damainman's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    GetHICON returned NULL

    Condition: ret != NULL

    File: Projects\ObjectTexture.cpp

    Line: 612

    Function: struct HICON__ *__cdecl ResizeBitmapToIcon(const class cr::vector2_base<int> &,class Gdiplus::Bitmap *,int)

    Build: release 167.2 (32-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort Retry Ignore


    Attach a Capx

    Can't post on forum.

    Description of Capx

    Insanity's Blade game.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the cause. It just randomly happens. In the case of this error I was adding an event to an event sheet and the window pops open blank for a split second and then disappears. Upon hitting the enter key several times I finally got this window with an error.

    Whenever I do events or try to save (export) an object image I get this one randomly. Another one I get which never gives me a visible error window and eventually I have to force quit - losing my work.

    I've uninstalled C2 and even tried 32-bit instead of 64-bit. I've updated windows and video drivers. But This has just started happening since 164. I removed the Wii U plugin as well incase that was it. No new plugins aside of that have been added since.

    As far as I Can tell it's related to the objects being minimized for the object window in c2. But sometimes text is missing too. I'll try rolling back to the stable build as I don't think we've used any of the new features.

    Also - no other programs on my computer are having issues. No much new in the way of software since this is my work machine.

    Observed Result

    Blank windows, missing scroll bars. Missing gfx, closing windows and the occasional complete crash.

    Expected Result

    normal functionality of c2.

    Affected Browsers

    Does not apply.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7-64 bit. Completely up to date.

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Currently 167.2


    I hit abort after that error and then got this one:


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Object texture leak: a texture is still loaded when cleaning up an ObjectTexture, check all textures released properly

    Condition: gl_instances.empty()

    File: Projects\ObjectTexture.cpp

    Line: 33

    Function: __thiscall ObjectTexture::~ObjectTexture(void)

    Build: release 167.2 (32-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    ***EDIT 2***

    I've gone back to 163. Now it's doing it there as well. Either I've brought a bug back with me or something else has gone wrong. It's kind of reminding me of what CC used to do when I ran out of memory - the bigger my game got, the worse the crashing got. I'll go through the game and try to get rid of all of the garbage, but there is still more to add gamewise if so this is only a temp fix if it works. This time there was no error, just my variable boxes greyed out so I can't see what I'm typing and then it froze.

  • Ashley 167 working for me as well.

    But I have a whole new problem - things like opening a save or open window in say sprite editor or importing music will reward me with a blank window (no buttons or anything) and adding events has unusual results for example I tried to do a system create object event, when i go to select the object the window just closes and the bottom value in the system spawn box was greyed out and unselectable.

    Very strange random stuff. I've done a clean install of C2 now and rebooted etc etc. I Also just did a giant garbage collection incase I was hitting some sort of limitation on the amount of objects or files c2 can handle. I'll open a ticket if I can't resolve it myself by tomorrow. But the events issue is indeed gone for me so yay!!! Thanks for all your hard work as usual!

  • Ashley Nope. All of my includes with the exception of a few boss fights are at the beginning of the event sheets. I can try to give an example since I can't upload the capX of Insanity's Blade.

    Each event sheet for my stages has every include in the same order. The player controls event sheet is one of the first. I have the camera event sheet loading within the player controls event sheet and not in the level event sheet. To me it looks like it's not loading the includes in the player event sheet at the start like it should. It loads the player controls, you can move the player. But it ignores the camera event sheet despite (collision) overlapping the camera sprites until my hard drive light goes off.

    So to break it down 1) LEVEL event sheet loads PLAYER event sheet. 2)PLAYER event sheet loads CAMERA event sheet.

    Hopefully that is of some use.

  • Lunatrap I'm having the exact opposite issue now. Event sheets aren't triggering at all at the start of a layout. I've gone back to 165 and everything is fine. But with r166, my character was spawning in the middle of the air despite the code being there for him to spawn in a very specific area. And the camera code was being completely ignored until seconds after the preview booted up.

    Hopefully the events issue gets resolved quickly.

  • blazah99 Thanks! And Congrats to you as well!!

  • Icarus Thanks for the kind words! We're putting our all into this little game! We don't want to disappoint the fans of the old school era!

    There is a wall jump attack - it just hasn't been coded into the game yet. There are still a few things that aren't coded as far as controls/moves go. So you should be pleasantly surprised with some of our upcoming video updates!

    The sliding thing isn't so much about what you can see but it's more about jamming the jump button when you see/here the exclamation onscreen. Also pressing forward or back controls the speed of your jump on slopes. The holes on the first 2 slopes of stage 2 don't even need you to jump if you are pressing forward (right) as you are going fast enough to fly over them. Only on the last slope you need to jump. When you hear the beep, cram the jump button and press forward!

    I'm glad you find the game inspirational - that means a lot!! The Wii U version will be out a little later than the PC versions but will be worth the wait!

  • Well, we just got approved as Nintendo devs! We're off to the races! We also have 4 more stages all close to completion. We'll post some vids and pics soon. For now I tossed a couple up on our steam page of you want to see.

    The game will be coming out on Wii U as well as the GoGoMaddi game which is going to be renamed (because I saw there was a **** game called GoGoNippon :S and I don't want a game about my daughter associated with that.)

    for now some pics are here:


  • declan_gage Thanks! I actually started rebuilding the whole thing in C2 as well as a whole new Go!Go!Maddi! game! I think the new Go!Go!Maddi! is buried deep in the my creations in the c2 forum :)

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  • Katala for that boss you can only hit him in the eye when it is not spinning or shooting the laser. He has a pattern. Rest - spin 3 times - rest - spit skeletons - rest (his eye gets slow here, just go to the opposite spot of where he's looking) - then laser, and repeat cycle. You do more damage when you punch the eye as well!

