Hey guys,
I've been using C2 on and off for a few years now. I've lurked on the forums since I started using C2 but have never had anything to say. So for my first post, I wanted to share with you all my experiences with NIMA, a web-based bone and mesh animation app.
I only recently discovered it and have been using it everyday for the past two weeks. There's two reasons I wanted to share this with you; Firstly, I know there are a lot of people that are very skeptical about C3 being on a web-based platform and all the perceived performance limitations of it. After playing around with NIMA, I was very much reassured of how powerful browsers have become, and I'm hoping that by having a look at NIMA yourself, you too well come around to the idea of working from a web browser. Secondly, I was hoping in getting some support from other C2 users in convincing the NIMA developers to create a runtime for C2/3 - it's currently in open Beta so I'm sure with enough voices asking for it, they could add it to their to-do list. Or perhaps there's a C2 plugin creator that wanted to take on the task!
So why bother with all of this? Once you see what it can do you'll want to use it for your game animations, too. Sure you could use Spriter, which I've been using since it became available to buy, but they still AFAIK haven't added mesh deformation. Spine already has runtime support and mesh deformation, sure, but it's super expensive for a hobbyist, and maybe even for a lot of indie of developers. Also, both of those apps require an install, so doing some animation work during your lunch break is out of the question - fortunately C3 will also address that issue, too. So excited for the Beta tomorrow!
I won't bore you by gushing about its features, you can check out their site for that.
Here are the animations that I've so far created in this web-based app:
The psd file for this was HUGE and I used A LOT of bones and mesh deformation to achieve this, but NIMA didn't even slow down
I'm sure you've all seen this Spine raptor animation. I figured if NIMA could recreate it I'd marry it!
I made this for those that want to hit the ground running and have something to work with right our of the gates
https://www.2dimensions.com/s/148-nima- ... acter-file
I've you're already using NIMA, please make it be known and help us get a runtime for C2/3!
*** Reposted here in Tools and Resources and removed from Open Topic ***