deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Well, I wouldn't say "inspiration" really, but it did cross my mind

  • You'll need to code this with events.

    Perhaps you could put all of your tiles into one sprite animation with an animation speed of 0 so it doesn't play. Then you could create a series of events that uses a "For each" loop to check the sides of each tile to see if it's overlapping another tile. Then, based on which sides it has other tiles on, you set the tile to whatever animation frame it needs to be.

    You could do this once at the beginning of the layout, then just run the loop once again each time the tiles need to change.

  • Awesome . Maybe an Offset setting? So you could do "Warp -> Set offset to ScrollX, ScrollY" That would do it I think. But then there would need to be a way to access effects that have been applied to layers (I don't currently see any way to do so). If the warp thing is updated then I won't need to worry about using a canvas at all.

    Anyway, this is just plain trippy : ... yvilli.cap

  • Doesn't seem to work. If I do that and put Warp on the layer, it doesn't render the warp for some reason. If I put Warp on the Canvas, then when the screen scrolls it looks all fast-warpy anyway. If I stick the canvas on the same layer, and tell it to always set to ScrollX/ScrollY then it doesn't render the warp while the screen scrolls.

    Argh, I'm thinking there's no way do the Warp while scrolling without getting that speed-up effect

  • Actually, for what I need it for... nope. I need "Paste layer."

    When you put the Warp effect on a layer like I did, then when you scroll it looks like it's warping faster because the "warp field" or whatever doesn't move. So I need a canvas on a layer that doesn't scroll, then I paste the guts into the canvas, and put the warp effect on just the canvas.

  • It's wiggly!

    That's really cool looking. You should team up with someone who knows C++ and help them write your IK stuff into a behavior

  • Just a quick test of the graphical effect I'm planning for a little game: ... 20test.cap

    I need a new Canvas feature though, and I'm hoping someone can help me out? "Paste layer" is what I'm looking for. Unless someone can think of an easy way to paste everything on a layer at once...

  • That's really cool

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  • First off, your ship wobbles slightly when you rotate it, and that makes the screen scroll very slightly. The hotspot on your ship is off center, if you center it it won't wobble any more.

    Second, your Tiled Background textures aren't a power of 2 square. You should go for a texture that's 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, etc. Since they're not sized properly they don't tile properly when the screen scrolls, as it does ever so slightly because your ship wobbles.

    Fix those two things and the flickering will stop. Well... okay, it didn't completely stop 100% for me, but it helped quite a lot. There's still a little hint of a flicker every now and then, but it's not bad, and hardly noticeable unless you're looking for it. Ashley has said there's still work to be done on the Tiled BG so maybe that will help.

    Or you could set your filtering to Point and it goes away completely. Since you have such a hi-res game it still looks good with point filtering, imo.

  • I would love to make games for the iPhone, but I don't have a Mac

  • It flickers due to frame-drop, because there's a lot of effects going on in the scene. And the low-res looking bit is because the scale on the plasma object's texture is bumped up to 5.

  • You could fake it with black bars.

    I had an example a while back that showed how you can change the x and y zoom by different amounts to go from 16:9 windowed to letterboxed 4:3, but ioj ate my fileshack file when they bought the site and I don't have a backup.

    Basically the example had a layer on top with black bars at the top and bottom, only you couldn't see them in windowed mode because they were off the edge of the screen. Then if you go to fullscreen, there was a quick check to test the aspect ratio of the player's monitor based on their system's screen resolution. If it was a 4:3 screen, it resized the resolution accordingly, and the black bars would then be in view.

    If you have a layer with a HUD you might need to manually scroll it down or something. And you might need to mess around a little with centering the view on the player, unless you have unbounded scrolling.

  • I agree, it plays really well and has some nice looking effects.

    I think the plainness of the ground and the floating mines kind of detracts from the other art though, which is super polished.

    I got a silver trophy though . Working on gold...

  • As far as I know, "Set animation" works just fine. Post a thread in Help/Tech before you post a bug report.

  • What if you're using character animations that should make the hit-box a different shape? Like a taller, thinner character that needs to lean forward while jumping. Or maybe the character's arms swing outside the hit-box while walking.

    Well, you just have to be careful about how your sprites. If you want something that's pixel-perfect for your character, it's probably not going to happen unless your character is a square. As a general rule of thumb I make an "average" of the body and head, and just ignore anything that pokes out beyond that. I don't think armsor legs or guns and such in games look all that odd poking through walls... it happens all the time. When it starts looking weird is when heads and bodies start poking through the walls.

    so you don't have to worry about rubber banding off of walls or hanging off a ledge by your nose.

    Hehe, that hanging by your nose thing always bugs me in games