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  • corlenbelspar Wow thanks a lot dude! I didn't even knew global objects existed. It works perfectly now, I just had to make the s_powerup a global object Let's see if I can optimize my game even more now I know this

  • Im not sure how to do that. Im trying something now, making variables for each powerup animation frame.

    with three powerups avaiable it looks like this:

    On collision with s_powerup ->

    s_powerup animation frame = 1 -> add 1 to var.powerup_1

    s_powerup animation frame = 2 -> add 1 to var.powerup_2

    s_powerup animation frame = 3 -> add 1 to var.powerup_3

    So nows the game knows how much of each powerups are collected, but I still don't know how I should make them to be displayed in the next layouts

  • Hey there,

    I have a system where you can collect powerups, upon collecting these they will be displayed on the top right corner of the screen.

    As shown here:

    However, when I enter the next layout, all of these powerups are gone.. I gave them a persist behavior.

    Here is a piece of the code:

    As you can see, the position of the powerups is based on how many there are. So basically How do I make the game remember how many powerups there are, which animation frame each one has and the position there have.

  • With all those bones in front of the spikes, you don't see the spikes that well. So I'll do that for sure, Thanks!

    Aurel Thanks!, You're right, I actually replicate a lot of animations from other games, because I'm still working on my animation skills. I also try to keep the frames as low as possible, which is a bad thing. Just because I can't really animate yet.

    Bl4ckSh33p Thankyou!

    I created a new bat enemy, absolute hell, here's a preview:

    And added a highscoreboard and some rocks for scenery:

  • Those lasers feel really good, looking forward to see what you come up with!

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  • razorMonkey Thanks a lot! it works perfectly now.

  • You can use 'for each' for that. It's explained in this thread:

    Hope it helps!

  • Hey there,

    In my game you can pick up items, and on top of the screen you will be shown what items you have collected so far.

    But I'm strugglin with making a system that checks if there already is an icon on top of the screen, so not all the icons are stacked on top of eachother.

    I made a quick comic to show what I want to achieve:

    All the items can be picked up in a different order, so the one picked up first will be put on the most right side of the screen, the second one picked up to the left of that one and so on.

    I tried multiple ways, including little boxes, with image frames according to the icon. But that didn't really work and seemed like a lot of work for such a small feature.

    What I have now is a little icon border that checks if the space if free or not, but I don't know how to tell to move to the next icon border when the space is not free, and to the next iconborder is that one isnt free aswell.

    I really hope there is an easier way

  • Kraudi I actually never looked at that game, despite hearing a lot from it. But it looks amazing. I think I can get a lot of inspiration from the monster design, thanks!

    Thanks! I really appreciate that. When I have a playable build ready I'll open testing for sure.

    I edited the main post a bit, with an updated gameplay description.

    ryanrybot haha thanks!, I actually didn't work on the game last summer and from the end of october till end of january, because I gave up on it. But now with a clear gameplay vision in mind I actually really want to finish it. I took a look at Ainevoltas II, it definitely inspires me to some new ideas, thanks.

    Here is a treasure room, when bought these will give you an unique blessing. Think of +attack/+health/xx% more damage/xx% less damage against *** *** more gold drops/ *** chance of HP regeneration on kill/ enemies have *** less hp etc.. I can't think of more atm.

  • Thanks, I really like that 3rd one!

    Been working on a boss level, this is just a concept:

  • Thanks all!

    Here are some screenshots from the current shops:

    Suggestions on weapons and helmets are welcome, because im running low on inspiration atm

  • Working on this again