damainman's Forum Posts

  • BluePhaze Thanks for catching that! I'll fix it ASAP and upload a new demo shortly! And Yeah, you're right... I have no idea why I did it that way other than when the sprite shrinks it goes towards the top because of the origin point. Flipping them both will fix it!

  • Updated main post with links to playable demo for Windows,Mac and Linux 32/64.

    Leave me some feed back plz!! Hate mail appreciated :D


  • Although I do get laggy performance in mobile browsers with my games, I'm also doing insane amounts of crap all the time. I never really expected my stuff to work on something that runs at 1.2ghz or whatever.

    On my nexus 7 I can hit 30fps with my insanity's blade app, but Go!Go!Maddi!... not a chance. Way too many webgl fx etc etc to think I'm going to get it to work. Mobile just needs to step it up with HTML5/WEBGL. Construct 2 is fantastic!

    The only thing that seems to kill performance with my games is the gravity. But I have work arounds for that. If it's not on the screen it doesn't need to be falling yet, gravity off.

  • rudyardKipling I use a combo of the Construct Classic and Construct 2 graphics editing tool. CC has a color replacement feature I heavily use which C2 does not - Consistent colors on sprites are good! For larger graphics I hand draw everything. Scan, bring it into photoshop and touch it up - pixel art is also resized in photoshop and "save as web" using png at 4,8 or 16 colors depending on what I'm doing.

    Logos and fonts are usually ported over from Indesign/Illustrator to photoshop and resized accordingly.

  • Really looking forward to seeing this one progress!! Outstanding art too!!

  • Eisenhans LOL! We'll take that as a compliment! Happy to hear you like it!

    Demo is just a little over a week away. Just bug fixes and art work left to do. Just did a new logo/title screen. Going to do the options menu to select easy, normal, hard and epic. I think I still haven't done the Bat enemy for stage 2 yet either :)

    If anyone knows someone who is extremely talented in the area of Famitracker, PM me. My musician has dropped off the face of the earth...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • BluePhaze - I grabbed a tutorial off of here that had wall sliding in it and then built it after reading that. It's a complete mess and still buggy against walls but once I have it tightened up I'll do a capx of wall jumping sure :)

    This is the tutorial I based it off of.


    It didn't work for me quite this way though, too many other things to take into account (like the way I handle my controls).

  • Insanity's Blade Beta - Stage 1 Play through. (Youtube destroyed the flicker on the boss by cutting frame rate, sorry!)


  • Now this I really like!! Might get some use out of my Wii U yet ;)

  • Thanks! We're working hard on it... when we have time haha! I agree with your suggestion as well. I just lazied out on the with the flicker. I can redo the pallet over in Construct Classic (I use the graphic editor there because it lets me swap colors).

    The boss actually flashes at 120fps to simulate more than 3 colors (makes it look more like 5 or 6) So I can just change one frame to be all red - no big deal. Thanks for the suggestion, it will be done!

    BluePhaze Thanks! Yeah... my art will always be influenced by the games that caused my unhealthy obsession haha! Capcom's early days probably make up 80% of my love of video games. Along with Data East and Konami.

    Dave Hailwood Thanks! I was going for a Strider/Megaman/Batman/Ninja Gaiden thing. Although I've never been a fan of Megaman, I liked the way it played. The wall jump and slide added a whole new dynamic to the game that made it more fun and caused me to totally redesign the 2nd stage, not to mention add to the first and third!

    I had an Amiga 500 as well, but no monitor alas. Nor the program you're talking about. I had to enjoy it in black and white on my tv as I picked it up as it was at a yard sale long ago. Shoot em up construction kit was limited to vertical scrolling and did *all* of the hard work for you. I made some extremely disturbing games but nothing worth noting. I had a lot of practice with the sprite editor in GK's Game Maker on c64 and Koala Paint on c64. So pixel art has been in me for a long long time haha!

    The comic was partially redrawn and published online. I was a student when I did the actual comics so I had no money to publish. I completely finished 2 issues. The third appears to be inked and unlettered/colored. The forth and fifth are sketches, rough covers and pages of plot breakdowns. For the game, the story has been revamped.

    We're going to do a few more videos before the demo is released.

    One that shows all of the stages of the demo, and maybe one that has clips of the later levels. I've actually finished the maps for stage 4 and 5 for the most part, just void of enemies while we finish up the demo stages.

    Thanks for the kind words all! I'm looking forward to some serious creative critiquing/suggestions once the demo is out!!

  • robin Sommer Thanks! Having way too much fun building this game!

    ***Video Update in original post***


  • rogueNoodle Thanks! Just drawing up background art for stage 5!

    ***updated first post with title of game and facebook link***

    ***more images from the game and original art - click like guys ;)***

  • TELLES0808 Regardless of who did the gfx still a great job. Tyrian was one of the first games I remember getting for the pc that actually had smooth scrolling. It was just epic!! It set a new standard for pc games - at least for 2d games!

  • Wow! That's the stuff!! Outstanding pixel art!!

  • rogueNoodle - Thanks! The PixellateMask effect is what I use. The sprite is set to 320x240, the same size as my window. Placed on the top most layer and the effect parameter is set to 1. I don't think the color of the sprite or anything matters as it's a mask. Everything below that layer will have the same pixel size. That's it :)

    I think the only hitch is that it has to be in full screen in a browser to look correct. But everything looks off to me when the browser window isn't set to full screen anyway.