corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • Puchisoft Dispatcher is a pretty good updater maker which I use currently but it doesn't work with Linux or iOS. I guess until I find an alternate solution I'll make it run if the person is using Windows or send them to a download page if they're using Linux or iOS.

    Which begs the question, how do I check which OS the person is running?

  • +5,000

    I'm glad to see this isn't just happening to me! I had to do away with pin and do it manually due to the delay it has.

  • From what I understand you just put com.insertcompanynamehere.insertgamenamehere without spaces.

  • You should do what I do now. Make a global variable for each key your game uses and when the appropriate key is down for each variable constantly add 1 to it until the button is released then put the variable back to 0. Then all you do is if you want to test if a key was only pressed and not held down, you check if the variable = 1. Anything greater than 0 and 1 is holding down the button.

  • I guess you could make advanced use of the left() and right() expressions calculated depending on the mouse position in your editor and then load it accordingly. But I'd say the best approach would be to use tilemaps and tiled.

  • Also one tip you'll want to know is to make a new layout with a global layer containing your HUD so that way you won't forget where it is located to edit it and you have it globally made.

  • I just want to make an auto updater for my game in C2 if it can be done.

    Edit: It needs to be a system that works in Node-Webkit because that's primarily what we're going to release our game on.

  • I don't know where to begin with this one. I want to have the game check if files stored online are the same as ones in the user's folder and to replace the out of date ones respectively with the online versions.

  • Thanks Ashley! I tried and it tells me access is denied so I'm doing tech support in a little bit to see what the deal is with that but I take it your method works because it didn't say command was not found. I will post an additional reply if I need further assistance.

  • I followed the directions in the signalling server's instruction but when I try to put "node sigserv.js" in putty to run my server it just replies that the command node was not found. Do I have to somehow install the node.js dependencies on my server? If this is the case, how do I do that?

  • I'll try zooming in and out next time it happens because it seems to like to make all my trees go invisible on other layouts when it happens and they don't even have any webGL effects on them.

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  • I have this happen too to a bunch of stuff using the tint effect and even stuff that has no webGL effects at all, but only when a webGL effect is being used on something. Ashley said it's a webGL problem my computer is causing but I don't know if that's the case because it happened for my friend too and he has a totally different computer set up so I find it hard to believe all of us have the exact same problem happening with totally different computers.

    The way I get it to stop is I go to my HUD layout and show all the layers which have a bunch of stuff on them all and then it usually fixes itself when I scroll the screen.

  • I haven't measured CPU usage yet in great detail but my framerate is the same with and without. About 48FPS with the 10,000 static obstacles after I did away with the deprecated behaviors I was using early on and forgot to get rid of until now. My computer is fairly powerful, especially for its time, but its "Achilles' heel" is the video card, being a 5 year old mid ranged at the time piece of hardware which I thought maybe that was the reason I can't handle as much as some other people probably could running the same C2 games. My webGL works just fine, the renderer value in my C2 game says webGL and I tried a webGL test you posted a while back on the forums and nothing was blacklisted.

    What surprised me a little was how expensive solid behavior really is. So I did a solid type of behavior code from scratch and it works even better.

  • I was just running a test on it to see how it works for now before I try to actually use render cells. I also spawned the 10k objects on the same space far away from the viewport and it had no visible impact when I used render cells also.

    At any rate I had a bunch of garbage behaviors on all my obstacles, getting rid of those brought my framerate up to like 48fps with those 10k obstacles off screen but render cells still doesn't change the CPU usage in that.

    I'm basically just also trying to see what a feasible stage size is for my game.

  • I spawned 10,000 objects at the start of the layout way far away from the viewport on a static layer, each about 2000 pixels apart from each other and also on the same position. I tried everything Ashley suggested, even making them only have one animation and one frame (my obstacles that are static have multiple sprites stored in them in the same animation but are set to speed 0) and there is no difference in framerate whatsoever. Does testing them for collisions or anything at all negate the render cells performance?