Davioware's Forum Posts

  • <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/Photoz/TCboxart.png">

    Relax, it's the box art.

  • file object: execute file (url)

  • I forgot about the box object. Tis one of those lost forgotten objects.

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  • I don't see how a shader could do this. I'm pretty sure it's not possible.

    Use a canvas instead.

    -create a full layout canvas, shouldn't impact performance at all in a fighting game with a tiny layout.

    -create a full screen object with erase, set it to 20% or so

    -always paste the erase object into the canvas so it is constantly fading away whatever has been pasted into it.

    intermittently paste the sprite when the effect is needed, the opacity of the sprite should be adjusted to 50% right before the paste, and readjusted to normal right after(the opacity tweak may not work if the paste action waits until the end of the frame, but i'm pretty sure it will work.).

  • Great game! The music is very good, it reminds me of Trine. Props to the composer. The art is really nice too.

    The green switch took me sooooo long to figure out. I only accidentally slammed into it after I figured out that you can hold down to drop.

    Very nice effort for your first game, it's top quality stuff. I feel that the character shouldn't be pixel art though, just to fit with the painterly style. That's just my opinion though, and it doesn't really make a difference either way.

  • And what does this do exactly? It would help to give a better explanation.

  • If you want to make a "large" game, especially an RPG, it's going to take a lot of work and technical know-how with Construct (not to mention experience with general programming concepts). Before trying to make a game like the one you speak of (massive, epic, story based, etc.), you should first experiment with construct for a few weeks (I recommend months if you're new, tbh), and get a feel for the engine. Figure out what it's good at, and what it's not. With enough experimentation and experience you should be able to come up a with a feasible technical plan and genre for your game. Personally, I would do your game as a top down adventure (A link to the past style).

    If you want a point and click, Construct is not the engine for that.

  • Events run from top to bottom. If there are two events which have been triggered in the same tick (imagine two identical events, for example), the one that is higher up will perform it's actions first. The exception is triggered events. Any event with a small green arrow to left of it's name is a triggered event. Right when the condition happens, the event is called. So you can have a start of layout event, which is a trigger, at the bottom of the event sheet, and it will still be the first event to run. However, if there is another start of layout trigger above it in the event sheet, then the top to bottom rule applies once again. Thirdly, you can use the function object to call events through actions.

  • Couldn't you get a dummy hit box to do that for you?

    Like if sprite angle = 45 dummy set frame to frame 2, or for something a little more accurate, you could set up the dummy to set its height and width via multiple image points from the host sprite.

    dummy set height to distance(imagepointX("top"),imagepointY("top"),imagepointX("bottom",imagepointX("bottom"))...?

    Ok dunno if that will work haven't tested it.

    What do you mean by dummy hit box? The whole point of this is for the box collision mask to rotate with the sprite, so there aren't huge corners of nothingness that can trigger collisions in rectangular-ish rotated objects. A dummy hitbox would use an extra object, and would have to use per pixel collisions anyways, since it's the only type of collision mode that works with rotated sprites. The whole point is so you can better benefit from the performance savings of box collision mode.

  • Maybe some sort of custom scripting, like: "Event1 happens when Event2 is triggered by Event3" or something. That would make it a lot simpler.

    What you're suggesting wouldn't make it simpler, at all. English sentences are confusing when they have too many nouns and stacks of complex logic.

    A sound "x.wav" is played, a sprite7 is spawned, sprite7's position is set to 32,45, a sprite8 is spawned when sprite 1 is overlapping sprite 2 but is not overlapping sprite 5 and when sprite 1's variable 'speed' is greater than or equal to 45. Then....

    You get the point. Take some time to learn Construct.

  • as soon as 1.0 is released, I'm going to continue with my game.

    And what's going to be so different about 1.0?

  • No.

  • I love the feature of flipping things with minus dimensions, but I believe "per pixel" collision stops working when a sprite is flipped. Box collision still works.

    Yea, I would love to see this fixed.

  • Ashley is the guy to ask about this, as he knows his way around audio engineering stuff, and more importantly, Construct. So Ash, how hard would it be to incorporate a filter or eq into Xaudio2? Would one need to write a whole new custom audio object to support these things? Is there a way to channel Xaudio2's output to another object?

    My geuss:

    To add to Construct's sound capabilities (ex: support VST effects), one would need to modify the Xaudio2 object to support passing audio to another object, or just add any effects directly into the Xaudio object itself, and rebuild the plugin. I geuss you can also make a completely new sound object too.

    And I would forget about using the VST's gui. If this plugin ever makes it into existance, the only way you're going to be editing the parameters is through actions (ex: set param3: cutoff: 30%.). Adding rendering and interface support for the VST gui is just not worth the time, even if it may be theoretically possible.

  • You took them out from Realm of the Mad God. Or you are creator of Realm of the Mad God)))

    Looks pretty awesome.

    Those sprites are available for anyone to use; they were made as art assets for the assembly compo at TIGsource. Many games have used them thus far, as they are nice, and freely usable.