corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • So how do I do it? lol

  • Refer to subject.

  • That's looking better, but it still acts wonky when I put the pathfinding object directly next to obstacles and then set the cell padding to -1, because otherwise the pathfinding object can't move at all. The default settings for the pathfinding even have the padding set to -1 because I remember Ashley said collisions polygons right next to each other, but not overlapping, also count as colliding because of some bug with the platform movement behavior when he didn't do that. I made the origins at 0, 0 because I don't know how else to make them properly snap to the grid, since it doesn't have an offset option where I can put in something like 8px.

  • Am I doing something wrong here? I thought the cells counted as obstacles were set entirely as non-passable.

  • I experimented a bit more and for some reason my obstacle tilemaps are gigantic.

    EDIT: I replaced all the tilemaps that didn't clone instantly, and now my largest layout is 6.45mb and C2 doesn't really freeze on me or take more than 30 seconds to save.

  • I didn't really use things like Tiled, except for the world map and for things like drawing paths, since C2's tilemap editor is kinda weak. I saved my project as a CAPX and it's 64mb.

    I thought of making the tilemaps load from project files, but that's going to make it hard to tell where to place enemies and such.

    Also, my stages are made up of multiple tilemaps, because I made the scrolling based on their bounding box sides.

    EDIT: My tilemaps are in multiples of 320x240, with a tile size of 16x16.

  • Oh no, I don't mean save games, I mean C2 itself saving them.

  • Well I have a bunch of layouts over 10mb, so it all adds up to like 5 minutes if they all need to save when I hit save, which half the time layouts I didn't even alter at all have to save.

  • I have a layout that is about 42.3mb and I was deleting objects to see why it's so huge in file size, which it turns out 42mb of that size is from the tilemaps alone. What are ways I can reduce the file size my tilemaps add to the layouts? It's only a concern because my game takes like 5 minutes to save now and it causes my computer to get jerky with bouts of machine-gun freezing.

  • It doesn't seem to work when the audio file is in the music folder. I tried getting it duration while it was playing and just kept getting NaN. At any rate, I disabled preloading all sounds on startup and put the music all in the sounds folder and that seems to have fixed it.

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  • I have two files, one is the intro of a song and the other is the loop. I tried to use scheduled play with the intro's duration to make the loop play seamlessly as soon as the intro is finished, but apparently neither of those work with music files, specifically the duration expression returns NaN. Are there other options I have?

    Ashley Tom I guess one big question I have, since it's been brought up about C2 losing support and so on, is will plugins for C3 also work for C2 and will old plugins for C2 work for it when it goes to the option of using the C3 runtime like I read in the blog? I read the blog post that you guys were going to basically make C2 and C3 interchangeable in how they run their games, but I was still unclear on how plugins would work. Maybe you covered it and I'm just tired and need it spelled out in black and white.

    Reading the blog post today that has already happened. Ashley says they are going to write a new runtime so I wouldn't expect any more support for C2 and like Construct Classic it was a great engine that was improperly advertised as an engine for professional game design.

    I would hope Scirra puts C2 in public domain and let the people that designed all the plugins work it over and it would probably be a great engine but I doubt that will happen.

    I know, I'm just saying this doesn't apply to me, hence why I would be moving away from C2.

    The Construct 2 runtime in the Construct 2 editor (C2): this will see continued maintenance much as we have done for Construct 2 over the past year.

    Doesn't look like they plan to dump it anytime soon. I'm just saying when they inevitably do dump it (hopefully) years down the road, that's the end of that.

    Ashley Sorry if I'm coming across as a killjoy, I just am highly skeptical of anything that hasn't proven itself to me yet and I did say I would buy into the subscription model if there are extraordinary circumstances, which you've done many times with C2.

    Subscription/Web based/Html5/Performance/native or non native -- None of those are any issues to me. As long as they keep the Event sheet and and keep improving by time I'm a happy camper. Without C2 (or the event sheet) I wouldn't be making any games at all probably.

    I guess my biggest reason for not wanting to go along with this is because I planned on going to Unity after I finish my current game in C2, which I already know enough of C# in it to get by. This means I guess I don't have the problem like you and others who are in the same boat, so I don't even have to pay for anything until later to use Unity, and it's just a one-off fee. I just loved using C2 because it took 1/10 the time to get things done, but I guess that gravy train will come to a screeching halt when Scirra stops supporting C2.

    I won't be "buying" it because you can only rent it. :p

    I won't be doing renting, either. I don't feel thrilled with the prospect that if I don't have the money around time to pay dues, I have to put everything I was working with on hold for a month or more.

    and then I'm sure they'll get upset anyway because something they once paid for no longer works..

    I know, which is why I'm not going to pay into a subscription system because I will be upset the whole thing is inaccessible after I already put money into it, considering the above. :p