dop2000's Forum Posts

  • I'm not sure I know what you mean. You can read the txt file with AJAX and parse it with tokenat/tokencount expressions to extract lines with paths.

  • Don't use File Chooser, use NWJS Show Open Dialog action.

    The list.txt file will be saved in your user home folder.

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  • You can use Flash behavior - add it to the sprite and then add an event "Sprite on collision with bullet: Sprite start flashing".

    If you are asking how to change the color of the sprite, you either need to add different animation frames with different colors, or use an effect like "Set color".

  • I thought you want to make a sprite from a group of tiles. In this case the only way is to use Canvas/Paster plugin.

    If you only need to copy one tile to sprite, the easiest solution is just duplicate all tiles in the sprite as separate frames or animations. You already have these tile images, you can easily import them into the sprite. Or you can import the entire tilemap image as a sprite strip and C2 will cut it into frames for you.

  • A space shooter with (you guessed it!) broken controls. There are 5 short levels, and in each level controls are messed up in a different way :)

    Warning - the game is hard! But if you are skillful, resourceful and lucky, it's possible to beat all levels in less than 5 minutes.

    I made this game for the Construct Community Game Jam. Click this link to play and vote for my game if you liked it!

  • You can fix some of the issues if you change collision polygons of solid spites (walls). Shrink them by just 1 pixel from all sides and LoS should work much better, corners will no longer block sight to tiles that are at 45 degrees from the player.

  • Yeah, I might have made the first level a little too difficult. I made it easier, you can try again, if you want. You'll need to refresh the page (Ctrl-F5)

    I created a topic about my game in "Your C3 Creations" sub-forum, so better discuss it there and not spam this post any more.

  • Thanks! :)

    Did you beat it? What's your time?

    My wife was cursing and hitting the keyboard, but refused help and finished all levels in about 30 minutes.

  • You are right about the part where the system treats multiple instances as one object, and when you try to access some property it takes it from the first instance etc. But I'm sure you are aware that "Compare instance variable" is very often used to pick or "filter out" instances. If you have multiple instances, some with id=0 and some with id=1, you can use this event to pick only instances with the id=1 for example.

    It has the same effect as using System event "Pick by evaluate" or "Pick by comparison". And actually you can change my capx to use "System Pick by evaluate,1)" and it will have the same problem. The engine will loop through each instance, each time comparing with a different result of choose() expression.

    This seems wrong to me, because it works differently in SQL for example. If you do "SELECT * FROM table WHERE code=int(rand()*2)", this will select records with only one value in code field, either with 0 or 1, not a mix of both.

  • I submitted my entry, the game is called Damaged Controls

    It's a space shooter with (you guessed it!) damaged controls. There are five short levels, and in each level controls are messed up in a different way :)

    Warning - the game is hard! But if you are skillful, resourceful and lucky, it's possible to beat all levels in less than 5 minutes.

    This is the first I'm participating in a game jam, I really enjoyed it and hope you enjoy playing my little game!

  • I don't think what you are saying is correct, or maybe I didn't quite understand your message.

    "Compare instance variable" event picks instances. If I use "Compare instance variable id=1", this will pick all instances with id=1.

    So naturally I assumed if I use choose(0,1) in this event, it will first choose a random number (0 or 1) and then pick instances with id equal to that number.

    But what happens is that this event actually checks each instance separately, and for each instance calculates a new random number and compares id with this number. So it can pick one instance (which seems correct), but it can also pick two instances or none.

    See this example:

    Also, resetting opacity on start of the layout doesn't fix the issue, because all objects are reset anyway when the layout is restarted.

  • The wall in the top circle on your screenshot is dark because event #17 picked a dark FOW sprite nearest to it (the one that's on the right with opacity 80). So the wall sprite opacity is only 20.

    And that FOW sprite is dark because there is no line of sight to it. LoS behavior checks visibility in a line from the origin image point of one sprite (player) to the origin image point of the second sprite (FOW). In this case there is just a tiny portion of the corner of the wall that's blocking the sight.

    The red oval on the right on your screenshot - the wall is bright because it's part of the same Inner_DS sprite. You can't change opacity for a half of the sprite :)

    Anyway, I think the method you are using is really ineffective and too complex. I would replace all those hundreds of sprites with a single tilemap and use a separate round mask sprite for FOW, pinned to the player. You can use a trick with a shadow and blend modes from this post:

  • Spax C3 Desktop build used to be sluggish when editing big layouts, but it seems to be fixed now. I tested on a big project (200 objects, 80 layouts, 4500 events) and I think it works even faster than C2.

  • Yes, I know about workarounds.

    It just seemed like such an obvious and easy way to pick random instances, and turned out that it doesn't work correctly. I will have to check all my old projects to make sure I didn't use this method...

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