My TIGSource competition entry: This Cursed Rock

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From the Asset Store
Rock Anthems music pack is a collection of 12 rock music tracks and 12 looped versions.
  • Okay, I PM'd him.


    Ah, you sneaky son of a...

  • Hmm, that's annoying - all of my code succeeds, then no more XAudio2 calls are made, and XAudio2 crashes in its own code. I'm guessing that it must be a bug in XAudio2, or your sound hardware/drivers. Do you know precisely what sound chipset/card you have? Or the motherboard if its built-in? I think I'll have to go to Microsoft over this one...

  • My sound card is ADI AD1986A SoundMAX according to my motherboard manual (motherboard is ASUS P5NSLI).

  • Oh, hey, I just found out I'm not the only one. Back at TIG, agj posted the following:

    Yeah, my mom's computer gets the same error, very strange. Maybe it's a video card thing. It really is too bad.

    Although that error can be something totally different from what I'm having. In my opinion, that error should say more even in the user version, because it helps you figure out what's going on when someone has access only to the executable file.

  • It's midnight, and I am downloading this finally!

    Should I be scared? xD



    HAHAHAHA That was freakin' BRILLIANT! Love the ending bit

    GG mate, I hope you win with that entry

  • It's about time, man

    Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it . But like I said before, I really don't think I have a chance of winning. There are some seriously excellent entries in the competition that make my game look rather meager.

  • I really enjoyed the game. It really felt and looked like a movie. The boat scene with the rocks = win. The use of textured particles for the boat was also cool. The end where you find the object with the "special guest" was too cool, Lovecraft fan service all the way! LMAO

    But the shock ending...! WHY DEADEYE!?!?! WHYYYYY!?!?! (j/k I know you were out of time)

  • Glad you liked it

    As far as the ending, I'm actually kind of surprised because I've gotten more replies from people saying they did like the ending than from people saying they didn't. I thought it would be the other way around. Some people have even said they appreciate me not doing something obvious like the zombie First Mate coming back for revenge (which is kind of close to what I had planned originally).

    But still there's enough interest from people who want to see a more serious ending so I'll get around to it eventually. And I guess when I do I'll add in a menu option to either play the compo edition or the "director's cut."

  • Hot damn! I made fourth place out of 38 games!

    1st: Verge

    2nd: From Primordial Egg

    3rd: Eversion

    4th: This Cursed Rock

    I can't believe I beat out some of those other games... I have no idea how that could have happened. Some of them were simply amazing...

    Anyway, congrats as well to agj for placing 8th with The Lake . Good job, man.

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  • Congratulations DeadEye! Fantastic job!

  • Congrats, it looks like you put a lot of work into this.

  • Are you meant to be able to get past the stone door? Or is that the end of the game?

  • Kill all the monsters

  • Ah I see. Even though I technically did, I shot one of them too much and it just stands there flashing. I'll just start the game again I guess.

  • What? Weird, that's never happened to me and I've played it like a thousand times. I've never heard anyone else complain of that either.

    Hope that was just a one-time thing

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