Davioware's Forum Posts

  • If it lags behind when scrolling then it's probably because the set position actions are before the scroll actions.

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  • assuming you make one release a day, starting now, it'll happen in 931 years. I assume competition will be tough by that time.

    Fast forward..

    MMF 7 is coming out! They have added subevents to this version as a main feature.

    Gamemaker is releasing version 99, and this is their new logo celebrating the milestone ---> <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Users must now pay a small royalty for each line of code they add.

    Stencyl 2.0 has been released, but it went back to closed development after many complained that flash is dead.

    Meanwhile, Construct has an in-mind runtime, thought sdk, and export to pizza features. Davo is still working on the image editor for C2 though.

  • It's only in classic (at the moment), and the feature is called called families.

    edit: ninja'd by shinkan

  • Interesting, I had once made this same effect, but then questioned its efficiency vs. a canvas with grab layout. I settled on the Canvas. Have you tested it vs a canvas for full-screen post processing effects?

    And The_Funny_Guy, don't use a .fx to make something simple like screen shake, even if "it's easier". It's a massive waste of gpu time. Do it with events, it's not hard. I believe the effect already exists anyways, it's called offset, if I recall.

  • Nice! I was planning on making this, thanks. Looks really good.

  • The extremely low resolution allows me to use shaders quite freely without a performance impact. There's a few post processing shaders which are event controlled to set the atmosphere/accentuate certain things. Then there's more shaders on stuff like water and lava. It all looks really nice in motion, and doesn't slow down the game one bit. There are of course options to turn them off if you're on a really old machine or something, but I haven't noticed any slowdown. The game is way more taxing on the cpu than gpu anyway, even with all the shaders on.

    And yes Lucid, I will be selling it.

  • Tulamide had made this effect already. I think he called it zoom blur. His allows you to set the x/y focal point too.

  • Here are a couple of new screens. All in game.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/TCscreenshots/WaterAndFire.png" border="0" />

  • I agree with simplifying the system, I never used animation angles or sub-animations. I never really understood what sub-animations were for anyways.

  • What version of construct can this be used with? Awesome idea btw.

  • Nice, I like the pacing of these new releases .

    Also, Does html5 support any kind of color filter for sprites? If so, it should be added asap, it's really useful.

    A Custom movement behavior port, and better collisions would be nice to have after animations are done. Custom movement is really underrated. It's practically the only behavior I use for movement, since it does everything. Families and containers should be after that.

    Just putting out what I think should come next.

  • I have a question.

    Does the html5 runtime use vram? I'm pretty sure I heard some browsers were hardware accelerated and some weren't. Does that mean that C2 applications may or may not use vram depending on the browser?

    And we need animations in C2! (I know, you're on it) Are you waiting for Davo to do the image editor before you do animations? The website creation aspect of C2 really appeals to me, and animations are a must.

  • what's a bump cd?

  • You can implement circular collision yourself just by checking the distance to an object.

  • Kayin, It doesn't mess anything up. It's just that there was a bug with it that caused captioned windows to resize incorrectly, you can fix it by turning off the captions. I think tulamide fixed it this build though, he added an option for set client size or something, so it should work. I haven't tested this build yet though.