David's Forum Posts

  • Getting something to render in 3d isn't that hard, its just that Construct is designed specifically for 2d stuff. Also, theres plenty of really good software programs for making 3d games, such as Unity. Really we'd just be reinventing the wheel if we were to try to make a 3d engine. I've coded a '3d object' that can display obj models that will probably be included in the next build, but its pretty limited. There are so many things a 3d engine should have that Construct just isn't designed for.

  • Okay I'll add an exe to the main post as well

  • Oh as a cool little bonus, you might notice when the symbol flies past that it changes to a 'blurred' image. This is exactly what motion blur does automatically, but since I know that the symbol moves at a fixed speed, i pre-blurred it in photoshop and thus when the symbol flies past it looks smooth!

  • I got 31 Correct and 1 wrong

    Apparently if you keep playing this over and over again you get better and your brain gets smarter

    "Used for:

    Thinking faster

    Faster reaction time

    Speeding up cognitive processes"

  • Hey guys, I played a cool app on my iphone called 'Brain Trainer'...but then I saw it costs money...so I made my own in Construct naturally

    I copied one of their 'brain training' games... but i think by mentioning them above it should be fine...

    Anyways, basically you have to remember the previous symbol, and when you confirm if it was the same or different to the previous symbol, it moves onto the next symbol, then you have to say if that symbol is the same as the one you had just looked at, etc.

    Its pretty self explainitory, and you play it for 20 seconds and then your told how many you got right, wrong, and ur accuracy.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/braintrainer.PNG">

    EXE http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/BrainTrainer.exe

    CAP http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Brain%20Trainer.cap

    Enjoy and post your scores

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Fixed for the next build btw

  • Nice

    Learnt about State machines at Uni this semester, and when combined with inter agent messaging it certainly makes creating AI a lot easier and logical.

    The plugin needs some polish tho, as Ashley and a few others have said the text should say 'On State Activated' not 'On state false to true', just makes things easier to read.

    Theres heaps of stuff you can do to a FSM to make it more advanced, such as having a 'state stack' so you can revert to the previous state, and then theres non-determininistic state machines where you have a 50% chance of doing one thing or another...but really I think that could be done with construct events anyway.

    Also incase you wanted to change the icon I made you 2, but you dont have to use them:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/ICON.bmp">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/SICON.bmp">

    I'd also recommend maybe making a behavior version of this as well, although people can just use containers to achieve instancing

  • Code reusability is an interesting topic.

    I really like the way its done in unity. You make a script for a specific function, and then expose variables. So say you have a script for something like a camera that follows the player - the script takes in a 'target' input, and a 'distance' input.

    In a way, behaviors are a lot like that. But it would be cool to have code snippets where you paste in an event block which has parameters. For example, a 'target object' code block might require an object that has a particular behavior like custom movement attached...in unity these are components...

    Essentually its kinda like writing events, but instead of recreating them and changing which objects they use, you make everything kinda abstract.... anyway i'll talk more about the idea later

  • Awww haha awesome everyones thinking of me

    Sorry I'm just really busy with uni hey. I spend nearly all my time with my girlfriend, and the time i dont spend with her I'm busy doing uni stuff. I need to learn C# and XNA for one unit and make a game

    Anyway I'll be back in action soon, dont worry

  • http://www.globalgamejam.org/2010/mikeys-madness

    <img src="http://www.globalgamejam.org/sites/default/files/uploads/2010/2588/screen.jpg?1264921587">

    Hey guys sorry I haven't been online in ages, I've only just got internet back and my own place (been living illegally with my girlfriend

    The theme was deception. The original idea for our game was that the world you saw was a deception...and you had to use the 'truth' spray to uncover the true level. However, in later levels, there would be conflicts with the sign writer and the truth spray...for example the sign might say 'this platform exists, jump on it and no harm will come to you' but if you use the truth spray, it causes the platform to disappear....so sometimes you need to trust things and sometimes you might choose the harder path instead...

    But yeah...only 48 hours...didn't quite get as far as making a full game >.< so it ended up just being one level. Oh and the ending is just for lols.

    Anyway, the artwork was all mine except the character, so play it and enjoy Was made in Construct of course!

  • <img src="http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs264.snc1/9131_155525689007_597014007_3499628_7531721_n.jpg">

    I love Kangaroos

  • The other great thing about OpenGL is its usually emulated excellently on things like Wine. So even if we only programmed Construct for Windows XP, Linux and OSX would probably be able to run it with wine and whatever the other one is. But microsoft release so many updates to Direct X 9 that the emulators cant support all of them because theres so many and each update is incompatible with older versions.

    Btw does anyone know if Construct works on Windows 7? One of my friends has windows 7, and I sent her a Construct christmas card I made and it told her she needed to update her direct x which she couldn't be bothered doing....which took me by surprise because I thought Windows 7 would include all the versions of Direct X since its like several gigabytes big.

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  • http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Real%20Light.exe

    1,2 - Increase decrease intensity of light

    3,4 - Increase decrease range of light

    Left Mouse Right Mouse - Increase decrease z of light.