1 years ago
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How to change text with json
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"How can I change the text of a text object in Construct 3 using a JSON file containing a 'team' object with the 'name' property, so that each time an arrow is...

posted 1 years ago
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How do I do a 'color changer' for text?
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A: Replicate the plugin from Minecraft servers that let you make you text go rainbow, like using this code: &u + "Text". Q: Then what you need? A: I did everyth...

posted 9 months ago
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Changing the window title, Pizza Tower style
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I'm currently working on a game using Construct and I would like to figure out how to change the window title depending on the level being played, like in Pizza...

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