Babylon3D: Standard Edition

From the Asset Store
12 unique hits, slashes and spells in transparent PNG sequences
  • ok! so i'll check back here then

  • X3M Please help me!!! I just bought Babylon3D Scene Loader Edition but after clicking preview it always gives a Javascript Error. Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property '0' of undefined localhost/Babylon3DSprite_plugin.js. line 73 (col 26)

    Please help! I also mailed you please reply me fast!!!

  • AmitGamingKing Please refer to the tutorials to learn how to use the plugin => ... KSio7i5INm

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  • Ohh god I saw this already but it is runtime error:

    Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property '0' of undefined localhost/Babylon3DSprite_plugin.js. line 73 (col 26)

    not program error! Please send me something that can be helpful!

  • AmitGamingKing That error means that there is no scene in the layout, send me the capx dude ...

  • Okay thanks I fixed it By choosing different layout than 16:9 thank you for very quick responses so far... Loved It!

  • X3M wow... i just seen the tutorials, and example, this is some awesome work my friend! Great job! i watched the texturing model tutorial and that extruding technique is awesome.

    Again, great, great job!

  • Thanks mate.

    The next update is nearly finished, It is a more robust version of B3D which will make things a lot easier than it is already.

    Here are some of the features :

    • Better representation of the elements on the C2 layout. (Camera projection).
    • Better integration with C2.
    • Persisting scene mode which allows to save the state of the scene when moving from layout to another without losing the states of the elements of the previous scene.
    • WebGL 2.0
    • FPS friendly mode
    • And some new behaviors.
    • Easier BabylonJS javascript execution functions.
    • Better OBJ and JS models loading.
    • Bug free. ( Finally )
  • X3M - how do you spawn a new object at runtime. When trying to use "create object" i get a null javascript runtime error.


  • justifun You should use the System->Create object

  • X3M - ok i guess the issue is actually using "set position" after creating the object - then i get the error.

    do i need to wait till next tick or something?

  • X3M - ok so i've figured out that i need to use "On mesh ready" to before re-positioning the object

    now that it exists in the scene i'd like that object to move like a rocket being launched. lets say , just straight forward away from the player.

    So i spawn the rocket where the player is, set its rotation to the same as the player.

    then i tried using "every tick" -> 3d Mesh -translate locally on X 0.1 degrees but i get a null error "Cannot read property 'getMeshByName'

    any tricks?

    also "pinning" angle doesnt appear to work

  • justifun There is a function for that in the next update.

  • X3M There is a big possibility as Ashley stated in the past that C3 is going to be a customizable editor, meaning that usera would be able to create custom windows for their corresponding plugins etc. Also the answer on the information thread about being 3D seems like a politicians answer.

    [quote:32pt33fr]Is Construct 3 going to be 3D?

    Our aim is to create the best 2D game maker.

    Are you planing on creating a 3D editor inside C3 if there is the possibility ? This could be the main reason fo r me subscribing to C3..

  • stefanos If the C3 editor layout is a WebGL canvas and Ashley will make it possible to render on it with the SDK then yes I will, otherwise there is no reason to make a 3D plugin for it if the layout editor is still limited like in C2.

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