eltiburon - anyway I'm already creating the touch controls.
Eventually I will test with phonegap to see if I can get good performance :)
but I'd love to publish it to Android and also iOS
gillenew personaly i havnt tried phonegap but for what ive read on these forums cocoon is the way to go for performance and overall. thats what i used for my game.
eltiburon - well, so I'll take a look on cocoon :)
Here's a short Vine vid of my current project�made a new post before I realized there was a video thread. All the sprites are FPO, and no audio yet, but the mechanics are pretty much set, once I start to get more levels finished I'll redress the visuals and post a longer Vimeo.
the_chosen_byte, I love that concept, and it seems to run pretty smoothly. Neat take on a platform runner.
now with sound and music :3
hi its looks really good.. love the sounds too.
mineet - thx
I made ??some improvements in the part of the "tutorial" at the beginning of the level. :)^_^ Here
gillenew I am totally digging this!!! Awesome stuff!!!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
the link 'here' is giving a 404 error.
damainman - thank you, is this the new wave of the moment?
mineet - sorry, had a "%20" in front of the link, but already fix
hi thanks for the update to the link..
oooo so love your game
Mega Man Siks Engine
(video version is obsolete)
Scirra Forum Thread
All feedback is appreciated :)
looking good