deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Your tutorial looks slick as hell .

    I think it might be a little light on info though. Perhaps more text boxes that you can click "next" on or something to fill out details. Maybe go into the difference between moving a regular object by x/y and moving a physics object with Add or Set Force, or the difference between sprite rotation and physics torque, etc.

    And I like the interactivity of it, perhaps you could include some more hands-on stuff like knocking balls around or stacking boxes. Things like objects of different masses colliding are easier to see when there's more than one object involved.

    Really nice start though, I can't wait to see more

  • It looks like it's borked. The vertical platforms used to be smoother, and Platform attribute worked as well (now the player falls through when it's moving upwards). Perhaps there was some change in the Platform Behavior that caused it to not be quite so smooth...

    Also, it looks like the Platform behavior registers "is jumping" or "is falling" while on a vertical platform. Maybe that's the problem... if the Platform behavior is "on ground," then perhaps it should automatically override jumping/falling status? I don't know... seems logical to me, but there might be cases where you don't want that to happen.

  • Short answer: Construct doesn't have 2 player controls support yet.

    Longer answer: You can "Set ignoring input" on the player 2 object, and manually move the object with the 8 Direction behavior's actions. Here's an example:

    Move player 1 with arrows. Move player 2 with WASD.

    You won't get the full benefit of the turning and angling and such that the 8 Dir behavior normally has without some custom events, though.


    Also, for some weird reason, it seems player 2 is slightly slower than player 1 even though they should be going the same speed... strange. I guess I'll have to report that as a bug.

  • The next lesson is finished. I think.

    • [url= [list] Making a simple enemy that patrols back and forth. Subjects include Containers and spawning.

    This one only covers the very basics of Containers. As I stated in the tutorial, I strongly urge everyone who doesn't know what a Container is to read the wiki article. <-(That's the link! Click it!)

    As usual, feel free to ask questions here in the thread. And if there's anything you think could be expanded on in this tutorial, let me know. I'll be doing "intermediate" enemy AI in the next lesson, and we're not going to get to the actual fighting until lesson 9.

    Enjoy .

  • Okay... as I explained in the tutorial, the platform behavior will "push out" of solid objects when it's intersecting. That's just how it works. If your animation is uniform... no problem. But if your animation frames change size, as most do, then you could go from not intersecting on one frame to intersecting on the next frame, and viola... your character has magically teleported to the top of the wall. You need to keep the collision box uniform to avoid this. Using a separate object as the hitbox is currently the best method to do so.

    However, that's just a quirk of the Platform behavior, and just one of a few reasons why you might need to use a separate object.

    If you're doing something like a space shooter or whatever, you probably won't need to use a separate object at all. It depends on what the situation calls for.

    So... what's your situation?

  • Put them in a container with your perushyewatever objects: ... ainers.cap

  • That all depends on what kind of game you're making, and what you need the hitbox to do, and what you need the player to do, etc.

  • Sweet . This is really coming along. Awesome job.

    I don't really think the clouds fit in with the rest of the pixel style though. But overall it's pretty slick looking, and plays well.

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  • When you create a new layer it's auto named 3, but its actually layer 2.

    Confiirmed. Looks like a bug, you should report it. It also might be responsible for some of the troubles I've seen that people have had with referring to layers by their number... maybe?

  • You're using a System compare. That won't pick the object, it's just a generic equation comparison.

    Use the perushyvismelee object's own "Compare private variable" condition.

    Also... Megaupload? Bleah. I have to enter captcha, wait 45 seconds, AND look at pop-up ads? You should get yourself a willhostforfood account. It's free, and you can get direct download links.

  • If hitbox is in family and is contained with sprite, then the contained sprite will be picked whenever the hitbox is picked. Or so it works in theory.

    According to my own experiments, not quite...

    If you have two (or more) objects in a container, then you have to refer to one of the objects in that container directly in order to pick the others. Since you can't put a Family into the container, you might get weird results.

    So you can do a lot of general stuff to your hitboxes by Family, such as setting the speed, angle, test collisions, or whatever... but if you want the Container picking ability you will need to define your condition by using an actual object that is in the container, and not by a Family that any of those objects might belong to.

    Hope that makes sense. And of course, now that the subject has been broached I'm sure some dev will pop in and say "Fixed for next build"

    This invisible hitbox and visible sprite method just seems like a hack.

    I suppose I'm just used to it. I came to Construct through MMF, where it's common practice to do it that way.

    At any rate, I read somewhere on the forum recently where one of the developers said they were planning a custom hitbox feature. So who knows, it might be here soon.

    And honestly I don't think it's that hacky of a practice. While Game Maker allows you to manipulate the hitbox directly for the sprite, it's really just a matter of convenience (I'm not aware of any other game making software that has that feature). Defining the hitbox with a separate sprite in Construct is the same sort of practice... and has the same reasoning behind it. It's just that it's not as convenient because it happens to be a separate object. In traditional programming it's even more abstracted... you have to define your collision box based on math rather than a visual representation of a box. But essentially you're still making a box, even if that box is made of a few individual coordinate checks.

  • I can't edit the first post. Am I blind?

    You are not blind. There is a time limit on editing posts.

  • ...but first I must finish watching Chobits

    Animes? Ugh, David...

  • Makes difficult things more difficult?

    And unpleasant things more unpleasant. And cold. And wet.

    Grrrr SNOW!

  • Awesome

    Glad to see this hasn't been abandoned!