I'm very disappointment to hear this, we game designers and noob programmers use and pay for C3 to create our dreams and don't have to worry about coding, we want fast results as indie developers because it's already hard enough to develop games and make money with it as it is.
What I don't understand is why it's such a big deal for Ashley/Scirra to make this Behavior, and maybe respect there customers wishes?
As a noob programmer this simple function can make live so much easyer and love C3 so much more and tell friends how much they love there customers and listen to there needs.
I think you know to how difficult it is to create a professional game alone or with a small team, so much multi tasking etc.
In my and lot of other opinions it's just a basic Behavior that should be provided in a game engine.
I was joking (in pissed way) a few day's ago with some friends that has some experience with game engines, telling them I'm pissed off for a few days because need a smooth camera transition and there is no simple Move_To+Lerp Behavior/Function in the Game Engine I work with, first thing they both say was: What engine is it? Is it just Beta, or Open Source, WTF its so basic.
Then I told them that this engine is for over 9 years in development and It's pretty amazing what you can do with it.
They start almost ******* there pants, nice Game Engine you have if it don't even have the most basic Move To function in it. Don't even want to start the rest of conversation.
To tell the true, I was used since start 9 years ago that Construct was in development, but now I think about the fact how many people in the years wanted this in Construct, such basic Behavior and it's still not in there, it's really pathetic, no offence.
Please read this in a positive way, I don't have any purpose to set C3 in a negative way, I love all improvements what I see when stepping over from C2 to C3, but please Scirra, provide in C3 the most common functions, let us make games with C3 without need for custom plugins and show as thanks your: Made with Construct 3 logo in intro screen ;)