David's Forum Posts

  • Yep haha. Also just wrote a shader for ambient occlusion for lucid

    edit: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20030 ... l_03.shtml


  • <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/perpixelightingscreenshot.PNG">


    Had a go at making a shader which is a modification of the bump map shader (one that supports an alpha channel that represents the heightmap). Its hell tricky to use though. Basically you need to determine how high white is to be able to get the pixels. Oh and making 3dsmax or whatever your using rendering everything correctly is also a headache...

    Anyway I understand the technique...its just getting the shader perfected.

  • Great now I cant get into chat

    Hey LostMyKeys I've worked out how to make the normal map and stuff in 3dsmax. The only thing I dont know how to do is the heightmap. Was it done with a fog going upwards or something?

  • I reckon that could be done in Construct.


    All you need to do is have a canvas which has the normal map on it. And then make a special shader that is a variation of the bump map shader that accounts for the heightmap. The heightmap would need to be accessed from the zbuffer. And with another shader it might be possible to render a sprite into the zbuffer. Naturally I'm looking into all this right now because that video is so friggin awesome. I just need someone to render me a 3d scene like in the picture above.

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  • I dunno if the download object is unreliable or the server is unreliable (i think its more likely the download object) but just keep retrying the cap a few times clicking download. Also it uses Construct 0.99.72

  • ...well kinda...

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/screenshot3.PNG">


    Note: Scirra is not responsible for the content. The drawing is community made so if it becomes offensive to anyone report it and I will clear the database content

    Loading the world

    Basically when you click 'load' it downloads a webpage that contains all the lines.

    http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/da ... wnload.php

    As you can see if you download it in a web browser, its a bunch of numbers which wont mean much to you. However, to the application, each line represents an object in the form:

    X, Y, Width, Angle, Colour

    Saving the world

    Saving is a bit more complicated. Basically it generates a url in this form:

    upload.php?X=1,2,3&Y=...&X=...  etc[/code:1wiom92z]
    The php script can obtain X as a string like this: "1,2,3,4,5" and then split it into an array using the commas. 
    This is really just a proof of concept, but something like this could be used for something much bigger. For example, you could have a login system which stores all the usernames in an SQL server, and then you use the download object like this:
    And then compare what the website returns.
    However, there are many things to consider with this approach.
    1 - A hacker might be able to trick the computer into sending the 'logged in' message back without ever contacting your server
    2 - Any url you send could be viewed by hackers potentially, so the data should be encrypted somehow
    The advantage to using php to communicate with the database is that you dont have to worry about the username and password to the database being stored locally on everyones computer 
    Later I'll provide edited (so people dont know the password to the database ) versions of the php scripts I used for upload and download.
  • And now a cool chain/snake example for python


    Tomorrow I will explain how it works.

  • Oh right true, haha i hadn't seen that post about laziness. I get the feeling he probably doesn't know english that well...or how to make suggestions without sounding like demands. But yeah, being a free open source program that we work on in our spare time also means we have no obligation to be nice to annoying rude people coz its not like they've purchased the program or anything

  • And as the creators of Construct we are gods of the gods!

    But na, every creation you make has the potential to influence the world. Just like art, movies, paintings, music can convey a message, video games include all those elements and are interactive so can convey the message even more effectively.

    Its funny, I was having a chat with my girlfriend and she was complaining about the game Pet Ville, because apparently if you dont feed your pet in 3 days your pet runs away, and she was all "How can they do that? where is the pet going to go?" Which I found amusing...people see things in video games as being real...and your pet running away if you dont visit it in 3 days might only be 2 lines of code to impliment, but can suddenly make people realise the responsibilities of owning a pet! A wether the pet runs away, is adopted by someone else, or is put to sleep would have no effect on the code, only the text in the message, and yet those 3 different senarios would cause people to react differently.

  • <img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/10hk4rq.jpg">

    The reason this one doesn't work is because events are executed top to bottom. The logic is more like this:

    If group on is activated
             If space was pressed
                Disable group on and enable group off
    If group off is activated  -  (which the previous line just activated)
            If space was pressed
               Disable group off and enable group on[/code:2ljvzfef]
    Because group 'off' is enabled in event 1, in the same cycle the second event runs.
    Another solution might be to put the 'space is pressed' code outside the groups and use 'toggle group'
    If group on is activated
             If space was pressed
                do stuff
    If group off is activated
            If space was pressed
               do stuff
    If space was pressed
          toggle group "on"
          toggle group "off"
  • Thanks for the code changes, I added it into physics and made a few changes so the dragging doesn't happen at the centre of the point but accounts for the mouse offset etc. Oh and i made it that clicking a point makes it so any more points you add afterwards are from that point on etc. Oh and I made it whiten the layout editor a little so if your adding points around a dark object they dont get lost.

  • My best score so far is 97,000... I keep dying at that part where theres like a few jumps and you have to slow down to land on them...its like just after the part with the secret bonus

    *Edit* Woot 108,000 ... but still haven't got to the end of the level...finally got past those incredibly mean pillars...the trick was to make sure on the first one you land to the far left and then you can make it across....but then i got fooled by the road pitt things >.< ... must...stop...playing...and...work... on... Construct....

    But na, very nice and professional looking game, and the difficulty gives it a lot of replayability

  • A late Christmas present Great job!

  • Ah it was actually caused by attributes! fixed now

  • Correct. There are no triggered conditions at the moment. You need to use construct to make a trigger, and then have a script as a sub event.