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    > Why?


    > C2 still exists.


    Hello Don Mattrick!

    I don't like the subscription,

    but subscription is for C3 not C2.. C2 is still the same. with the 1 time payment. C3 is the subscription product... if you want to get it you get C3 and subscribe if not... keep the C2 license for life that will never change.

    Tom i think people are confusing the subscription plans for what they truly are.

    maybe a more clear(S&S) update would fix this misunderstanding?

  • If you're not aware Facebook recently came up with the idea of making a desktop client for its games.

    its not a recent thing.

    great idea indeed for C2 arcade. not for facebook... they messed it up though. more then 60% of their games in gameroom are unplayable, unless u want to play solitaire all day there.

    but great idea for C2 arcade.

  • what happens in your code is this

    1 you have what lamar said, "You have the animation set to attack and then immediately reset to beginning of animation again."

    2 the condition is KS =1 acts like a everytick loop, which means is continuously playing that event (everyframe = 0.01 seconds or 60 times /1 second / C2 system always try to run at 60 fps and its direct influenced by the "lag" caused by CPU intesity) when the conditions are met,

    drag the conditions you have as sub-conditions under the R pressed.

    (conditions i mean kondarattack-1and is not jumping same applies to the other one.)

    3 reading the above, you dont give enough time for animations to be visually visibile. while they are playing, but they are to fast.

  • Watch the top games list and you will see several games that are always pushed to the top but are not getting new plays. That is people using multiple accounts to rate up their own games and rate down other games.

    There are many good games that fall off the front screen almost immediately for that reason and that discourages game developers that see a crap game sitting on the front page forever.

    The rating system has to be changed and I suggest only registered members with at least 500 reputation or licensed members can rate games and get the free edition games separated from the licensed edition games and that would solve that problem.

    I agree with all you said, however, i only stated there is a "filtering system in place" which yes its not perfect, you can make 100 accounts and rate yours 5 stars. but who has time and its sad enough to rate a bad game? only those who have time.

    however the 500 rep thing is a good thing to have, but again, that can be also a non-sense in the current state of website, how rep can be farmed by using achievements rewards. there is a bug that lets u gather 10k rep in less then 1 hr. but i wont say it here.

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  • well to get sales figures, you need to sell it in first place, however in order to get some feedback before selling it its probably best to release a showcase limited edition of it. AKA free version and see peoples response. if it gets attention then publish it to stores. if not... improve it. redo the first step.

  • > youl probably get ideas ... but they'll end up dumped cause you will want to try all of them. stick with 1 then when your finished with that move to next 1.


    GOLD Advice right here.

    I probably have 3 or 4 abandoned games just because I want to implement too many mechanics and don't know how to make them all work together.

    i have around 300 templates game ideas that got dumped.............. lol .... around 25 GB of files for them, just they are so messy and jammed up that its just a pain to look at them, not to mention retake the development.

  • I've done a bit of trolling myself about 7 or 8 years ago. Trolling used to be an art.

    Deliberate misdirection; Leaving people in a heated argument among each other.

    Ah those were the good old days...



    to OP

    easiest way to find ideas, 1 what Mr Plant said, play different games.

    easiest then that while you play games, set a goal in your mind, or on paper, similar to "category of game i want to make", "my target towards my dream game" "must have zombies, turrets, naked aliens, upgrades, lots of upgrades ,etc" you got the idea.

    without a target set you wont get anywhere.

    youl probably get ideas ... but they'll end up dumped cause you will want to try all of them. stick with 1 then when your finished with that move to next 1. and then youl be finding a way to get the best ideas out of each context in every days actions. like poor water from a glass can be a 5 minutes game. breathing air. avoid eating flying while you bike riding etc etc.

    also i like to place my games in a targeted order:

    Find 1 idea online or brainstorming and mold it to your needs, even improve one already existing game.

    Sketch of game idea on paper or text editor.

    Elements/graphic assets/sounds(creation or placeholders till u get something original)

    GUI/HUD(user interface and game overall look)

    Gameplay(here we fill in the game idea)

    Optional Features(upgrades/purchases etc)

    Optimization - make game run faster/gameplay be more natural/

    Polishing - polish mistakes in coding,assets etc.

    Release - YAY!

    Next project!

    OR scrap all i said and just go here 49 ideas for games.

  • MPPlantOfficial


    was talking about the OP the post seems a troll...its like that thing "i want to write the next big book all i need is a writer with imagination to write it for me, a publisher to publish it for me, and a financial guy to pay for it. and im good to go. any help? "

  • wow... i didn't expected that trailer to be as good. good luck with the sales. seems a eerie fun game.

