corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I think it would be a great help if the image editor, for 9patch objects, had dotted lines or something to denote where the margins are set for the object in question.

  • I don't know if it's possible due to I don't entirely know the way an iFrame works but is there any way you can make things like sprites appear over the iFrame in Z order? I can probably work around it if not but I would really like to be able to make things Z order above it.

  • I don't seem to have the problem when I build my game, just in preview mode.

  • 88u As others said, if you make a proof of concept it's a lot easier to get others to help out because then they can see your idea in action and some artists even will work for free either just for something to put in their portfolio or for royalties.

  • Only jerkiness I really experience is the initial 2 seconds of freezing when a positional sound plays. Ashley did however change something or other in an attempt to mitigate jerkiness so maybe you're having a bad time with that?

  • It's still happening for me with the newest version of NW.JS.

  • If you really want to wow the guy, I think all you really need to do is save your game as a project and then open the event sheet XML files in notepad. On the other hand you can just stop being friends with someone who basically insulted your work because they're ignorant.

  • ome6a1717 - I figured out a sort of cheater's way of having for example the illusion of thousands of enemies in a single layout. What I do is have them spawn from spawn objects only when the spawn objects come on screen and then when it get up to like 200 or more enemies it begins randomly deleting ones far enough off screen.

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  • This system's effectiveness might be negated though because destroying and creating large numbers of objects can be straining on the C2 engine.

  • I just take a single instrument note or vocal recording and apply millions of effects to it until it sounds nothing like what it did sound like and exactly like I wanted.

  • Much like the reset all global variables function, this would be so handy to have for objects in some cases when destroying and recreating an object isn't a viable option.

  • I notice this shader now has ugly looking solid lines around the edge of the image with C2 r198 at least with a 256x256 image. Are there any settings I'm messing up that should be set a certain way for this shader to display right?


    EDIT: It appear setting the sampling to linear causes this issue after I had further time to test. It appears to work fine in point sampling mode but I can't use point because my trees that sway in the breeze look crappy with point sampling. =X And plus this still wasn't an issue for me before as I'd been using linear sampling for a while with the mode 7 effect.

  • This would help out immensely so I'm not left wondering if I have the most current version of a plugin or not. It could be shown in the properties of the plugin as I wrote.

  • Yeah the method I wrote above works pretty good. I had to increase the volume of my wildlife ambiance but it was worth the extra effort involved.

    And hey, I say to each his own, every game is a case by case basis. :p

  • If object is on screen is the easiest and least intensive method from my experience but it doesn't let you test for a distance from the viewport, it simply is false when every single pixel of an object is off screen.