corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • Mine is just doing it when the game tries to sync online the game between Chrome and Node Webkit and they are literally drawn on the wrong layer.

  • Like the subject says, if it's possible it'd be nice to have a replace variable with another variable option like we have replace object with another object as a function.

  • The approach I mentioned is actually the way my friend does it and he programs in C++ and used to work for Activision. He was kind enough to explain it to me when I was asking him about control schemes. The best part of it is you can even test for the amount of time a button was pressed but you might want to switch to DT instead of adding 1 to it constantly so you avoid framerate dependence.

  • I could've swore I read somewhere from Ashley that preload functions as loading the sound/music into the RAM at the moment of preload when you use it on Node-Webkit as opposed to also downloading it on other mediums. So it gets rid of any potential delay when you play it if you've preloaded it.

  • There any way I can fill out a private report and send it to you because our engine is pretty much done and I don't know what's specifically causing the error so I'm gonna have to send you the CAPX somewhat completely.

  • Assertion failure: Drawing instance on wrong layer

    Stack trace:


    I get this error message on Node Webkit when trying to use multiplayer to sync the weapons in my game. What does it mean? It is right in one way though, everything is being drawn on the wrong layer in the peer instance of the game compared to the host instance.

  • Ah OK I thought they might be because my obstacles that can be grabbed and thrown were going to the right layer. But that clarifies things, thanks!

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  • I was trying to sync all my NPCs and in the peer version of the game their shadows were appearing but they weren't. After some testing, I found the NPC family is being synced to the very bottom layer instead of the layer they are on in the host's game effectively making them invisible because a tilemap covers them up. What am I doing wrong here?

  • Oh, dang. I thought maybe it could be done because it allows you to get the user's personal folder which has their user name but it has /users/#name#/ as part of the string so I can't use this.

  • What I did was made each input button add to a variable constantly as it's being pressed and test the variables instead of the control button presses. Like 0 = not pressed, 1 = just pressed, > 1 = holding the button down.

  • Simple question, hopefully simple solution. How do i retrieve the name of the current Windows user logged in to the computer?

  • My game is 3943 events and that's just the engine so far and a couple of enemies and other things. I imagine mine's gonna be in the five or (most likely) six digits when it's done although our NPC scripts are stored in external files.

  • While that's true, actually the issue I'm having is the more a webgl effect covers the screen the worse my performance gets on this version of Node Webkit, didn't have this problem before.

  • Thanks. One thing I noticed that's really screwing up performance is webgl effects for sure.

  • Oh there are? I tried searching for them but only found one written a month ago and didn't want to post on an old thread that had died. Well I guess it's good to know it's not just me.