damainman's Forum Posts

  • Ashley if you're referring to my project as being finished it's not. Although we've managed to work around the latest issue by using 2 pcs - one with 173 to work/preview and one with windows 8 and r176 to compile and test. And as I state I can't upload something that's copyrighted without sending you a form to sign. The way you handled my bug report was piss poor, it's not so open and shut because I can't upload copyrighted material

    I have no issue with giving you a call to discuss how to resolve our bug as well. Just give me a time.

  • Ashley, The game is too big and too much legal crap tied to it - Us uploading our games source code is no different than you uploading the source to C2! Is there a way to turn the cache back on? Since it's only in preview mode I'm having the issue it, only makes sense. Or maybe in a future build have the option to turn the preview cache on or off? We're stuck at 173 until that is resolved and this answer is completely unacceptable considering I've paid for the business licence and you didn't even try to talk about the issue.

    We are running a business here too you know.

    I can have a Non-disclosure form written up for you to sign and upload the capx to a private ftp.

  • Problem Description

    Node Webkit, Chrome and IE all freeze or show a red bar on loading preview. Firefox works.

    Attach a Capx

    Game has copyrighted material, unable to upload.

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Open a large game to preview

    Observed Result

    The only one that shows the error is Node Webkit:

    Uncaught node.js Error

    Error: Failed to read the "selectionDirection" property from "HTMLInputElement": The input element's type ("file") does not support selection

    at Error (native)

    at HtmlImageElement.img_onerror:(http://***my network ip***/preview.js:1375:13

    Expected Result

    Preview to run like before <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES) Red Bar when it starts to load, then freezes near end.
    • FireFox: (NO) Game loads, runs like crap.
    • Internet Explorer: (YES) Blue bar when it loads then freezes near end.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64-bit up to date

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Currently 173, errors occur on 174 and 175

    It seems to be an issue with Preview Cache being disabled. Exporting the game works perfectly (on all browsers and node webkit which we really need). All versions before 174 work fine for preview. This is only happening with our large games, the small ones still work. All using same plugins etc etc etc.

  • Not yet. It was tricky to find the one I have and I can't recommend them until I see the end result. This one ended up coming from one company we contacted that wanted $20,000+ to convert the game - they gave us his contact and that was that.

    I will let you know how everything goes in the end though!

  • Joannesalfa We have hired Unity devs to reprogram the entire game. It's costing quite a bit. Depending on the project it could cost very little or it can cost someones full year wages. We had to shop around.

  • We are having the entire game re-coded in Unity because WebGL isn't supported yet and a lot of FX were used in the game. Also the game skips frames on a 2ghz dual core pc, a Wii U isn't going to run it in HTML5.

    We have the full dev kit for developing in Both C2 and Unity and have had is since March.

    Joannesalfa We have to go through the approval process once the PC version is released. The Unity version will take a couple more months. I'm expecting we might have to remove the ****** on the dancing zombie for nintendo. But there's nothing in there worth kicking up a stink over! The only thing people have been worried about is the name because of Infinity Blade. Lucky for me Insanity's Blade came first (2002-2003).

    Thanks for the kind comments as always guys!!

  • TunaUppercut Thanks

  • Well it's been a long time since I did a post, so I wanted to point everyone over to our IndieDB page to check out the game trailer and all the new game shots! The game release is just around the corner - it's been pushed back after a few set backs but it's still on track and in our tiny bit of extra bug squishing time we may have had time to add in some extra bits to make the game even more exciting!

    So get over to the IndieDB page now:


    Seriously - check it out! We won't bite


  • nemo It does it with only one tab open. It can be any tab, and sometimes it happens as soon as you open C2. We have removed all of the extras from the game now. We might take a flogging from a couple of the Kickstarter backers possibly but I think more people are worried about playing the full game working instead of playing the extras or the NES version. We are just going to have the NES styled version of the game as a separate download now for customers.

    The temp fix was killing disabled lines in events, deleting objects, and clearing out unused layouts (some of the maps have been redesigned 3-4 times so there were a couple of old maps still). It's not just the objects causing it, it's everything - overall game size I guess.

