dop2000's Forum Posts

  • There are a million possible reasons why this may happen and without seeing your project it's impossible to tell.

    The most common mistake is creating lots of objects over time and not destroying them. Run the game in Debug Mode, play it a bit and check the list of objects on the left, see if there are any unusually big numbers there.

  • Say there are two sprites, one with id=0, another with id=1

    If I want to pick a random sprite using condition "Sprite compare instance variable id=choose(0,1)" - it doesn't work as expected! Sometimes it picks one instance, sometimes two, sometimes none.

    Am I going crazy, or is there a reasonable explanation?

    I tested in both C2 and C3. Example capx:


    EDIT: Never mind, I think I know what's going on. This event loops through all instances, comparing each with choose() expression, each time calculating a different value for choose(). I wonder if this can be considered a bug...

  • It's the same in "C2 runtime" in Construct 3. And it's not just Bullet, pretty much any behavior..

    I'm guessing this is how C2 engine works. If this was a bug, it would have been discovered and fixed long time ago.

  • You are right about "trigger once", it cannot be used with multiple instances. There must be some mistake in your code, it will be easier to help if you could post your project file.

    Here is a similar project with multiple attacking enemies I fixed for someone else a few days ago:

  • You need to tween a value, say, from (sprite.angle) to (sprite.angle+200). And then while the tween is running, set sprite angle to Tween.value

    You can even make multiple rotations using this method - tween from 0 to 3600 will rotate the sprite 10 times.

  • When you are adding events or actions in C2/C3 and you see a field which allows you to type something - you can use expressions there.

    For example, add the following event: System -> Is between angles.

    If you click "Find expressions", you will find literally hundreds of useful expressions there.

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  • Yes, it's possible and very simple: add a new action "Sprite font -> Typewriter text".

  • Compare mouse Y position, if it's close to the bottom of the screen, make menu sprite visible. You can move it up with litetween/sine/bullet behavior if you want.

    When mouse is over white circles, make the sprite with preview of the page visible. On click on circle, go to another layout for that page..

  • The easiest solution would be saving the slider value in a global variable when you exit the layout. On start of the layout, restore slider value and position from that variable.

  • All these effects can be done with LiteTween and Fade behaviors.

  • Really nice game, I reached level 5! The enemy AI is pretty stupid, it's easy to lure and trap them once you understand how they move. But I'm guessing with more enemies on the level it will become harder and harder to escape from them.

  • I'm talking about Pathfinding.MovingAngle expression, not sprite rotation angle.

  • You can use Sprite.Pathfinding.MovingAngle expression. If the moving angle is between 90 and 270 degrees, set the sprite mirrored.

  • Try unzipping the .capx file and see if the folder Textures contains the file "SpriteFont.png". If not, create a file with this name and place it into this folder. Try opening this project (.caproj file) in Construct 2 after that.

    If this doesn't help, please share your capx file. Upload it to dropbox or a similar service and post the link here.

  • tunepunk Thanks! Now I feel like a fool :)