damainman's Forum Posts

  • New version of demo uploaded - Grab from the links in the original post. Fixed control issue where you could get stuck to the wall when punching/sliding and then touching the ground. Added the old man to level 3. He tells you where to go to find the key now. Or tells you to go ahead to unlock the door.

    Need to replace music for this stage with new placeholder (hopefully permanent), add in the missing sound fx and possibly the after boss cut scene for stage 1.

    I have a feeling stage 7 (the Church) will be a lot of key hunting :)

    <img src="http://designchris.com/ibbeta/youshallnotpass.png" border="0" />


  • Katala I think I've got this hole plugged now. I need to figure out a more efficient way to do the double detection here. I have detection shut off when you get hit by an enemy which is causing this problem.

    And here is the way to the key - its at the bottom level near the start before you start climbing up towards the first set of miner skeletons. Punch the wall a few times.

    The little old man in the cloak before the door is suppose to show you where the key is and point you back in the other direction, I haven't decided on how to handle the dialog boxes for things like this yet. The man is animated but the event sheet isn't there yet.

    <img src="http://designchris.com/ibbeta/punchme.png" border="0" />

  • Patriick Thanks! Just uploading a new more bug free version now!

    Found the screwed up spikes in level 3 I think. Made a few other tweaks as well (fixed the enemy power bars). Also the demo I did before had the full 4th stage minus the boss fight, that was removed.

  • mercy Slowed the animation of the fire down to 10fps, it was at 15fps originally. Let me know if thats better!

    pixel perfick For sure! I'll PM you when there is a new beta to go, I've just uploaded a new version of the demo with fixes. (Enemy power bars are broken...wtf. Fix that for next demo release)

    Katala I think I've fixed all the issues. I actually had the space bigger for the original beta testers and myself so slip by quickly (so you could pound the boss in the head from the side.) Fixed that. I think I found the holes you were falling in. I think this is happening because I had it set to stop you when you hit the death brick - which cant happen if an enemy has already hit you, I've added "floors" within the death brick so you can't fall forever.

    I'm still tracking down the spikes that didn't hurt but I think I bumped the death brick at the top at some point by accident so if it's the bricks with the platform moving across it, I'll get on that next. Stage 2 boss now has twice the hit points. I think I should add a block to his animations, what do you think? Glad you like the game, Music is place holder unfortunately, I still haven't heard back from any of the musicians about being in the game. One guy was in, but then never responded again...

    New version is uploaded with the above fixes. I'll see if I Can find all of the not working spikes in stage 3 now.


  • Hey guys! I need a couple of serious beta testers soon. I'm in the middle of map 6 and about to start 7. I need to get the kinks ironed out of the main code, namely the controls. If anyone has time to play and can give feed back let me know. The demo is good for now, but in about a week or so I'll be ready to give out the beta with 3-4 new stages for testing.

    Thanks for the support!!!


  • Finally a game worth waiting for! Eternal Darkness was my 2nd favorite Cube title (Luigi's Mansion being the first). Very excited for this one. If it's PC and Wii U then I'm even more stoked!

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  • mercy Thanks for the kind words, glad you're enjoying it (the later levels are more addictive! I'm play testing stage 4 as I put new monsters in, a lot of wall climbing in this one.)

    Which background elements are you referring to specifically? Is it the fire in stage 1? I can lower the animation rate in that case. I didn't think the burning buildings themselves were very fast.

    Thanks for the input and I will make the change for the next release!

  • firebelly Absolutely loving your art style. It's giving me sort of a bitmap brothers/amiga vibe. LOVE IT!!! More please!!

  • Completed survey!

  • The gaming industry has fallen to greed. I find myself caring less and less every year, but I still buy all of the new systems hoping that someone will breath fun back into something I loved long ago.

    Indie devs seem to be doing more of what they want to do since they don't have someone throwing cash at them to make 'AAA' crap.

    The big companies take it too seriously now, everything has to have an epic movie plot, movie star voice acting, etc etc. And while this is cool for the most part, they've forgotten to put the most important thing into the game - the fun.

    Most games I buy I like, but I rarely every play them more than once. If I waste 8 hours of my life to get to a crap ending, I'm not going to do it all over again.

    I have yet to enjoy touch controls. And while I love to get my diablo fix out of the dungeon hunter series, and one of my personal favorites "Manos: Hands of Fate", I really feel that the future is not the touch screen. It is far easier to use a joystick or pad to play a game. Touch controls are not always responsive either.

    The golden age of gaming was the late 80's and early 90's. Where most games were fun and the quality of the game depended on how good your artist was and how good your musician was - and most importantly how well it played. You could see the love that was put into a lot of games. Now you can tell people just do it for a job like anything else. The art form itself is gone.

    I remember playing games on the commodore 64 thinking how can they pull this off on here, it's a piece of crap. But they put more effort into some of those games than on any other platform ever. The music, the graphics (only capable of 8 sprites on screen at once with 16 colors... that never stopped them). Everyone is so worried about graphics now, they're willing to kill the frame rate of a game to an unplayable state. And the graphics just look like everything else, sort of real but not quite. And on the c64, Chris Butler was the god of code.

    And oh yeah - games now are far too easy. Way too forgiving. The challenge is gone.

    I don't feel like ranting anymore!

  • 2Dturtle Thanks! We will try! Glad you liked the demo!!

    pixel perfick The file size is all due to music (sound too I suppose). Since there are 18 stages, 18 boss fights and 6-8 sets of cut scenes, I'm going to assume the final file size will be a little hefty due to the music.

    It would be great if I could integrate an NSF player into the game and use the actual chiptunes! Probably reduce the file size by 80%.

  • BluePhaze It's not a problem! This is exactly what we need to get this thing done right!! I've changed the exe name (windows only) and found the issue. You're getting knocked into the hole, you're not just falling in it. So when you get hit you're invisible for a second or so. The detection for falling in the hole is set to "when collides with" so I made a duplicate of that action and made it "when overlapping with" which should fix the issue. It's uploading now (should be done about 10 minutes from the time I posted this). Feet will still stick out the bottom. I'll fix that later!

    Thanks again!!!

  • Put Go!Go!Maddi! on the back burner for a few months while JayJay and I do this:

    Insanity's Blade: The 8-bit Experience!!

    Go!Go!Maddi! will be completed later this year or early next, depending on how long this new project takes. I needed a break from play testing the levels ;)


  • gillenew I am totally digging this!!! Awesome stuff!!!

  • BluePhaze I've made the changes to the pit in stage 1 and reversed the hit point bars for the player and enemy! Thanks for the find and suggestions!

    The dagger is obtained automatically when you level up the first time. I didn't want to give it to the player right off the bat because I find it makes the game way too easy at the start - you need it for boss fights later on and in the store you can level it up. You can get up to 5 daggers at once to throw and later on (not in the demo) you can get magic daggers that pass through enemies and do more damage.

    I'm really up in the air about multiple weapons as it might make it feel too much like Castlevania. And once the dwarf is programmed in, he throws axes on top of the bullet hell you create with 5 daggers!

    If I did it I'd probably do hidden chests instead of weapon drops.

    So you didn't miss anything - it's just the way I decided to do it... it's more like a power up than a weapon pick up for now.

    New files uploaded within 10 minutes! Thanks for the awesome feedback!!!