  • you cant. you have to wait for loading to finish.

    you can create a splashscreen layout. see tutorial

  • >

    > but who has time for arcade page? its tedious and hard work ... i bet scirra team will fix it.. but its not a serious life threatening matter at this point, the opposite actually, it has good serving service as it is... more content, more pages indexed, more people typing game in google, more being driven here etc etc... simple SEO.



    I agree, not a life threatening matter. Of course the main service is really the Construct engine, the Arcade is more of a service on the side. It's not like you can't post straight to Newgrounds or something if you prefer.

    I'm staring at the Arcade right now, and I think things may be already improving on their own. At least i'm not seeing any "games" that's just a stolen image of Naruto with some pink square going side-to-side...

    well that is because the arcade has a rating system, and only the best rated or most views are pushed in front of pages... however if you go around page 15 ... ul find copy pasted naruto images... and some kid screaming saying best game in title. (it also depend on the category... most bad examples are on tutorials... or work in progress stuff that are not further developed and just dumped.)

    but yea... arcade has its own..."filtering system" sort off.

  • open link in new tab... but wont work cause you have default browser setup you have to reset your browser mobile default... or remove it. that way you can choose what ever browser u want.

  • lamar i think tom announced or ashley ... not sure which i read something quick yesterday, in a post they did, they will take care of arcade, and have a lot of ideas how could it be developed, but at the time their focus is on C3 release and development!

    i see your point, but then someone said above, i think if not in another post, easiest would be to create a arcade page and let people submit their games and then u could sort them based on quality.

    i had this arcade thing going a few years back i was using arcadebooster website suite, its very effective, simple and beautiful, plus if u know some mysql and html5 u could turn the free theme in a gem.

    however then would come the problem of mass marketing or pitching the idea to C2 developers or game developers in general, but at that point you would make another gaming portal. so are benefits and struggles on both parts.


    for now personally im just taking a break from C2 till all C3 arrives. (has some features that make more sense, but there are downsides to it also, probably,and im not talking about payment system here, more about compatibility of C2 community developed plugins and C3 support/transition.)


    just a idea, the best C2 arcade games, are also available or posted on newgrounds and kongregate just embed them from there.

    Edited: wow nice tutorial! im intrigued and slowly pushed back into the gaming portal hahaha... for some reason(i guess was fun tweaking at it all day and micromanaging it).

  • this is a troll right?

    triple facepalm.

  • The pricing for C3 is so out of whack. Basically what you're saying Ashley is that anyone that believed in C2, paid for C2 is now just an afterthought.

    Having bought my personal license years ago now means upgrading to C3 will cost me almost TWICE as much as someone that didn't have faith in your product. No, you have to entice them with a FREE year! Handing them $99 while you turn around and give me a swift kick to the balls, and ****** $50 from my wallet... TRAGIC!

    Am I the only one that sees a problem with this?

    i might be out of loop but ... i see things like this... no matter what is the game plan or business plan... the end game is this... or situation... depends what you want it to call it... i look at it as follows...

    some company releases a game... i buy it i play it for years.... after 5 years they decide to create a expansion pack ... do i cry about how i have to pay for it cause i wish would be free? no i buy it cause its their work in it.... but that was a game example ... now you are using C2 ... that means... somewhere along the line ... you made cash with it since your still present in the forum .... so 50 bucks or 150 bucks or 99 bucks a year is nothing. your a grown man do the math.

    i do agree with the purchasing being a bit weird... and probably hard to comprehend... but it only makes sense.. scirra its doing another product... the fact that adds u the c2 version for free.. in the package... is a great generosity from them. i would charged each individual 300 bucks a year and deprecate totally c2. then u would cry about going to GM8 or other software where they ask you 500 bucks for 1 exporting module. but the engine license with splash and limited is 80 bucks.

    im being a bit tired of this posts.

    this is not a kickstarter we dont get to decide what becomes of the product, we are lucky enough and personally im glad and proud to see that scirra is taking our response/feedback so heartily(which might get people confused at times, comparing it with having some power over product development/sales). other people/companies would not do it. just chill, in the end everything will be cool, for sure scirra team will have discounts, and even a purchasing plan that will make sense for all of us. but this logistics things take time. your feedback i bet is one of the feedback that would mold the purchasing in future. but now we dont even know when C3 is releasing, we are arguing on a hyped situation.

    signaljacker you could always use C2? nobody locks you out of that. C2 by itself will be a great tool for years to come.

    so keep a hard copy of your copy for later