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  • Ashley I'd say around 1000 at this point. I'll be doing a final clean up. But yes there are a lot of objects. Every stage has it's own backgrounds, enemies, bullets... etc etc. Some of the bosses are made up of multiple parts. The special effects are usually objects if not particles. Power up items, other weapons, 4 different player sprites with all of their various bullets. Then there is the shooter stage that has it's own set of graphics etc.

    I've probably got about as many enemies in the game as a big castlevania game at this point and a lot of those have invisible sprites that control them. Then there is the map/savegame/item select screen, Cutscenes, etc etc. I am, however, about to cut a boss fight which required a whole new player sprite set because they are riding horse back and shooting. The old bosses for that stage are there too. So I'll probably be able to cut the game by another 200 objects at least between that stage and old NES gfx bits I'm still finding.

    I think you are right about Windows thing. When I started making the mock up capx and duplicating those objects when I hit around 200-250 objects the object bar icons weren't working right anymore. For example, it was showing the villager sprite icon over and over when the tiled background icon should have be seen, or even one of the icons for the plugins.

    But if it is Windows, what could even be done about that? Some sort of work around?

  • Ashley Ok I've tried to recreate the error - and this is far extreme compared to what our game does (we have like a little over 8000 events and probably 30 event sheets).

    I set the objects to the same amount in our game. That didn't cause the problem though once I got past 250 sprites the images weren't caching right anymore in the object window. I set the amount of events to ours and nothing happened. Then I started cutting and pasting variable - nothing. But when I started making blank event sheets it started freezing and then it crashed. I started getting blank windows again, etc. And then a full blown app crash.

    I gave it to JayJay and he's getting mixed results. As am I. Sometimes I can have it open for awhile before it messes up. Sometimes it messes up right away. This is exactly what the game is doing. One time I was able to use it fine for about 6-7 minutes just messing with stuff and copying and pasting and trying to edit the fake variables.

    So yeah our game has nowhere near as many "things" in it (events, etc) but it is having the same crashing issues. We wanted to try to recreate the problem without having any other plugins etc present.


  • Ashley not 500mb of images...I'm not that fast at art. I'm saying C2 is reporting that it's using 400-500mb (in windows task manager) of ram when it's running (C2 itself not the game) maximum. I also have a 2gb video card anyhow. There are probably 6mb max of images LOL!!

  • Ashley JayJay also agreed that it was a memory leak, he was constantly getting random errors. I'm in the middle of stripping the "NES" version completely out of the game. Since it (in the long run) would technically double the amount of objects in the game. We both have different machines. And like I said, C2 is reporting 400-500mb tops using memory. I have 8gb in all of my machines. We're not even coming close to the max.

    I can PM you later about the capx. JayJay did a stripped down version of the game so he could work on the map/inventory screen last night and had no issues with a ton of objects removed. But what it's looking like is that it can't cache the resized version of the graphics for the icons.

    Oh - I also installed Win7 32-bit on another pc last night. Got everything up to date with drivers etc. Got everything installed for c2 and still had the problems though they showed up differently. When creating an event, the window would open, some of the text boxes were just blank but this time the "OK", "Cancel" or "Back" buttons would be flickering.

    The game itself is small as far as file sizes go - it's the music that makes it big. I cut the WAV versions of the sound out too. Over all it's about 224mb and 212 of that is the sound/music in the two formats.

    Anyhow I'm going to continue stripping the NES version out so I can get my work done. I'll PM the old capx once I'm finished


  • Just a quick update. This is still happening no matter what we do with the game or what computer we try it on. One thing I forgot to mention though is that it can crash windows explorer. This also happens on my other pc with a clean windows 7 -64 bit install. Open an event window and bang explorer crashes instead of C2. It's like a power struggle for a resource. Another machine is running Win 8.1 64bit.

    Although it shows C2 using around 400-500mb of ram out of 8gb. It happens with nothing else running beside normal windows tasks.

    Could this be a 64-bit issue we're running into?

  • fasasoftware This has been an on going issue for me as well. I just had to make an announcement on Kickstarter that the MAC and Linux builds of our game are delayed until the issues are resolved. I have two macs and my game just goes black screen on loading or starts loading and get stuck half way. I've had beta testers with different macs report the same problem back to me. It's a Node Webkit issue I believe, not C2 as far as I know.