corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • Well I found a boon to my game's performance by disabling force own texture in places it was enabled and not needed and using render cells but the frame rate still is kinda choppy.

    Don't know why force own texture was enabled so much.

  • lawl I was saying the other day how C2 updates are like an addiction for me with how they come out like every 5 to 6 days and I was expecting my fix soon, which as expected, 5 to 6 days after the last update the next one came.

  • Ever since I upgraded to the November 25th release, NW has been performing horribly. Like on my title screen I'm only getting roughly 30FPS when I was getting 60 prior. Now I see this as a blessing in disguise because it means I can optimize my game more than I could without the issue but now it's just getting annoying.

  • I tried that, I think the (#) part is literal IID values. So it finds instances #1 in the entire layout when you put 0, #2 when you put 1, etc. The melee collision box idea works fine and is better than testing my whole sprite because melee attacks are restrained to a specific region now.

  • But then all my variables like their stats and such don't carry over to the additional family very practically unless I'm not aware of something.

    EDIT: I guess what I could do for melee attacks is the same thing I did for the projectiles and make melee collision objects and put faction values in them and create them for melee hits.

  • I have all NPCs in my game under the same family and they all have a faction variable so to speak and I need them to only injure each other during attack sequences if the faction variables are different. How do I go about this?

  • Just remember: Computer logic and human logic work in two entirely different ways.

  • Thanks man. It works like a charm!

  • With the new build of C2 (r189) I'm getting this error.

    Uncaught node.js Error

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

    at GLWrap_.setProgramParameters (http://localhost:50000/glwrap.js:1481:41)

    at Acts.PasteObject (http://localhost:50000/rojoPaster_plugin.js:306:29)

    at Action.run_object (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:1843:10)

    at EventBlock.run_actions_and_subevents (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:929:38)

    at (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:886:9)

    at EventBlock.run_subevents (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:994:11)

    at EventBlock.run_actions_and_subevents (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:933:8)

    at (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:886:9)

    at EventBlock.run_subevents (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:994:11)

    at EventBlock.run_actions_and_subevents (http://localhost:50000/eveng.js:933:8)

  • What I ended up doing was made it sort in ascending order Z_sort_always.Y + (Z_sort_always.UID / (10^ceil(log10(Z_sort_always.UID)))) since the UID is going to always be unique and rather than a random variable possibly ending up the same and the two sprites still flickering. And the formula after the Y position makes the UID get added as a totally floating point value lower than 1 so nothing gets screwed up by adding something higher or equal to 1.

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  • [attachment=0:q987q42q][/attachment:q987q42q]

    I know this code allows you to Z order things, but when they're on the same Y coordinate they start flipping back and forth between being placed above each other and it looks weird for things like trees so how do I make it so the code causes them to also sort by X coordinate?

  • I'm not sure. I just tried exporting and running again and it works like it should now for no apparent reason.

  • Upon further testing, it seems to be versions of C2 that cause it that have that additional options box that has options like kiosk mode. I don't even get the initial loading screen all C2 games have. I can give my CAPX privately if that does help but it seems to be anything I try to export.

  • Problem Description

    Node-webkit doesn't even run when I open it while my project is exported. If I move the EXE out of the folder the project is in and run it, nothing happens, it just closes immediately. If I open the nw.exe file in the exporters and node webkit folder it opens like normal. If I open it while it's in my project's folder, it just hangs hidden in the task list with three copies of it open like usual.

    Attach a Capx

    Not applicable.

    Description of Capx

    Again, not applicable.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open node-webkit.

    Observed Result


    Expected Result

    It should do something... anything!

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: N/a
    • FireFox: N/a
    • Internet Explorer: N/a

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit service pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • It sounds unlikely to me that the exact same rendering error would happen only in C2's editor due to driver errors, on two separate computers with wildly different hardware specs that both have drivers up to date. But what do I know, I don't engineer computer hardware...

    I double checked the CAPX I uploaded and it only happens now in the original project this started happening in. The CAPX I stripped everything out of isn't reproducing the error for me either,

    I guess since this has already been moved to closed bugs before I could give additional input and I'm fairly sure it's not my computer to blame because of the above, I guess I'll just have to deal with it and complain every time I open the project and can't get it to stop when half my tree tops are missing in other layouts because of this bug. Thanks for your time.