    You can hit his eye when he's spitting the skeletons as well. Hope that helps!

  • Katala I actually have the freezing issue on my older pc,a 3-4 year old i5. My laptop which is an i7 has no freezing issues. I just assumed it was because I was testing it from a USB card. But out of my 5 pcs I can test on, only that one (my i5 gaming rig) has that issue. It's also the only one running an ATI card so who knows...

    And thanks! I still have to remove some of the color from him and make him look a little less hand drawn if it's the spinning eye guy you're talking about!

  • PixelRebirth Haha! I never really saw it as criticism rather than a concern! And if I had have just gone ahead without warning people it would have been a very legitimate concern!! So no worries!

    There are so many things I think of to do for the graphics that are there already (aside of some obvious boss tweaks) I've just added the new enemy death and since we had to pull the demo down for a quick fix the new version that will either go up tonight or tomorrow will have the new enemy death in it as well as a few more bug fixes.

    I'm glad you're still enjoying it!

  • Blacksmith Thanks!! We're trying our best to give the game an authentic retro feel and we can't wait to get the final game to you! We hope you enjoy it!

    As far away as the release date is, for some reason it feels like we only have until next week to complete it... Time flies (when you're mostly having fun!)

  • mapmerry I'm glad you didn't let the pixel art ruin the experience for you! Thanks!

    Although that bug should no longer exist, something has caused a mirroring bug to resurface - I've just put a fail safe in place for both players. If Slide > 0 the do not mirror! Thanks for catching that!!

    We've gone back and forth on what the holes can and cannot do. I will be making a couple of the jumps over pits smaller but they will always be auto death.

    I made it easy to jump the pits on the slide except for the last one where I extended the pit sizes. You can speed up by pressing right or slow down by pressing left. On the first two slopes you can press right and not even have to jump, you go to fast for gravity to pull you in! That's always been there! We had an enemy that attacked you while you were sliding... basically killed you just as you hit the bottom of the slopes every time. He's gone :)

  • Nixel HAHA! Sorry you were upset about the 8bit GFX not being there - But they will be in the final version of the game. There will be an 8-bit mode since 60-70% of the gfx were already finished for 8-bit.

    The wall jump was fixed back when we were doing the Kickstarter too!

    Which 2nd boss are you stuck on? There are two on the Buggy. The axe man you just need to jump and attack a lot, he's not smart - just hit's hard. And for the Ghost boss you can (if you upgraded your weapon at the shop) Stand to one side of the screen and cram the attack button and hope you leveled up enough to kill his bullets :D

    There is a glitch on the corpse surfing still (the zombies should explode when you hit them), many kinks to work out of the engine overall, but it is still very much in beta - This is the last demo using the beta that will be released to the public. We may update it a little and do another release tonight and then its nothing but videos and screens until the game is finished so no more of the game is spoiled. The demo is first chapter of the game minus a few power ups sounds and gfx - and the cutscenes.

    And thanks for the support Nixel!! We hope you like the final product when it's released!

  • Katala It was already voted on to go full color. The vote was done on Kickstarter through backers. They were given a few days to vote. So it's full blown 16-bit arcade now. That boss video is 2 weeks after the fact I think!

    Originally aside of the multilayer scrolling which was mostly doable later on with different chip sets included in the carts, the game was doable on NES other than the size of the cart itself. The game would have been too big - too many gfx. The mode 7 stuff was actually doable to an extent on NES which I didn't know until recently. Battletoads vs Double Dragon - the bike fight scene floors could do it.

    PixelRebirth all of the big stuff has always been hand drawn and downgraded to the right res. I've allowed for too much color in the recent stuff I've done though so I may downgrade the color a tad at a later date. The game sprites all have 9 colors on them or more. As well as regular background tiles. Depending on the background I've allowed for 16-32 in most cases now. But player sprites aren't as sharp if I do overkill on the color so 9+ is enough.

    But yeah as far as the Kickstarter goes - it was a private back vote. Majority won. In fact no one said no. The only request was to have an alternate unlockable mode to have the original 8-bit graphics. Which we will have :)

    The complaints about sprites blending into backgrounds led to this for the most part. The reason why NES games had mostly black backgrounds. Although as an avid player and collector of NES games, it was no worse than a real NES title.

    I'm aiming for a fuller but faded palette for the background now. So there will be no blending of foreground sprites and background at all. But everything is all still pixel art. Even my actual drawings once I've done the full sized/full colored version in photoshop I still go into the sprite editor and go to work in C2 :) Down sizing alone never goes over well at all, lots of editing to do after the fact.

    I should actually dig out the old Genesis png converted I had for doing Genesis GFX it brings things to the nearest color and brings the palette down to 64 color max. Though I don't have those restrictions on the game it would probably would look more authentic if I did :)

    Anyhow as of a 2-3 weeks ago the project was officially called "Insanity's Blade: The Arcade"! But will of course still have the 8 bit mode since 75% of the gfx were already finished and it would probably only take a week to downgrade everything new. It's the FX that have to be dropped. The music is still 100% NES vrc6.

    And thanks for voting too guys! It means a lot! We're going to have a full 4 stage demo including the new flying/shooter stage for the first week of Feb it looks like.



    In all honesty once we added the much requested co-op during Kickstarter, it pretty much killed it being an NES game - at least thats how I felt. It's one thing to have a larger sized main sprite but two on the same Y pos all the time would have made the game flicker - added to the 2 or 3 enemies on the same Y pos all the time too. So yeah - once co-op was added it was unrealistic.

    Batman Return of the Joker, Battletoads, BattleToads/Double Dragon and Mr.Gimmick were the hardware pushers as far as I can remember. I have Return of the joker and it looks like a genesis game minus the color.
