dop2000's Forum Posts

  • you can do something like this:

    For "x" from floor(Sprite.BBoxLeft/16) to ceil(Sprite.BBoxRight/16)
    For "y" from floor(Sprite.BBoxTop/16) to ceil(Sprite.BBoxBottom/16)
    ..Create Dot at loopindex("x")*16, loopindex("y")*16

    Where "16" is your grid size.

  • Which behavior do you use for player movement? In 8direction, Platform you can use "Set vector X/Y" actions.

  • Backup your .capx file first, rename it to .zip, unzip to a folder and try fixing the problem by editing xml and caproj files manually in a text editor like Notepad++

    Since you didn't post the error message and didn't share your project file, this is the only help I can offer.

  • I am not sure I completely understand your question.

    4000 sprites is a lot! You need to destroy or disable collisions for dots that are not on the screen. Make collision polygons as simple as possible (rectangular for dots). Remove any effects and behaviors from dots, stop animations.

    If you only need to animate one sprite with dots, then there is no point in filling the entire screen with them of course.

  • If you change the code like this, it cuts the number of collision checks in half:

    Also, you can add other optimization tricks. Say, perform overlapping checks every 2 or even every 3-4 ticks (instead of doing this on every tick). Because LED display is so "low-resolution" it will still look good.

    I tested with 600 dots and 2 rotating Mask sprites, and with all these tweaks I'm getting comfortable 55-60 FPS on my very old Android phone.


    Tilemap method is a bit more difficult and it also relies on overlapping checks. You loop through all tiles inside the sprite bounding box, and for each tile use "System Pick by overlapping point" event to check if the sprite is overlapping this tile. I don't know if this method will be faster or not.

  • You simply need to create/spawn particles object when you want to trigger it.

  • Like I said, you can't use CSS with sprites, but you can apply different effects and behaviors.

    Also, you link doesn't work, the video is unavailable.

  • The circles can be sprites, yes. What I mean is that big shapes (lines, rectangles etc.) are composed of these circles, and are not just single sprites with polka-dot pattern.

    Here is a quick demo:

  • Are you saying you've tried with a sprite button and "On touched MySprite" event?

    It's possible that the TextBox is somehow retaining the focus and intercepting all touch events. Try removing the TextBox. If it helps, then you can make your own version of text box, see this tutorial:

  • Drago_18 If you look at 4:38 in the video for example, you'll see that when objects are rotating they change their shape. Even the number of circles in each shape is constantly changing. And all circles are always in grid pattern. So these are definitely not sprites.

    It's a grid of circles that toggle visibility and changing their color to create animated images. Like a very low-resolution LED display.

  • Fixed:


    "Trigger once" is a tricky condition, I suggest never using it in situations like this where multiple instances of objects are involved. It can cause all kinds of weird and hard-to-find bugs.

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  • You can do this with keyboard events, for example "Key Left is down - Spite set mirrored", "Key Right is down - Spite set NOT mirrored".

    Or you can compare the Sprite.8direction.movingAngle, if it's between 90 and 270 degrees, set mirrored.

    Check out the Tutorials section, there are plenty of examples:

  • You can destroy or erase data in this dictionary before saving, and in "On load" event restore it again.

  • I imagine this can be done quite easily with a big tilemap. Each tile is a colored circle. You can "draw" moving/rotating objects on the tilemap using invisible sprites. For example, a sprite of a car is moving over the tilemap with bullet behavior. The car has several frames (one for each color) and plays looping animation. On every tick check which tiles the car is overlapping and set these tiles to the current car color.

    Or you can do the same with a big matrix of small sprites instead of the tilemap, but this may be worse for performance.

  • Also, as I mentioned in your other post, you can use two Pode's addons - Extract image and Inject image: