corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • No problem. I would personally do the global layers method because it'd be a bit easier the way I'd do it but I say whatever works best for each project on a case by case basis. Both work either way.

  • I don't think that'd suit my purposes but I must commend you because you got me thinking that my best bet would probably be to make an object set along sine and cosine around the player with a minimal value to the radius of the circle it's making and play the sounds from it's X and Y positions.

  • Well if you make them a global object and have the same layer name in the next frame, theoretically they should persist in to it. Then it's just a matter of recreating them when someone reloads their save games.

    Or you could even make the HUD a global layer and give the objects their own ID values and make them visible based on that.

  • I think it has something to do with your OS GUI or whatever.

  • Yes, I'm experiencing this too. It's somewhat annoying but I'm sure they'll get it fixed.

  • I didn't know this bug existed. Thanks for pointing it out. I always put my event sheet includes at the very top of a sheet, followed by global variables, then the events of the sheet. I don't think encapsulating every single event sheet include in its own group is going to make matters easier. I don't see why you shouldn't disable groups with includes on them in mass after Ashley fixes the bug. What you can do until then is put all the events in each event sheet in a group I guess which would look way more tidy and disable them from there. Or even just ignore that part if you can and work on something else until Ashley gets the ball rolling on this.

  • Right now I'm just playing wilderness ambiance noises in random X and Y coordinates in the whole viewport. I however would like to make the effect more advanced and get these sounds to only play in a distant radius around the player and ignore the close radius because the player is never going to see these creatures making the noises they make and it's weird when one plays right next to the player because of this.

  • After you got me thinking on different areas of the code and I tinkered around, it appears I had to change the on created condition for the family of objects that have shadows to a if flag is false condition with a for each loop for the family and turn it on immediately after shadows are created because for some reason on created screws up setting the variables correctly even when I put a for each loop.

  • Yeah the objectID variable stores the help bubble's UID. And the first help bubble instance's shadow only gets effected by this code.

    I have the shadows get created and set their objectID variables to the help bubble UIDs when the help bubbles are created.

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  • I have a simple event:

    IF Player is overlapping helpbubble

    AND SimpleShadow variable objectID = HelpBubble.UID

    THEN make both invisible

    It only effects the first help bubble instance's shadow however. All the other instances of the help bubbles function normally except their shadows refuse to be effected by any actions I try to apply to them.

  • Well the other programmer who quit the project told me I HAD to make sure I got their types right and he used to be a professional programmer. I guess he's living in the past. I just was curious if it'd have an accumulative effect of specifying the wrong type for variables by the end of my game's production or not when I have like 10,000 variables. This is because I noticed he also did stuff like used for each loops wrong everywhere in the code that really impacted performance. So I was kinda doubting him but wanted to be 100% sure.

    For the sake of convenience though I will be sure their types are correctly set.

  • I was wondering if variable types had any impact on performance in games just out of sheer curiosity. Like my friend told me in programming text variables are most intensive and then numeric and then boolean variables. Was just curious if this holds true for C2 and if there's anything else they impact besides that.

  • Use the line of sight behavior and set it to have custom collision detection and make the pit in the floor one of the objects it can't "see" through.

  • When I use the variable width spritefont trick where you use an array and JSON data with the character widths stored in the string, and align the text to the right, the last character ends up getting cut off a bit on the right side. I've tried to fix this by putting a space at the end of every string that is right aligned but in runtime the space is removed and the character is still cut off on the right side. Is there any way to fix this?

  • If you want a more automated way than Takniko wrote, in the moving event just put something like set move speed to 1 + globalscore * 0.5 or whatever you want it to iterate by. You can even put ^ to make it curve in a parabola fashion depending on what you put after the ^