mercy Slowed the animation of the fire down to 10fps, it was at 15fps originally. Let me know if thats better!
pixel perfick For sure! I'll PM you when there is a new beta to go, I've just uploaded a new version of the demo with fixes. (Enemy power bars are Fix that for next demo release)
Katala I think I've fixed all the issues. I actually had the space bigger for the original beta testers and myself so slip by quickly (so you could pound the boss in the head from the side.) Fixed that. I think I found the holes you were falling in. I think this is happening because I had it set to stop you when you hit the death brick - which cant happen if an enemy has already hit you, I've added "floors" within the death brick so you can't fall forever.
I'm still tracking down the spikes that didn't hurt but I think I bumped the death brick at the top at some point by accident so if it's the bricks with the platform moving across it, I'll get on that next. Stage 2 boss now has twice the hit points. I think I should add a block to his animations, what do you think? Glad you like the game, Music is place holder unfortunately, I still haven't heard back from any of the musicians about being in the game. One guy was in, but then never responded again...
New version is uploaded with the above fixes. I'll see if I Can find all of the not working spikes in stage 3 now.