David's Forum Posts

  • lol yeah east and then rotates in a clockwise direction is how our angle system works. Its so that cos and sin work in this manner:

    X += cos(angle)

    Y += sin(angle)

    Really easy to remember because cos and sin are in alphabetical order, and both positive

    Also another tip is to use the tiled background object and set the width. That works well with a health bar that gets smaller (doesn't scale, just becomes less and less) or hearts where you have a tiled image of a 16x16 heart and each time u get hit you subtract 16

  • Wow nice! Me and my flat mates dont even have a christmas tree

  • Heh I just had a go at using the original program (which is free!)


    Its pretty much an art program but with an 'Optipustic' tool. I'm surprised they dont add that tool or something similar into photoshop... Anyway its pretty much the same as how I did it except it stays 1 pixel large, uses only 1 gradient (unlike a range of gradients in my example) and it has a bunch of configerable settings, and the ability for branches to bend and split etc. Pretty good little innovative tool there though

  • So I was looking for an image of grass and I found this


    And I realised that all the images and stuff are drawn from particles. Thought I'd have a go at making something similar in construct

    Left click and let the grass grow

  • I dont know how many Australias we have here but I just want everyone to know that theres a smiley face in the sky!

  • Any reason why you dont just use the built in physics engine ? It saves you a lot of time in the long run i find

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm sorry to hear about your mother losing her foot

    Just so you know, the Construct community isn't some cult that you need to sign up to and make a formal statement that your leaving. Half the projects I start I never end up finishing, and in a way I find programming and game making a rather relaxing activity. If you find that music is what you enjoy doing in your spare time then go for it! Feel free of course to post your mp3s here, video games need music! And if you ever feel the need to do a bit of game maing, or even just see what other people are up to, you know where to click.

    Anyways, I wish you and your family all the best...

  • This Cursed Rock is awesome! Although the ending wasn't your intended ending I found it hillarious just as I was starting to get a little bit bored of hunting the monsters. I find unusual twists in the story line in games what really draw me into them

    Anyways the pixel art is beautiful, and I like how theres a bit of soft shading in it as well, rather than just 8bit images Its like a modernised version of pixel art.

    As for the lake, I found that to be really powerful, I wont say anything about it because it will spoil it...but I like games that are an experience rather than just game play.

    Verge is pretty good, although I found after player your game the graphics in Verge just weren't as vibrant and the fact that the game wasn't V-Synced and silky smooth like construct it kinda annoyed me

    Also I can see if someone made a game in a similar style that constructs platform behaviours gravity direction could be quite handy

    Best of luck in the competition

  • <img src="http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/9625/screenshotpn5.png">

    Techniqually this was a one event example until I decided I wanted to rave it up a bit by putting a gradient over the top which changes colour...

    How it works: The eye is positioned at the mouse, then I work out the distance and angle between the mouse and the middle of the eye socket. I then divide the distance, and cap it to 32 pixels. Then I position the eye to the centre of the socket, and then move it by the distance and angle. Finally to add a bit of realism, I scale the eye down slightly by subtracting the distance from it, so it will become smaller as it leaves the centre (as eyes are spherical).

    And thats about it I figured this might be useful if someone wanted to make eyes in a game which looked at things (for example, eyes on a portrait that look at the player...perhaps even the players eyes which look at the mouse in a mouse aim game...)

    I'm wondering if this could be useful as a behaviour...just two actions 'set socket position' and 'look at'...then some tweaking variables that affect it. The intial position of it in the layout could be the default 'socket position' and then if you wanted to make eyes on a portrait that looked at the player you would just use a single action : 'look at player' So what are your thoughts?

  • It easy to make objects be on top of each other, you just have to add a y component to the private variables and translate them. However looking up and down is a lot trickier. It can of course be done its just I dont know the maths....it might be better to use a form of matrix transformation instead of my quick and easy method.

  • lookin good keep up the good work!

  • Take a guess at mine

  • At least theirs support moving platforms (or so I've heard)

  • ah its a desktop not a laptop. I find i work more productively on a desktop and dont chase my house mates around saying 'look at this utube video!'

  • Hey guys I'm back...just after I finished my uni work my laptop died ( I fried the graphics card somehow) and I had to get a new computer.

    My computer has an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU (E8400 3Ghz) - which apparently can be overclocked to 4 heh. And my graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT. I'm still running XP and I'm happy to say that UT3 demo runs at highest possible settings perfectly smoothly at 1680x1050 and crysis runs playably at the high settings as well (anyone know how I can get stats for crysis ?) 3 gig ram, half a terrabyte harddrive, etc etc.

    Also tried out some PhysX examples because apparently my graphics card supports PhysX...played a really awesome fluid physics example and it ran pretty good considering it was processing like 16,000 bouncing spheres. I wonder if someone will invent a 2d PhysX library that used the GPU to calculate the physics

    Anyways I an exam on Friday and then I'm on holidays, so I'll get back into some serious construct work very soon