DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • The lack of quality kinda concerns me too... Feels like it hurts the more polished games by association.

    Perhaps some sort of "Testing / Experimenting" category would be the best way to go, since that's what most of those crappy games are, just someone testing something. Sometimes just testing the Arcade itself, really.

    And having that category ticked by default when someone uploads something may be a good idea too.

    I posted a kinda crappy game myself, to be honest, and I think it should not be competing in space with the more robust projects. I would use that "testing" category if there was one.

    i like the idea... but its not something new... is been like this for years... and probably wont change.

    the system that could be followed is the newgrounds process... they have a very effective way of sorting low quality games from example/tutorials/and good games.

    but who has time for arcade page? its tedious and hard work ... i bet scirra team will fix it.. but its not a serious life threatening matter at this point, the opposite actually, it has good serving service as it is... more content, more pages indexed, more people typing game in google, more being driven here etc etc... simple SEO.

    but i do agree with you with the sorting of games.

  • Wait... you are trying to post your website INTO Ebays? Just include a URL. You can't touch their webservers.

    yes he tries to embed /iframe his website/game into ebay description... its truly impossible ebay doesn't let embed codes. however they do let video embed codes from youtube... so it might be possible... he only needs to fake the embed to look like its youtube... which it would be easy if ebays system worked on a simple word detection then he just needed to change the embed name to class="youtube.something.gibirrish" and should have'd work, but it wont ebay doesn't allows it, since it seems on the discussion from back in 2016 that ebay basically deprecated all embed forms from their website.

    so then gumshoe2029 solution is the best. just add a link to your website in the description. like

    Play the demo <a href="yourlink"> >> here << </a>[/code:1juxw6r8]
    if the description takes html code then should take also css so you could also case everything in a more powerful thing like this 
    <strong style="color: yourcolor;">Play the demo <u><a href="yourlink" style="text-decoration: none;"> >> here << </a></u></strong>
    (you can place the color in what format you want either text like blue,red etc... or code FFF123 or even #321444)
    [url=!topic/youtube/ZFkg_Jqb5t8] ... Fkg_Jqb5t8[/url] see embed code for ebay.
    i tried adding a product in listing this is what i got from ebay
    Required Details*
    Your listing cannot contain javascript (".cookie", "cookie(", "replace(", IFRAME, META, or includes), cookies or base href.[/code:1juxw6r8]
    so to OP forget about embeding something on ebay just place a link. not even a hyperlink just a link
  • the iframe code i posted, is working only with a specific c2 format exporting setting, which is scale outer.

    you might also want to add this script to force the right center position to center of the div u place it in :

    <script>$(window).on( 'resize', function () {
        $('.js-height-full').height( $(window).width() / 1.5 );
    the script /code basically detects what is the screen ratio of the device being desktop or mobile and gives a proportional aspect ratio to position the c2 embed code dead center... or right in middle. without the outerscale to get in its way... however ... the script might not be allowed by ebay or what ever website u place it in unless u have ftp rights.
    you might also want for the app made in c2 to have some sort of retina 1.2 or scale layout to fit your needs. its a bit tedious... but i modified it so it fits my need ... not sure if will even help u at all.
    easiest way would be to use the object embed... but on embed i think instead of source you have "data:yourlink;" and then "height:;" and "width:;" separated or with a break between them something like this :
    data: yourlink ;
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  • dont use iframe... use <object> </object> or <embed></embed>

    see blog post about this

    however iframe will work on a personal website just fine. but is blocked by amazon or ebay... so you should look what they allow to embed on their websites.

    try this code for iframe on personal website or even on ebay see if works.

    <iframe class="someclass" src="yourlinktofolderofgame can be /game" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" backgroundcolor="transparent" ;="" style="overflow:hidden;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden;height:100%;width:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px; z-index:1; " height="100%" width="100%" allowfullscreen="true" msallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>[/code:1s1tyuvv]
  • yes, as you read there, Touch plugin supports multiple touches... the touch.XAt(0) is the id of the first finger on screen or touch detected... then 1,2 ,3 are other touches in same time... usually used for zoom in and stuff like that however i never had a need to use it. most game dont require multiple touches. you can work around it with visuals.

    any captain here to explain this better?

