Rayman Origins

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  • 13 posts
  • Rayman returns to 2d, cool art style, using UbiArt Framework:

    "the entire Rayman Origins trailer runs real time at 60fps in full HD (1920*1080) and required the intervention of only a few graphic artists"

  • that looks really really good. gotta leave to work, so couldn't research more, is everything I see in this video from rayman?

  • Looks like a mix of different projects, including Rayman, there is another video only with Rayman part, but I think it is interesting piece.

  • Was just about to post this, unbelievable work here, love the art direction and humor.


  • More info: http://ubi-art.com/

    What I find most intersting about it is during the presentation, the CEO said that they had made tools that not only were designed to make it as easy as possible for artists/nonprogrammers make games, but they wanted to make the tools available for everybody in the world to use.

    Sounds kind of like construct.

  • Ugh, I hate fake corporate sites like this one.

    I think wanted is the appropriate word here. I'd be surprised if anyone outside of Ubisoft ever sees these tools. And the new Rayman game they're talking about is console only, more the pity.

  • I love being able to see the aftermath of such amazing artist's work,

    but this here was just incredible!

  • New ubiart video:

  • The fact that this is episodic annoys me, they're pulling the same string as Sonic 4, they're doing this for money rather then gameplay.

  • The fact that this is episodic annoys me, they're pulling the same string as Sonic 4, they're doing this for money rather then gameplay.

    It's Ubisoft, what do you expect?

  • > The fact that this is episodic annoys me, they're pulling the same string as Sonic 4, they're doing this for money rather then gameplay.


    It's Ubisoft, what do you expect?

    Except Rayman 1, 2 and 3 were not episodic, they're ruining a franchise, actually now as I think about it, it was ruined ever since Rayman raving rabbids.

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  • I like episodic stuff. It gives the developers more time to work on the game and make it polished. Rather than trying to bust out 50 levels they only work on 1/5th of the amount and it means the levels are better quality. Also, if the first episode is shit, they make the second one better, rather than having a whole game that is shit. Also, we dont have to wait as long (usually)

  • I like episodic stuff. It gives the developers more time to work on the game and make it polished. Rather than trying to bust out 50 levels they only work on 1/5th of the amount and it means the levels are better quality. Also, if the first episode is s**t, they make the second one better, rather than having a whole game that is s**t. Also, we dont have to wait as long (usually)

    On the assumption they haven't already created all the content and are just now following a release schedule...

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