dazedangels's Forum Posts

  • dop2000,

    Thank you.

    Switching it to +1 animation worked, but it shrinks the sprite to about a 10th of what it was. I have no idea why, BUT it is going blank now lol. I'll figure that out later.

    Thanks again.

  • The C3 demo: editor.construct.net

    How do you clear the image?

    Every time you click the "Snap" button, it changes the image, but how do you just clear the image so there's nothing there again?

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  • I haven't done this for about 5 months, so forgive me, I'm catching up.

    Have we come up with an easy way to change the frame of the 3D face?

    Or is it still required to have a copy of every 2D image that you're using on the layer?


  • I've been playing with this thing for a while and the camera keeps going into the wall or behind a wall. I know this happens in a lot of 3D games, but it's driving me bonkers.

    Is there any MacGyver type trick? A hack, that I probably shouldn't do, but works. Like "when wall is behind Sprite, set invisible" (Which I tried, but couldn't get it to work. lol)



  • Hopefully, the forum will upload the image - so you can see the code.

    I want to move the dude back, closer to the camera, to where the X is.

    I've edited to code, but can't seem to figure out what I need to do to get the dude back a bit, closer to the camera, without changing the title of the camera.


    In case the image didn't upload: photos.app.goo.gl/cWYHMje7bEvjkXER7

  • oosyrag,

    Thank you sooo much. Sheet 2 was a lot like what I was trying, but I was missing a bit. (I never would have figured out that equation on Sheet 1.)

    I can't believe I forgot so much in just a few months.

    Would you mind if I put that example on my howtoconstructdemos.com site, so others can use it? I will link to your profile or your website, just let me know what you would like me to link to.

    Thanks again.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • oosyrag

    Thank you for your reply.

    You suggested: "Proceeding to the next deck would be on trigger, if current card = deck size, destroy current deck and create next deck."

    That's where I started, but I'm stuck So I started over using one of the demos on the from the editor, I loaded it up with decks and cards, but I cannot figure out the beginning part of that.

    I was thinking when deck X is playing ... but is playing what? So that can't be it.

    Can you give me the event and/or maybe the equation I need to use, please.

    Below is what I'm working with. I stripped out all the stuff that didn't work.


  • I’ve been gone for 5 months, it feels like I’ve forgotten everything.


    I have several families and each family has 40 to 50 objects (sprites a.k..a cards).

    How do I make it so when: on tap object_A, create the next object in the family and delete the object that was there.

    All the objects in the families are named card_000, card_001, card_002 and so on.

    I remember the essence of the structure, but not the actual structure.

    I tried making an object with 40 or 50 frames, but each card needs to go in order and when that deck runs out of cards it needs to go to the next deck and I couldn’t get it to accurately go from card 40 in deck_1 to card 41 in deck_2. However, if anyone can tell me that, that would work too.

    Thoughts? Examples? Hints?

  • Are you sure your browser size is set to 100%?

    Sometimes I press ctrl + scroll the mouse by mistake and I shrink the text. Which is a real pain in the event sheets.

    If you hold down ctrl and scroll the mouse up and down it will tell you what your browser is set to.

  • C3/Mobile game

    Forgive me, I haven't used C3 in 4 months and now I have 3 projects going and I'm a little muddled.

    This game has a landing page, a menu page and a game page.

    On the menu page, the player puts in a code and it goes to the game page, but it takes about 10 seconds for the game page to open - it's a bit large.

    So, I thought I'd put in a little animation so after the player puts in their code the animation will play and the player will know it's loading the game.

    The problem is, the graphic appears, but it doesn't animate.

    If I just put the graphic on the screen, it animates right up until the player presses enter, then the graphic stops animating.

    I'm thinking it's because the game is going to the next layout, so it stops all the animation, but if that's so, how do I make a 'loading' animation animate?

    Thank you.

  • Ashley,

    Really? A separate object for each image would be better. I thought it was better to put all the images into the fewest number of objects.

    Using a separate object for each image would be much easier.

    Thanks! I'll do that.

  • I started writing a backstory for my game and wrote a graphic novel ... for mobile ... and I'm using C3 to create the mobile graphic novel.

    ANYWAY, thus far the graphic novel is about 150 pages and one image contains all the pages as frames.

    The images aren't animated, but I've started to notice that when I open the C3 preview, it's taking longer and longer to load. Which doesn't surprise me since there are 150 frames in 1 image.

    Would it be better to break the image into animations? I'd still have 1 image, but have an animation for each chapter. Example: chapter1 with 25 frames and chapter2 has 25 frames and so on. Still all one image, but with several animations, with each animation having a bunch of frames.

    Or would it be better to have an image named chapter1 and a different image for chapter2, and so on and each chapter contains all the frames for that chapter?


    If it helps, this is what it looks like: tiktok.com/t/ZTR7w8oGX

    ps The game has yet to be made, but the novel is moving along splendidly.


    After weeks of searching and testing, I've come to the conclusion that there is no Chrome Fix. The problem is Chrome Browser.

    FireFox and Opera work fine use those.

    If anyone has this issue in the future, save yourself the headache, switch to a different browser.

  • Ashley,

    Thank you, that gives me a good place to start.

    I'll update if I find the answer.