  • Random idea ( U know what would be awesome ?, Scirra to make a unity plugin with their visual approach charging 150 per year. No problem there. I would happily depend on unity's devs faults rather than ludei, intel etc..)

    that would be awesome! :O +100 on this brilliant idea! while many have tried... none came close...! there are some plugins that enables"visual scripting" but its like the U4 module scripting.. which is heavy... clunky... and its stop being good to work with at some point in a large project! and here im talking about : plugins like game something something, and scripting something something forgot their names... but they where largely marketed by users like "wow never seen this before."

    however back to main post concerns, the OP is right, the feeling of C3 being at this point shown as a C2.5 or C2 update... its true... we still have to wait the ground breaking updates! and even if they wont come... i will say as before... i wont go to C3 unless is definitely changed(OP said the most problems C2 has which i agree with) ... and not just "facelifted". (P.S plus i hate subscriptions... i already got mobile payments, bank payments... now comes C2 payments? .... ridiculous... id say as before... give us opportunity to pay in advanced for 10 years with a discount... i would pay 1500 bucks just to not have to pay each year... is just i hate to know i have to pay something at the end of year to use it ... and bank account handling is nuts .... cause you never know if at end of the year the C2 license payment u saved it will be there when time comes ...(and here are various reasons... urgency costs, bank costs, some idea that you use the cash for something u really need at the time then u basically mess up with C2 license ... )

    However... responding to the title of thread.... point of C3?

    from my point of view and others... is just another product... so the scirra business to live on in the end its a business that needs to survive... and if i look at it as a business its a great move.

    and i would definitely buy it from that point of view... but ... again my ego beats the best of me.

    however other people that dont think like me, i do encourage to buy C3 it will be a great software to have! all the features displayed in updates, are awesome, even with the core of it being same as C2 ... it will still be a better software. so would worth it!

  • Announcing the news on its General Discussion page, a Blizzard representative wrote that the process of terminating support for XP and Vista will commence later this year. What this means of course is the end of the road for “World of Warcraft,” “Diablo III,” “StarCraft II,” “Hearthstone” and “Heroes of the Storm” players who still use the aforesaid Microsoft operating systems on their daily drivers."

    makes sense!

  • In Babylon3D for NewMesh objects the textures are in the C2 objects in the animations as Diffuse, Bump,etc... but for OBJ and JS on babylon you need to import that textures, you can't add in the C2 object.

    oh i dont know i remember i added 1 time newmesh or newsmth 3d model or smth... 1 month back or when i was testing it and added a diffuse animation and 1 frame blue and worked... it should work for textures also... since they are frames... however i did not tested with multiple frames...

    edited: ah... never used a obj/js model... since i worked with cubes... and newmesh already has it implemented no need for external model for that ... ... i see now what you really mean...

  • Maybe i'm wrong, now i can't check it, maybe can you take a look? The example in Q3D of FPS with the heads and the one with the orcs in a room. They are OBJ-JS but the textures are in the C2 objects.

    Both the ogre example and heads example FPS are having the textures as X3M has it in the animation diffuse,specular and bump , the js files in Q3D are only models.

    and some specular map adjustments.

    so yes the obj/js are models... and textures are the C2 object animation... but babylon is having the same system or im missing something?

    X3M - related to webgl response - Awesome

  • Thanks mate.

    The next update is nearly finished, It is a more robust version of B3D which will make things a lot easier than it is already.

    Here are some of the features :

    - Better representation of the elements on the C2 layout. (Camera projection).

    - Better integration with C2.

    - Persisting scene mode which allows to save the state of the scene when moving from layout to another without losing the states of the elements of the previous scene.

    - WebGL 2.0

    - FPS friendly mode

    - And some new behaviors.

    - Easier BabylonJS javascript execution functions.

    - Better OBJ and JS models loading.

    - Bug free. ( Finally )

    all the above are awesome features i bet theyil be a great addition ... i wonder of the webgl2.0 support i think it might be to early since its a beta testing over multiple platforms... could it do what C2 does? when is available on a system to be used and if not to fallback on webgl1.0?

  • X3M wow... i just seen the tutorials, and example, this is some awesome work my friend! Great job! i watched the texturing model tutorial and that extruding technique is awesome.

    Again, great, great job!

  • awesome plugin! but im not sure if wold be good as clearing the "garbage" or buffer cache wold basically make people redownload the buffer each time the same song/sound plays therefor increasing lagging/buffering time... the normal audio seems more suited for games.. while this plugins seem something you wold use in a particular project.. where clearing buffer wold increase performance and then never to use the particular sound again.

    great job! but not for me!

  • edited: most of questions where answered in the link above for the project!

    the bellow questions remains, since nothing is wrong with your game from .capx perspective.

    is the official version or some other?

    also are you using the standalone C2 version? or the Steam version?

    are you using minifier?

  • if you are using is overlaping object and the object doesnt move anymore you can add under it another condition trigger once.

    however, if you move the same object that is overlapping even for 1 px the overlapping condition is going to trigger again. since will count as a new event happening overlapping at a different position.

    for object value when touched. use condition on touched object or tapped object. both trigger one time. then in action tab near the condition for both the above and touch conditions use add value to your global variable.

    read this also - Holy Bible of C2

    look at examples and search for data inputted - Holy section for beginners.

    edited reason: miss typing.

  • Is it still available? I bought it via paypal directly on the page (

    but never get any download link...any clue?

    you should get it in around 48 hrs the store there is manually managed, by davioware and quazi

    a relevant topic to ask for the download link wold be this >> here << by contacting QuaziGNRLnose