Davioware's Forum Posts

  • TowerClimb is contending in the IGF! (provided I finish what I want to have done for it by the deadline )

    It has come a long way. (Don't worry, the graphics haven't changed, it's still made of beautiful, blocky pixels.) I can't wait for you guys to play it when it's finally out! I hope to have it finished in the next few months.

    It has turned into quite the adventure platformer.

    First commercial construct game, yay! (provided Arima doesn't beat me to it! )

  • Interesting. From the way it's worded it seems like they found his software, loved it, and offered him a job. Maybe they asked him if he'd like to combine his software with zbrush. Hopefully they keep it free (for marketing purposes), as sort of a gateway tool to zbrush. I'm hoping it's "free" with little ads for zbrush integrated directly in the program. menu items like "export to zbrush" etc.

    And I hope they didn't just buy him out to get rid of a competitor...

  • I honestly prefer Towerclimb.

    Well that's nice to hear.

    I'm probably entering it in the IGF (A special build of the new version). Still contemplating whether it's worth the 95$ submission fee though. Could really be worth it for the publicity though if it makes it as a finalist.

  • Interesting that SMB makes you think of it. The only similarity is "going" up walls. Then again, it's just repeated wall jumping.

  • Don't draw them every frame? I don't use the minimap object but I'm geussing it's that.

  • Oh hey deadeye! Nice to have you back man.

  • set ini to apppath&"test.ini"

    save the .cap

    write a value

    it will create the .ini in the cap directory.

  • Look's like you're at fault for wasting resources. With such a high-end system it should be very hard to drop the fps in a construct game. I'll bet you have some mighty inefficient code in your game, or you're abusing shaders unnecessarily. Set construct to emulate PS 0.0 and see how it runs.

  • Or better yet, don't use that attribute at all. Simply use the scroll to x and scroll to y actions. A complex camera can be designed with an expression and/or some events. Things like slow tracking, screen shake, and whatever else you fancy can be implemented.

  • It will probably throw an error. However I think the onboard gpu's can borrow memory from RAM, even though it's slower, so you shouldn't have to worry too much.

  • graphicsgale + paint

  • Could someone show me how I could go about generating a number between 0 and 2 (ie 0 and 1, if I remember correctly), and assigning this to a variable which Construct would allow me to use in another event?

    All you have to do is set the variable (either a global or an object variable) to random(2). random(a) returns 0 to a-1, so in this case it will choose 0 or 1. If you pass a whole number it will return only whole numbers. If the number has a decimal it will return a random float from 0 to a-1.

    Which leads nicely to the second question. How do I go about changing an AI object to the Player's control, so that the object can then be moved via keyboard? Do I simply delete one object and spawn another in its place, or is there a better way to do it? My only concern here is that if the object is tilted 90 degrees and then I do the spawn/destroy method, the object will spawn in default position. Needless to say, this looks jerky. I can live with it, but if there's a better way, I'll take it.

    It doesn't look jerky if you set it up well. You can modify object properties when they are spawned, so setting the angle to the AI angle on the frame it spawns will look like a flawless transition. You could also set up a variable called playercontrolled to make it so the ai becomes player controlled when the value is 1 instead of destroying it and spawning a player object. It's your call.

    For ini files, there are write value actions, and read value expressions. The write actions just write a value to an item in a group. The ini only writes or reads where you tell it to write to. So for instance you can have a skill value for your goalie whose value is set to the ini's value "catchskill" in group "goalie". At the start of the game you could set all the players skill values to the corresponding ini values. You could even have different ini files for each team, so you can save and train teams or whatever.

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  • Why don't you elaborate on the complex stuff? And how is Construct not complex enough?

  • I would have liked a demo with a non-bald guy though.

    No, mind reading is only for bald people. Everyone is bald in the future.

  • If it's any help, "overlapping at offset" is the same thing.