Elliott's Forum Posts

  • Constructs seemingly luck based approach to ad fufillment on mobile (I'm assuming due to wrappers, as the vendors are highly popular) has always made me wary of investing too much time into a mobile game.

    I would be very interested if Scirra were to get more hands on with ad networks, as they appear to be doing with IAP.

  • I believe there's a not so subtle insinuation that because C3 is also a browser based HTML5 game engine that runs on a subscription model, it will also go bankrupt.

    A bit passive aggressive for my taste, and it's shame about Goo, they look genuinely impressive and seemed to have some very big users (Nike?!).

  • This would have been helpful, but I can see the reason for it's exclusion.

    Following off of this - can we have an "Inherit Viewport" setting for layout and margin dimensions? The most annoying part of starting a new project is all the fiddling (10s of seconds!) between the project and layout menus.

    Small request, would make my day.

  • Now that we have events to text, and we know the Scirra team have expressed interest in trying a text to events parser, I pray that we're one step closer to a text editor based version of the event sheet.

    Being able to type an event sheet, I'd buy C3 for that alone. Add some decent code hinting and I'm a customer for life.

    I was surprised with how much I enjoyed being able to dock windows literally anywhere, and split existing views (want two side panels to act as event sheets, you can!); off the back of this, I'd love the following:

    1) Save custom layouts to use from the settings menu.

    2) Being able to dock the preview window.

    C3 also has an odd and slightly annoying habit of launching the preview window in the bottom right hand corner of my screen; but this is on a second monitor for a Surface Pro 4, which are absolute ******** when it comes to dual monitors...

  • I'd enjoy this, but a the ability to load local stylesheets from within C3 instead relying on the developer console or a third party plugin would be great and solve this completely.

    For what it's worth:

    .eventSheetRootView:empty+.eventSheetMiniTutorial {

    display: none;


  • The visual UI complaints are largely fixable with a handful of CSS changes, you can get a reasonable dark theme going in a few minutes:

    • Post link icon

    For example, CSS grids are a new browser feature we use for the entire layout of the editor. Grids are designed specifically for this usage in mind, and if we wanted to make it an optional feature we'd end up with div soup.

    Grids are weeks old for public use - it's odd to think that this beta literally couldn't have happened even a month earlier, as the support for C3 wouldn't have existed without dev flags or Canary. Cutting edge indeed.

    At my job we still have to go through a SWOT to see if we can use flexbox...

  • I started animating in programs like EasyToon and TISFAT over 10 years ago, and since then I've used every commercial, hobbyist and niche animation software, both 2D and 3D, I could get my hands on.

    That editor has the best UI I've ever seen. Please for the love of God someone make this work with C3.

  • What happens if you set the z-index of the container to -1 and the z-index of your div to 999?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yeah that should really work, when you look at the developer tools of the page where is the div being drawn? Is it behind the canvas?

    Alternatively is this is some kind of weird source ordering thing, you can use flexbox's flex-order property to make divs display in a different order to how they're written:


    For example, some CSS like the following:

    #yourDiv {
    #c2canvasdiv {
    Should do the trick; please note you'll have to wrap them in a parent div.
    So the HTML will be roughly:
    [code:vmk1fs7z]<div id="container">
    <div id="yourDiv"></div>
    <div id="c2canvasdiv"></div>
    If this works, then the following is a shorter rule for the same effect in this exact situation:
    flex-direction: column-reverse;
  • Can you show us the page?

  • Reading between the lines of the blog posts it seems like the editor SDK wont be a launch feature

  • It could argued equally as well that giving users unlimited time with 90% of a product and letting them learn at their own pace lets them develops an attachment to it; with the final 10% acting as a carrot to convince them to purchase.

    Free trials rely on the marketing technique of scarcity; a free version relies on psychological consistency. Both work, but in my opinion the latter gives you customers that are far more invested in the product, which for a tool with as strong a community as Construct, is vital.

  • Aha, I see - what I say next could be read in an aggressive way, and I can assure you it's not - imagine someone saying it with a smile.

    Would it be accurate to say that you're not so much worried about your students paying a fee; but that you're worried that your own sales will go down if students catch wind of the fact they have to pay for both your course and the program it uses?

    Personally I'd get in contact with Tom; maybe you could get a bulk discount on licenses, and then include a licence with each sign-up for your course. From there you'd be able to factor in the licence cost into your course cost, and from there you have a USP for your course: C3 is bundled in, and you're getting it at a discount. If you can get a few hundred people signed up it's a win-win.

    Hell it'd be a good marketing move from Scirra to bundled a training course with the program itself; really hit the learner demographic hard.

  • If you're profiting from using C2 and potentially C3, surely you're happy to pay the subscription fee?

    It's affordable and you're already making money through selling workshops.