[EFFECT] Apply Below

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Rpg action of Neves is a complete template to apply your story to create your world.
  • Allows to apply effects to every pixel below it. All preceding effects in the stack will be ignored. If applied to a layer make sure to turn off 'Transparent' on layer properties.

    Download Apply Below effect

    It doesn't have any parameters.

    This effect is useful when you want to apply effects to several layers at once or the whole screen. Just put it as the first effect in the top layer and apply all the effects you want after it.

  • Animmaniac i see you are very productive on creating new effects. can i request one from you?

    Can you create a "Shake" effect? preety much like "Shake" beh. I belive that if effects such as Warp are possible it would be also possible to that but without global distortion?

    Think eearthquake effect for a game. Or like Critical Hit effect in Baldurs Gate saga.

    That would be such a nice feature!

    I know it can be done with events but putting it all in a effect would make it so much easier and in less amount of time!

  • Animmaniac i see you are very productive on creating new effects. can i request one from you?

    Can you create a "Shake" effect? preety much like "Shake" beh. I belive that if effects such as Warp are possible it would be also possible to that but without global distortion?

    Think eearthquake effect for a game. Or like Critical Hit effect in Baldurs Gate saga.

    That would be such a nice feature!

    I know it can be done with events but putting it all in a effect would make it so much easier and in less amount of time!

    Yes, but you need to take into account the vram, and frame rate impact an fx has compared to events.

    BTW You can do that via camera scroll as well. Something like Linkmans camera shake.

    set scroll x/y to scroll x/y + normalrandom(0,5)

    Anyway nice job on the Fx's Animmaniac

  • I am not that concered with the ram usage really. what is even 10RAM usage more? i am not making game for a 10 years old PC :P

    i mean, having present PC's in mind you really can afford a little wasted RAM here and there.

    As long as they wont add up into oversized pill that impacts the performence.

  • Ahh ok, I was wondering why you were having all those crash's.

    Any way 2 events with no impact wins in my book.

  • what crash's? <img src="smileys/smiley13.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    and its not about how many events you use but whats inside them.

    I am quite sure you can calculate anything with one event, from 2 apples to complex physical calculations. The problem is the formula. and you need to figure out the formula on your own.

    And with effects - its just couple of mouse clicks.

  • These are all great effects, thanks Animmaniac :)

  • Interesting, I had once made this same effect, but then questioned its efficiency vs. a canvas with grab layout. I settled on the Canvas. Have you tested it vs a canvas for full-screen post processing effects?

    And The_Funny_Guy, don't use a .fx to make something simple like screen shake, even if "it's easier". It's a massive waste of gpu time. Do it with events, it's not hard. I believe the effect already exists anyways, it's called offset, if I recall.

  • Dude, thats AMAZING. thanks!

  • Interesting, I had once made this same effect, but then questioned its efficiency vs. a canvas with grab layout. I settled on the Canvas. Have you tested it vs a canvas for full-screen post processing effects?

    And The_Funny_Guy, don't use a .fx to make something simple like screen shake, even if "it's easier". It's a massive waste of gpu time. Do it with events, it's not hard. I believe the effect already exists anyways, it's called offset, if I recall.

    Davioware, i agree its a huge waste of PC resources. But for how long the "shake" effect would last? 1-2 seconds. think of it. math is dead without common sense.

    Offset cannot be used from obvious reason. You want the screen to shake - not emerge from another side <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Interesting, I had once made this same effect, but then questioned its efficiency vs. a canvas with grab layout. I settled on the Canvas. Have you tested it vs a canvas for full-screen post processing effects?

    Nice question. I just made a quick test with a 1024x768 window and got almost the same results with canvas and Apply Below. Actually the effect gives me 1 or 2 more fps, but this is negligible. The canvas also adds a little more vram, probably because it has to store its original texture. So technically, even if you stretch a 1x1 canvas in the entire layout it still will use a tiny bit more vram. Nothing to worry about.

    Based on this: just use the one you prefer most. I personally think the effect is simpler to use though.

    Anyway, I suggest people to make more tests, probably there's cases where this could not be true.

    The_Funny_Guy: I advise you to make it through events or a plugin. An effect would give lot slower results an unnecessarily narrow your possible audience to people with good graphics cards. It's so easy to implement this through events that doesn't worth it. It also would get pretty ugly near the window borders with intense shakes.

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