fanusgames's Forum Posts

  • Thanks a lot for your help, there is a problem, my 2 merged objects are the same objects.

    sprite1+sprite1 = sprite2 I am creating a new object in the form of sprite1, I could not find how to do this with the code you threw.

    yes objects are completely rounded

  • You can modify following example to your own needs:

    Actually, what I want to do is to find the closest point where the two intersect, but I couldn't figure out how to do it based on this example.

  • there is a situation where I create a new object that disappears when they hit each other and I create a new object in its place, and the new object is always formed in the position of the one who is hit, not the one who is hit.

    what I want is to create a new object at the point where the 2 touch each other and the old objects shrink towards this point and disappear.

  • what I want to do is delete an object if it touches another object for more than 5 seconds

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  • You just need to put it in the same block you had before, then with the action add set variable to 0.

    I can't understand because of the language barrier can you give me an example?

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  • You can use a different global variable to lock out the event so it is not always true. So like variable=0 in the condition, then when you show the text in the action you can set the variable to 1. Then it will only run one time!

    I tried but I still couldn't do it

  • You need to make it so the condition is no longer true, so change the Levels_Open variable? Or if that is an important variable to remain with its current value then use a different variable to act as a trigger once.

    I don't fully understand, I apologize for my bad English levels_open is an important variable that shows what level it is at

  • Example file

    You can do validation before uploading.

    This will reduce the number of unnecessary downloads.

    Yes, I do it this way, but there is such a problem, someone who opens the game and comes back in a short time has loaded 2 ads and sees zero ads, I want to load it when he wants to watch the ad when he clicks the button.

  • when the comment panel appears on the screen, when I close it, it keeps appearing and freezes the game, how do I make it so that it only appears 1 time?

    when I do it this way, nothing appears on the screen and it doesn't work

    When I use trigger once, it does not appear on the screen in the same way

  • I pre-load the adverts and show them when you click the button, but this reflects badly on the number of requests and display rates, only 50% of the requests sent are shown

    What you will see here is that load and show methods are async methods, that is, they do not respond immediately when called.

    how can i do this in construct


  • When the advert is loaded, I want to send it as information to firebase, but every time the page is refreshed, it sends this information again, I want it to send only 1 time when the video is loaded and not send data until it is loaded again.

  • You don't want to look for anything at all. You just want to be given a ready-made answer.

    That's not a problem, but all that information is googleable.

    FireBase has analytics you can use it by buying a plugin for construct3.

    The alternative is game analytics, the documentation is here.

    firstly calm down I thought I had looked enough and wrote here and I couldn't find a video tutorial on how to add the firebase plugin from start to finish

    if I was looking for paid or ready-made apps I would have bought this already I don't want to buy or use something ready-made, I want to watch a tutorial on how to make and use it.

    Thanks for your help.

  • I looked at a lot of videos but I couldn't find it, I just want to add firebase to my application in the statistics section, I want to see how many people are actively using it, from which countries they enter, etc. I can't do this in google play because it is 2 days behind.

    is there a video or content that only shows how to do them

    is there a firebase style statistics application
