Davioware's Forum Posts

  • Your index.html can be a blank page with some javascript to do the redirect.

    window.location = "http://www.site.com"

    Testing for HTML5 is a bit more complicated.

  • C2 is early in development.. It IS very incomplete.

  • b]Davioware found a major efficiency issue with function object where calling functions using an expression runs at about one third the speed of calling using the addparam and callfunction actions.

    *Cough* Fixed.

    Also, Lucid, What was the bug?

  • Nice lucid! I was also kind of annoyed at that. I'll test it out soon.

  • all function -> .properties(param,param,...,param)

    keep in mind that this generates one extra function call, namely to the function: 0 (since the return value is 0), which actually can't be accessed since "call function" only takes a string as the parameter. To access it you must cast the function call to a string with str() like so: Call function -> str(.properties(param,param))

    Then when you make a condition [ On function: "0" ] It will perform the events because it calls the function called "0".

    Keep in mind that lucid's method is around 3x slower. Here's a benchmark I had made.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/Forumpics/F_bench.png" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • If you had made all your inventory objects the same object, but with different animation frames, you could have done:

    On click on blocks,

        create INV_OBJECT

        set anim frame to block('id')

    and the same with your drop function. Since you made them all different objects though, Now you can rename them to inv1 inv2 inv3 etc. and use create object by name;

    On click on blocks,

        create by name "inv"&block('id')

  • Chrome has an option in about:flags

    "GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D

    Enables higher performance of canvas tags with a 2D context by rendering using Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) hardware."

    I think it's disabled by default though.

  • Yup! But there's still a few things left to add.

  • Entered it into IGF 2012 <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • FYI: Legend of princess is mmf2, Iconoclasts is construct.

    Both those games are what Construct's runtime was designed to do; high quality, HLSL shader enhanced graphics. The logic system is also extremely good and encourages a fast workflow.

    The only downsides to Construct are minor runtime (specifically crashing when changing layout, which can be worked around) and edittime (crashes in the editor) instabilities . Also, your games can ONLY run on windows with classic.

  • <qoute>Are there any possible quick fixes?</qoute>

    Short answer: No, you would have to look at mountains of change logs and figure out every little anomaly. It's pretty much impossible. If it won't open, you might be able to download an old version of construct, and open it in that. This way you can still learn the concepts.

  • What do these float errors mean, and how do you stop them? Are they caused by floats exceeding a certain precision, or are they returned by math functions? It happens with anglediff(), specifically.

    Edit: searched the forums and found that it's caused by illegal math operations like div 0 etc. Also found a bugfix in 0.99 which fixed a problem with anglediff() sometimes returning -1.#IND with 2 identical parameters due to a float rounding error. This sounds exactly like my bug, since i'm using long floats with anglediff every frame, with a high possibility of identical angles. I'm geussing the bug is actually still there.

    Using Classic r1.2

    Also, can you check for -1.#IND in expressions/conditions as a string? I'm guessing no, but it could be useful.

  • That ui slider is delicious.

    This program is really useful; doing this kind of animation in graphics gale is a pain in the ****

  • -5+random(10) is what I use, it's the same as shadowlord posted, just reads better for me.

  • Why even use physics for this? The whole point of physics is for realistic interactions between moving objects. What you have here can easily be done with just 2 variables, or more easily, the custom movement behavior. Using the physics object for this isn't efficient. Not trying to be rude or anything; just trying to make you a better programmer! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />