corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I actually have to be careful with my events in mine because they can drop the FPS to 20 if they are done wrong.

    EDIT: When done right, my game can run around 55-59 FPS during normal circumstances of an action-heavy area.

  • I was wondering if when I set things such as a variable value, is it less burden on the CPU if I use an expression to check another value or a condition?

  • I was having this issue at random just trying to export my game to NWJS. I'm using the Browser object, but it doesn't always complain about the minification. I wonder if this has anything to do with where sometimes, seemingly at random, when I export my game the package.nw file is way smaller than it should be and the NWJS exe won't open while the package.nw file is in its directory. Otherwise, it runs fine.

  • It runs just fine in preview mode, but when I export it to NWJS, the EXE just opens its processes in the background and no window ever shows up. Is there any well-known problem that could cause this?

    It has to be my package.nw file because when I remove that file from the NWJS folder, it opens. Also, my friend who is testing it is now running into the same problem when it worked fine 20 minutes ago until I changed a few things, but I don't see why they would make it hang.

  • Didn't work when the value was something like 5%. However, I took your idea and modified it where it does work, because I didn't think to use things like left.

    floor(percentile * 100) & "." & right(str(floor(percentile * 1000)), 1) & "%"

    Thanks for the nudge in the right direction.

  • How do I get a number to always show one place after the zero, even if it's going to be .0?

    I want a percentile text where it will show values like 10.3%, 18.8%, 50.0% etc. but I don't know how to get it to display this when the digit after the decimal point is 0.

  • It hasn't as far as I'm aware. Is there any way I can track down what causes them?

  • I have the latest version of NWJS that is available for download on this site.

  • I keep getting debug.log files put in my project's main folder. I was wondering what they meant, because they keep saying stuff like:

    [1001/] range at 0xfffde000, size 0x230 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffdd000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffda000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffd7000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffaf000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffac000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffa9000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffa6000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffa3000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfffa0000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfff9d000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfff9a000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfff97000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfff94000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfff91000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfff8e000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1001/] range at 0xfff8b000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffde000, size 0x230 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffdd000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffda000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffd7000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffaf000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffac000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffa9000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffa6000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffa3000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfffa0000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfff9d000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfff9a000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfff97000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfff94000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfff91000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfff8e000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

    [1003/] range at 0xfff8b000, size 0xf84 fully unreadable

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  • OK thanks. I knew there were some actions unaffected by conditions, so I wanted to make sure I wasn't just wasting processing time on conditions that do nothing. lol

  • I was wondering if Z sort is affected at all by conditions?

    Like if I put a condition that tests if object A is on the screen, will the Z sort action only affect object A's that are on screen and ignore the rest?

  • I put mine at 28 because the only objects that move super-fast that could screw up, use for loops to check collisions between points A and B, thus making this problem irrelevant.

  • Well yeah I read that, but I was wondering if the fastest object in my game moves 16px per frame in my game, if I should set that higher than 30 or lower than 30. The manual didn't really detail any calculations I can make to fine tune it.

  • I know this is probably a matter of preference, so I was wondering what logic I can use to determine what I would want to set my minimum framerate to in my game. Also I would like to hear your opinions for what you used and the thinking you used to reach this decision.

  • Yeah I do my stages with multiple tilemaps to define scrolling regions, and I have like 30 320x240 screens worth of them, and I can animate them all at once and it doesn't seem to even effect the FPS. I still make it only animate the current one you're standing on though, just to lighten CPU load a little.

    The reason it needs multiple replace expressions is because there are instances where you'll have like x7, ,7, ,7" due to how the tilemaps are stored as JSON strings, and if you just make it change 7, that's going to also change 17, 27, etc.