Derqs's Forum Posts

  • Thanks alot!, worked exactly how I wanted, I guess I just was handling it wrong.

  • Hi there,

    I'd like to display the variable "life" as 005, 010, 020 and so on. I have a spritefont with the text set as the "life" variable.

    But it doesn't display the zero's. When trying zeropad I still can't figure it out.

    Here's a example of what I'm trying to achieve:

  • This looks really polished! graphics are really good, so I guess you can call yourself an artist.

  • Thank you all!

    Wisdoms thanks for the suggestion! I added it to the game.

    Didn't have much time this week due to school assigments, but I made a new block/trap type and added a glow to the flames.

  • Looks really cool, I might try and add that level editor to my own game aswell!

    I also really like how those coins move into different directions and bounce a bit, did you gave them a platform behavior for that?

  • Really like the style, especially the vibrant colours in the overworld.

  • Really enjoyed the last one! 25$ a day is a lot for a student like myself haha.

    Looking forward to the next one.

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  • alvarop


    Yep, I don't really know why that is, I'm using a tiled background so sometimes suddenly some lines are thicker than others.

    I added the movement at the end of the layout too!, thanks for the suggestion. I also added some more traps, but still need to change the look of them a bit. The torches also got an animation update.

  • The shadows looks amazing on those screens!, when are you streaming again? Really want to see what a project on this size looks like in construct 2.

  • & blekdar

    Thanks, that was an awesome suggestion!, I added it immediately.

    That sounds like a really good idea performance whise, sadly I'm really bad at programming. Also the layouts I use are pretty small and don't have a lot of objects in them, so loading them goes pretty fast. Ofcourse It would go much faster with your idea. But right now I don't have the know-how for it.

    Here is the updated transition with the player automatically moving at the start.

  • blekdar

    Yes I'm doing every area as a seperate layout. This is so I can make add new areas really quick and have the player go to a random area each time he leaves one.

    Right now I use this one. It has a little fade and only the camera only slides when you enter a new room.

    I just really want a bit of slide in the beginning so it feels like the rooms are actually connected.

    And I'm using a Wait event of 0.5 seconds before going to the next room, so I can change the speed of transition pretty easy with this

  • A demo is coming! But that would mostly be just a movement demo, because I really want some feedback on jumpheight, attacking while moving, attacking in mid-air etc.

    I added a fade to the layout transition. But perhaps I should just drop all the camera movement and just stick with a simple fade effect like in most metroidvania's

  • Wisdoms

    The vertical screenshake wasn't actually on purpose , I only just saw it because you mentioned it. But I think it only shakes vertically because the layout width is the same as the window width.

    So I'm trying to make a smooth transition between layouts, but so far I've only come up with this.

    When you start the layout, the camera moves to the center of the layout. When you get to the edge of the window the camera moves to the right side of the layout and goes to the next layout. But as you can see there's still a bit of loading time between the layouts so the movement isnt really as smooth as I would like it to be

  • Wisdoms

    Thankyou! that was exactly what I was looking for


    Thanks haha, Glad you like it. Have to say Buddy Boy looks really polished too!


    I followed this tutorial: and tweaked the values to my own liking

    Today I added the first trap in the game(It probably needs some chain, because it looks a bit dull right now.)

    I also added the dust from the example Wisdom posted.

    And I decided to make every dungeon room squared. I got this from playing Rayman Legends last night, when I came across the Amazing Maze level, seen here:

    That level is actually exactually where I want to be heading with my game, but ofcourse with my own twist. But as you can see from the vid I copied the first level layout.