David's Forum Posts


  • I like episodic stuff. It gives the developers more time to work on the game and make it polished. Rather than trying to bust out 50 levels they only work on 1/5th of the amount and it means the levels are better quality. Also, if the first episode is ***** they make the second one better, rather than having a whole game that is ***** Also, we dont have to wait as long (usually)

  • I made some serious changes to the 3d object for 0.99.91, so if u compile it you'll have to compile the runtime as well, else it wont work. We'll be releasing 0.99.91 soon

  • hahahaha awesome! Drunk mode is like impossible! Although I would have possibly used the wave effect in that mode to the 'drunkness' feel

  • dot product.

    Oh ignore 'cross' theres no such thing for 2d vectors.

    I made a plugin immediately after the post...only to realise you cant store arrays in private variables without a crash...bloody developers should fix that bug!


    oh wait...I'm a developer...F**K

  • Well you can use arrays in construct as {1,2} etc.

    So perhaps you have a private variable in your sprite called 'speed' and u set it to {1,2}... but then you want to set the length of that variable...

    All I can think of is something like:

    Set value 'speed' to vector.setLength('speed',10)

    .. so like...have:










    and then some operational functions

    vector.add( v1, v2)

    vector.multiply(v1, v2)

    vector.subtract(v1, v2)

    vector.divide(v1, v2)

    vector.dot(v1, v2)

    vector.lerp(v1, v2, r)

    vector.distance(v1, v2)

    and some creational functions







    and overloading the default expression i could make:


    create the actual vector

    Shall I quickly program this and see how it goes?

  • Construct doesn't have any implimentation of Vectors...yet.... but anyways I thought I might write a quick article about them and how they can be useful for doing maths.

    Basically, a vector is like a position on your screen. It has an x component, and a y component. Similarily, it also usually has the ability to retrieve additional information, such as the length of the vector, and the angle of the vector. A vector can be graphically represented as an arrow like this:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/vector.png">

    So...lets look at an example where vector maths could be useful..

    Suppose we are making a sling shot....

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/1.png">

    Lets think of some rules. Firstly...at rest, the player is in the middle.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/2.png">

    Secondly, we limit how far the user can drag the player by a radius. Lets call it 'drag_radius'

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/3.png">

    So at this point...how would we do it using X and Y values?

    We would probably declare some variable:

    middleX = 100
    middleY = 50
    dragRadius = 50
    playerX = mouseX
    playerY = mouseY
    if distance between playerX, playerY, middleX, middeY is greater than dragRadius
    	angle = angle(middleX, middleY)
    	playerX = middleX + cos(angle) * dragRadius
    	playerY = middleY + sin(angle) * dragRadius
    So already, the code is getting a bit messy. You have sin and cos, and angle and distance formulars around the place. 
    Now, lets have a look at how we would do it using vectors.
    middleXY = {100,50}
    dragRadius = 50
    offsetXY = mouseXY - middleXY
    if differenceXY.length is greater than dragRadius
    	differenceXY.length = dragRadius
    playerXY = offsetXY + middleXY
    Okay, so we've done things a bit differently with the vectors. OffsetXY is a vector representing the offset of the player from the middle. If the length of offset is larger than dragRadius, we force the length to change to dragRadius
    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/4.png">
    So in this picture, the black arrow represents what offsetXY is, and the blue one represents what it becomes when we change its length to drag radius
    Okay now lets get a bit more complicated.
    Suppose we want to make it so the angle that the player fires towards is inbetween the two elastic bands...how would we go about doing that?
    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/5.png">
    Well, we need to declare some more variables, such as the position of the left and right pins that hold the elastic band.
    leftPinX = 0
    leftPinY = 50
    rightPinX = 200
    rightPinY = 50
    middleX = 100
    middleY = 50
    playerX = ...
    playerY = ...
    playerToLeftPinAngle = angle(playerX, playerY, leftPinX, leftPinY)
    playerToRightPinAngle = angle(playerX, playerY, rightPinX, rightPinY)
    -- The only way to find the average between two angles to to convert them into component form, add them together, then find the angle
    playerToLeftPinX = cos(playerToLeftPinAngle)
    playerToLeftPinY = sin(playerToLeftPinAngle)
    playerToRightPinX = cos(playerToRightPinAngle)
    playerToRightPinY = sin(playerToRightPinAngle)
    playerShootAngle = angle(0,0, playerToLeftPinX + playerToRightPinX, playerToLeftPinY + playerToRightPinY)
    Now lets have a look at how this could be done using vectors
    leftPinXY = {0, 50}
    middleXY = {100,50}
    rightPinXY = {200, 50}
    playerXY = {..., ...}
    playerToLeftPin = leftPinXY - playerXY
    playerToRightPin = rightPinXY - playerXY
    playerToLeftPin.length = 1
    playerToRightPin.length = 1
    playerShoot = playerToLeftPin + playerToRightPin
    playerShootAngle = playerShoot.angle
    So basically...in terms of vectors...we have something like this picture:
    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/6.png">
    So playerToLeftPin and playerToRightPin are the black vectors, and the one we want to find is the red one.
    By adding them together we can find the red one:
    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Tutorial/Vector/7.png">
    So yeah, thats pretty much what vectors can do. I personally love vectors because they are easy to visualise as arrows so its kind of a more 'arty' approach to thinking of positions and speeds etc.
  • http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Message%20System.cap

    Here we go, a lot simplier

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  • You should use parameters in the time line. I'll make you a quick example one sec...

  • After much debugging I worked out what causes the else condition to bugger up when its nesting. It should be fixed for the next version

  • By the way, there are 'push out of obstacle' actions in the custom movement so you dont need to use while loops and stuff.

  • Also, Quazi that looks awesome!

  • In what way do you mean platform movement broke your engine?

  • Damn thats an awesome game

    Good job, very polished, and if I have a dream that i'm being chased by a giant skull tonight its ur fault!

  • Yikes...when did the wait object get added into the distributed version of Construct