damainman's Forum Posts

  • Shouldn't use than 4gb of ram I think It uses about 500mb tops. Glad it runs well on the i5, thats what one of my rigs is. We're only looking for technical feedback but thanks

    The Mac I ran it on has lower specs, especially the video card but it's a 64-bit machine, over the 32-bit which has more/better everything. So there has to be something to it.

  • TunaUppercut I hope you were dying on purpose XD LOL!! Have fun and let me know if anything else has issues! Thanks for testing too!!

  • It seems to be if the cpu is 32-bit or 64-bit. My old core 2 duo is a 32 bit machine. My mac is a core 2 duo 64-bit and I was running the game in boot camp and it was fairly smooth. The specs are low GF9800m GT and I think it's a tad underclocked because it's old and getting over heating issues. The one thing I noticed on the older machines is when it does the garbage clean up it will stutter for a second and sometimes even pause for a few milliseconds and then continue along smoothly.

    My Mac OS is outdated though so I can't run the actual mac version anymore, it starts to load and then craps out.

  • TunaUppercut I fixed it this time, I finally got it to happen to me. For some reason the level reset code isn't happening in order on some machines. I got it to happen on my Macbook Pro (Windows 7 and the core 2 duo is 64bit and the game is actually running smoothly) so I could see exactly what was happening and it was player respawning before the level reset which shouldn't technically happen. So I altered the camera code to fix the issue. I've just tested a bunch and uploaded. Same links as before. But yeah the player spawned into the ground despite the code telling him to spawn -32p above the check point which is players' height on ground.

    I still don't get why it's not happening to everyone. But this new build should fix it, I'll test it on my mac too. I could only get it to happen in the forest as well. I go into the store and then fall into the water right afterwards and he would respawn into the ground.


    I just killed myself 10 times on the mac and it didn't happen so hopefully it's gone now!

  • TunaUppercut Ok - I can't sleep thinking something is broken when I can do a work around. So I just went in and added -32px to the y pos when respawning. Watching your video shows that the player is getting ahead of the level even starting. It's usually the other way around, you here him make a fall sound before he appears. But the detection there is completely c2 collisions. The floors are solid, so when the level restarts its ignoring the collision detection for the player. Hopefully setting the y pos on respawn to be higher will fix this! Here's a build - I'm going to bed LOL!


  • TunaUppercut Thanks for testing for me. I'll have to write a work around for that in the morning. I may also do a web version of the demo to test in Chrome. At least we can pin point if the problem is C2 or Node Webkit that way.

  • TunaUppercut I've dumped another version of the game with the old box2d physics engine enable for you to try. Aside of that I can only try dumping the player higher off the ground so it doesn't skip the physics check.

    Jayjay The overclock wont make a difference. Both my i5 and i7 are set the same way and I have a far steeper overclock on my gaming rig than TunaUppercut does too. From 2.4ghz to 3.66 or something worse. I think I can do a work around for this scenario just by spawning the player 16px higher at checkpoints.

    Here is the file:


    If this doesn't work I'll do the -16px y drop on the spawning. Aside of that maybe pausing before the level starts to let the event sheets catch up?

    Also just confirmed is the age of the cpu, not the speed that is causing the slow down. Someone with these specs runs the game perfectly:

    Intel Pentium P6200 2.13Ghz

    4GB DDR3 Ram

    Intel HD Graphics

    This laptop is only 3 years old.

  • TunaUppercut There is absolutely no reason for those bugs to be happening - it would happen on everyone if that was the case. So I'm going to go with my first guess and say the Node Webkit I did the windows build with is too old. Your computer is better than mine (video card) Cpu is the same, OS is the same, Ram is the same but I only have 8gb. So I'm going to give you this windows version I'm compiling with the r176 C2 Node Webkit. Let me know if this fixes the falling through the floor issues.


  • TunaUppercut have you updated your drivers? I have yet to have that one happen but I have been putting the Node Webkit back to the 0.8 stable version or whatever it is. I'll need your specs so I can test in the closest machine possible too! I think the music cutting out in some cases I've seen is also the Node Webkit. We're using it because it actually runs faster. The latest one kills the FPS by almost half...

    Also can you tell me what check points this is happening at and what stage. Stage 2 uses platforms instead of solids in a a couple of spots and that may be a potential cause of the problem, if not I can set the spawn Ypos higher to avoid that.

    Thanks for the feed back!!

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  • Here were the two older systems I tested on with all drivers up to date:

    Core 2 Duo OC'd at 2.8ghz with a GF 460GTX Awesome video card - Game runs very choppy and even skips instructions.

    Quad Core less than a year older than my Core 2 Duo OC'd at 2.66ghz with a GF 260GTX - 60fps.

    The Core 2 Duo had the same ram and more of it too. They are both running Windows 7 not sure if 32 or 64 bit, it's been a bit since I installed them.

    I've also had someone else with a core 2 duo get the same results with a faster cpu than mine.

    TunaUppercut Thanks!!

  • dcadjust Haven't had to cross the steam road yet. Everyone else just wants a zip file so far. We are just underway with getting greenlit, we put it to the back burner until the game was ready to go.

    Thanks! The pc/linux/mac version was completed in C2, it's being ported over to unity so we can hit lower spec machines and consoles. As of now it doesn't run right on anything under a quad core, and I'm not even sure of the specs for Mac OS or Linux. And LOL! There are worse things in the game than pixel ******** you just have to use your imagination and pay attention haha!!

  • I've been only using node webkit for my games so far. Insanity's Blade has been going on since April of 2013 and I've yet to have freezing issues. Mind you for our final build I went back to that old stable version someone posted just for my windows version because the last view have dropped my frame rate significantly. Especially with the r178 build of Construct 2. Another issue I have been having is non global objects carrying over to other layouts and slowing down the game. I've had to put code in to destroy all objects at the end of each stage to avoid it. Otherwise it drops from 60 to 10fps by the time you've played 4 stages. I didn't notice it so bad in anything aside of Node Webkit though it could be a C2 issue...

    Looking forward to a new stable release with better speed myself!

  • This is all the same stuff that started happening to me. Errors are the same. My game is also gigantic at this point. Firefox is working fine for me but it runs so bad I can't do a proper play test - Just for quick bug checks. I've been exporting to node webkit to do actual play tests. 173 was the last version that let me preview as well. I'm glad I'm not alone on this error

  • I'll third this motion as I have 2 sound tracks selectable at the options screen. I think I have 24 songs for each sound track and they are the length of a stage. The sound is basically about 90% of my games' size. I think it takes up about 400-500mb of ram when it's running with just one sound track at the moment. I also don't care about the delay on my end since I am only using node webkit!

  • This is the same error I was getting with my game... It only effected my huge almost finished one, the little ones were still fine. So it's not the game size causing this. I only saw this error in node webkit though, I just got a red bar for everything (and still do) except in firefox. Will be watching this thread.