corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • The idea is simple, at the end of each 12 month period of a subscription you can use the last major version without an active subscription. So if you purchase Construct 3 and then after 12 months cancel your subscription, you can continue to use it but receive no new updates.

    This is exactly what I was talking about in my earlier reply. I would have no issue with a subscription system if I could keep using updates up to the point I stopped paying. That's essentially what Microsoft also does with Windows and I never heard anyone complain.

    Speaking of which, I'm starting to think Scirra is actually going this route and they were either vague or misunderstood by everyone. I haven't really read into it much, but this just makes too much sense compared to they just want a subscription system that cuts you off entirely if you stop paying. I suspect this because of things like the editor works offline too.

  • The early versions of C2 were far, far more primitive than what we are launching now with C3. r45 came out in June 2011. We didn't add core features like audio support, animations, collision polygons, WebGL support, and more until later down the line.

    I'm aware those versions are most likely cavemen paintings compared to C3 in its current state, I just prefer to consider the worst-case scenario of anything so I'm more prepared for curveballs life throws at me.

    I would be willing to rent C3 if it was a rent-to-own model, even if I ended up paying more in the total cost of if it were just purchased outright, but I am extremely averse towards needing a subscription forever. Or even what one user suggested that we can only use versions up to what we paid for and if we didn't continue the subscription, we no longer get updates but can still use it. I think the latter is the best model for you to go with. I imagine people would even be willing to pay more per month for that thing than a yearly subscription would total to per month and you totally lose access.

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  • It feels like this is a very first version and Scirra just starting to create an engine.

    I'm wondering how much time will be necessary to have a full working version

    Well, seeing as how the earliest available version of C2 was released 26th Jun, 2011, if this can be compared to the earliest versions of C2, I'd say about 6 more years. lol which that's not even considering the fact they will also be working on C2 alongside it.

  • Yeeeah I'm probably never going to go with C3, unless there are extremely extraordinary circumstances, because I don't like the idea of a subscription model with no purchase option. I don't make much money as it is and what if one of the years into it I don't have $99 at that time? I guess I'm just going to have to put all my stuff on hold for a month or more.

    I would happily pay another $99 (no subscription) for a package of working features and exporters for the existing C2 engine and I think most C2 game designers would be willing to support Scirra in that way.

    +1 x 1000

  • That doesn't seem to have any issue. It's just an actual project takes excessively long to do things like saving (though that is fairly random and sometimes it's instantly) run in NWjs, opening, etc. Though I've already suspected that it might have something to do with my layouts sometimes being 40mb, give or take.

  • Yeah I think that's what I was seeing, honestly. I guess for some reason C2 didn't notify me I needed to update it.

  • I only set it to sizes like x2, x4, x8, etc. I thought those would make it evenly resize, and it worked just fine until the update before I posted this.

  • I already have it set to that.

  • I have Windows 7 Home Premium, AMD Phenom II X4 945 with 3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, if you need any other specs, lemme know.

    Not sure about new projects, I don't have time to work on any others except my current one. It's saved as a project folder and not a single file, if that makes a difference, so I can upload changes easily to an SVN.

  • When I save my project, oftentimes my CPU usage jumps up to 100% and my computer starts getting jerky with small bits of freezing every few seconds or so. I was wondering what is causing this so I can stop it, because it doesn't happen all the time, especially when C2 saves my project instantly.

  • Are any of these options going to be added to the export dialogue where you pick things like kiosk mode?

  • Yeah you guys are probably right. I was just thinking it was taking a while because one of my layout files is 43mb, for example. I didn't think it was the graphics or audio because my music is done through NSF files and a JS NSF player, my sound effects are very short, though numerous with over 100 currently, and my graphics are for 320x240 because my game is NES-stylized.

  • I noticed my project is probably taking forever to start a preview because I had to put a ton of variables in a lot of objects in many layouts. I was wondering if there's a better alternative to adding variables to objects to store things like UID of other objects to associate them properly.

  • Problem Description

    When point sampling is used and a spritefont is at a scale of 2, for example, it will have a bunch of incorrectly scaled pixels if you use letterbox integer scale and NWjs.

    Attach a Capx ... sp=sharing

    Description of Capx

    Demonstrates a problem with the spritefont.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Make a spritefont at scale 2, for example.
    • Use point sampling and letterbox integer scale.
    • Run in NWjs and resize the window to various sizes and the text will look glitchy.

    Observed Result

    The spritefont does not render correctly.

    Expected Result

    All pixels to be correctly rendered.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: NO
    • NWjs: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • It's because I have a million things going on at once and need to order conditions very precisely or too much needless crap is being processed at once.