Love the style reminds me of the pixel art golden days of LucasArts games like Loom and the original Curse of Monkey Island... with some high-colour-depth modernity thrown in.
Yeah, I think I've sort of stumbled into a personal style here. When I started this project I planned on just making very simple pixel art in order to keep the graphics production flowing. But I couldn't really get the moody, shadowy look I wanted for the house interior at night so I started messing with higher-res shading and it seemed to work out okay. I'm pretty happy with the pilot house, it turned out kind of refined looking I think. I'm digging working with this mix of high and low res.
As for posting something playable... well, the only thing playable so far is the level one demo I posted earlier. I don't actually have any level design or even any combat coded . I'm pretty confident though that once I get all the graphics assets finished I can build the main portion of the game in a couple of days, and spend a couple more doing up the rest of the cutscenes. Add another couple of days for sound, and one or two for testing and tweaking and I might even have time to spare before the end of the compo. I just need to bust out the rest of the graphics quick like a bunny.
Also, like I posted in my compo thread on TIGS, I don't think I'll be posting any more screenshots or demos until the game is complete for fear of spoilers .